Children should avoid screen time for at least an hour before bedtime and parents should lead by example, according to new guidelines. 根据新的准则,孩子们在入睡前一小时应该尽量避免接触电子屏幕,父母们也要发挥榜样作用。 The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) says parents must ensure youngsters are not spending too long on smartphones, tablets or watching television, which can disturb sleep patterns and have knock-on effects. 英国皇家儿科与儿童保健学院(RCPCH)告诫家长,保证不要让孩子们花太多的时间在智能手机,平板和看电视上面,这些扰乱孩子们的睡眠规律,还有其他的连带效应。 In a UK first, the college has published guidance designed to help parents manage their children's screen time. Following a major review, they acknowledge that high levels of time are linked to a less healthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and poorer mental health. 这在英国是首例,该学院出台指导方案帮助父母管理孩子接触屏幕的时间。在一次大规模的回放中发现,父母们都承认屏幕使用时间过长会导致不健康的饮食方式,养成久坐的习惯,心理健康问题会较差。 But experts said there was little evidence that screen time is directly ‘toxic’ to health. They stopped short of setting recommended time limits, saying there is insufficient evidence that screen time in itself is harmful to child health at any age. 但是也有专家称,没有证据显示玩电子设备时间的长短对于“毒害”健康有直接的关系。他们没有设定建议的时间限制,却称足够的证据显示,屏幕使用时间长短会对任何年龄段的孩子的健康造成影响 Dr Max Davie, a health officer at the RCPCH, said that children learn 'from example rather than instruction'.He said: ‘It's very difficult to impose [overall] strict limits on your children's screen use if you are constantly on screens yourself. Parents need to get control of their own screen time if they are going to get control of the family's screen time. It's much easier to be authoritative if you practise what you preach.’ 在英国皇家儿科与儿童保健学院的一位工作人员——Max Davie博士表示,:“孩子的学习模式是模仿,而不是引导。如果你自己都一直要看屏幕的话,那么对于得孩子进行严格的屏幕时间控制是非常困难的。父母亲如果想要控制整个家庭使用屏幕时间,必须要以身作则。自己先践行自己的推崇,树立权威性才更简单。” They suggested that parents should approach screen time based on the child's developmental age, the individual need and value the family place on positive activities such as socialising, exercise and sleep. 专家建议父母应该基于孩子的成长发育、个人需求的情况对孩子使用屏幕时间进行干预,珍惜在家庭的成长时间做更加有意义的活动,比如社交,锻炼和睡觉。 When screen time displaces these activities, the evidence suggests there is a risk to child wellbeing, they said. 如果孩子们看屏幕的时间占据了本来其他活动的时间,那么对于这孩子的发展会有不利的影响。 He said: ‘The parent guidelines are sensible insofar as they go, but do not distinguish between different types of screen time.‘The notion that it should stop one hour before bedtime is welcome, but more detail on exactly how to turn off wifi access and keep smartphones out of the bedroom would help parents.’ 他说:“只要他们去做他们的指导方针是明确的,只要是看屏幕的时间都算不要有所区分。”“准则是在睡前的一小时不使用屏幕,想更多的执行细节比如关闭wifi,把只能手机放到房间外面都能够帮助父母达成目标。” (责任编辑:admin) |