http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/27 06:11:44 普惠英才 佚名 参加讨论
Chinese take home leftovers 9成国人有打包剩菜习惯 A recent survey has shown that 91.2% of the Chinese respondents tend to take home their leftovers when dining out. 近日的一项调查显示,91.2%的国内受访者外出就餐时有打包剩菜的习惯。 Around 92% of the respondents believed saving food is a virtue that would never become anachronic, and 85.7% said saving food squares with the contemporary concept that values the quality of life, according to the survey conducted by China Youth Daily. 由《中国青年报》实施的这项调查显示,约92%的受访者认为节约粮食是永不过时的美德,85.7%的受访者认为,节约粮食与当下品质生活理念相契合。 Respondents also gave their opinions on how to help reduce food waste. 受访者还就如何帮助减少食物浪费提出了各种意见。 Around 61.8% advised restaurants and eateries to offer serving chopsticks, which would be instrumental for customers to pack the leftovers. 约61.8%的受访者建议餐馆提供公筷,方便人们将剩菜打包。 A similar proportion of respondents said it might be useful to promote smaller-portion or half-portion dishes. 同等比例的受访者称,推广小份菜、半例菜可能是节约粮食的有用途径。 About 59% advised catering businesses to introduce coupons or other incentives for customers who clear their plates after dinner. 约59%的受访者建议餐饮企业对“光盘”的消费者提供代金券等奖励。 A total of 2,009 persons participated in the survey. 共2009名受访者参与了这项调查。 (责任编辑:admin) |
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