The hottest TV drama in China – “Nirvana in Fire” or “Langya Bang” has just ended last night. Millions of people waited every day after midnight for the latest (two) episodes. Are you one of them? Why the show is so popular? 一卷风云琅琊榜,囊尽天下奇英才。一部电视剧《琅琊榜》则包揽了上亿观众每晚的荧屏时光,他们夜夜守候,只为等待每日零点的两集更新。刚刚上演大结局的《琅琊榜》你追了吗?为什么这部电视剧如此火爆? 1.About the TV drama 关于《琅琊榜》 “Nirvana in Fire” is based on an Internet novel by author Hai Yan, who was invited to pen the screenplay for the television adaptation. The 55-episode series, set in a fictionalized kingdom, weaves together two storylines — one about a betrayed generals revenge and the other about princes fighting for the throne. 电视剧《琅琊榜》英文名意为“火中涅槃”,这部55集的连续剧改编自海宴的同名网络小说。海宴作为编剧也参与了电视剧的改编,所以在很大程度上保证了对原著的忠实度。在那个虚设的时空,蒙冤幸存的少年将军决意不惜一切复仇的雪冤之路,和众皇子之间勾心斗角的夺嫡之争两条主线交错成这部架空剧扣人心弦的精彩剧情。 The series was put on screen on Sep. 19th, and the number of Internet views exceeded 140 million times the next day. Only during the week of National holiday, the number increased by 1.6 billion. 《琅琊榜》电视剧9月19日开播,次日网络播放量就超过1.4亿。而在国庆假期短短一周的时间里网络播放量更是暴涨16亿。 It’s now the hottest Chinese TV show with a very high score of 9.3 on Douban. (The classical TV drama, Journey to the West, produced in 1986 is with the same score). Previous and recent costume dramas such as “The Journey of Flower” and “Yun Zhong Ge” only scored 6.4 and 3.5. 作为当下最热门且没有之一的国产剧,《琅琊榜》在素来以评分严苛著称的豆瓣上居然获得了9.3分的五星级评价。(经典86版《西游记》的评分也是9.3分)而作为暑期神剧也曾霸占各大论坛和微博热议话题的《花千骨》和最近同样被热炒的《云中歌》在豆瓣的评分则分别仅为6.4分和3.5分。 (责任编辑:admin) |