你最近可能已经在网上看到了,有一种新型的酷炫饮食方式席卷了健身减肥界,那就是这种只吃肉的纯食肉饮食法(pure carnivore diet)
Its exactly what it sounds like. Advocates of this health regimen consume meat and almost nothing else, save maybe a sprinkle of salt or other seasonings (and water). Theres a strict ban on carbs, vegetables, and anything that wasnt once a living, breathing entity.
The problem is, if you dont get the right amount of vitamins, nutrients, and fibres from sources other than meat, you could risk developing health complications, including scurvy, which believe it or not, is making a scary comeback in the US right now.
Its important to have a balanced diet that consists of different protein sources. Fruits and vegetables provide micronutrients that our body needs for long-term sustainability.
"People who have elevated cholesterol, particularly LDL [bad] cholesterol, have an increased risk of coronary artery disease, and heart disease in general," says cardiologist Jennifer Haythe from New York-Presbyterian Hospital.
纽约长老会医院的心脏学家 Jennifer Haythe 说:“那些胆固醇过高的人,特别是坏胆固醇过高的人,更有可能患冠状动脉疾病以及心脏病。”
"We know that cholesterol leads to plaque development not only in your heart but in the arteries leading to your brain and in your legs. I dont think eating only red meat and water is sustainable."
而且,减少食肉量不光对你自身的健康好,对环境也会更好一点。 (责任编辑:admin) |