http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/29 01:11:31 普惠英才 佚名 参加讨论
说到演讲,大家一定会觉得演讲的开头最难了?! 一段好的演讲取决于演讲的开头如何吸引大家的注意力,让大家有兴趣听你的演讲,演讲时如何开头才能调动大家的兴趣,快来看以下的几种方法: 开门见山,直切主题 这种开场的方式单刀直入,能够直奔演讲主题,通过简洁的语言,开门见山,直切主题能迅速吸引听众的注意。 设问式 演讲者一开始就提出一个或几个令人出乎意料的问题,能够迅速地唤起听众的兴趣和注意力,引发人们的深思,自然地激发听众的参与意识,缩短与听众的距离。采用设问开头的方式,关键在于问题要提得好,提得恰当。提问的信息要与后面阐述的问题联系紧密,能巧妙而自然地引出演讲的主体内容。第三届全国英语演讲比赛冠军梁励敏在演讲“Are buses better than cars?”时这样开头:Is not owning aprivate eara dreamthat is deeply rooted in any Chinese for years time?Isn’t it true that in devel—oped countries,ears have already become all indispensable part of everyone’slife?I think we are all familiar with the scene in the western movies when thewhole family goes out on a car trip.When the parents sit at the front and thechildren at the back.And isn’t that indeed avery harmonious picture?这一连串的发问能紧紧抓住听众。 引用式 在演讲的开始引用名人名言、诗句等,以提出问题或论证自己的观点。例如第十二届全国英语演讲比赛冠军的即兴演讲是这样开头的:“When I am dead,my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me.Plant thou no roses at my head,No shady cypress tree.Be the green grass above mewith showers and dewdrops wet.And,if thou wilt,remember.And,if thou wilt,forget.’’她引用这首诗来说明“死亡并不恐怖,对于很多人来说死亡是美好的”。 讲述故事法 以一个故事,一则新闻或自己的一次经历引出演讲的主题,容易吸引听众的注意力,激发听众的兴趣。用故事开头,需要做到叙事简明扼要,所用事例要有针对性,所叙事情要与中心论题密切相关。最后还要回到主题上来,对所述故事进行升华j如第十二届全国英语演讲比赛季军杨赫在即兴演讲“What is self-esteem?How should you improve yourself-esteem?”中这样说到:“In traditional Chinese classics,there was a man,who was starved to death who still refused to take the food that was offered tohim,using some rude words.In modern w÷stem literature,there is a woman,named Jane Eyre,who refused to marry Edward Rochester,when he lookeddown upon her.What do they have in common?Why do we respect them somuch?That is because of their strong self-esteem.’’ 看了以上的这些,是否会对你的演讲开头是否有帮助呢? 瑞士作家温克勒说:“开场白有二项任务:一是建立说者与听者的同感;二是如字义所释,打开场面,引入正题。”总的来说,开头应简短并能抓住听众的兴趣。 (责任编辑:admin) |