
  • 三招让你的作文不再平庸


    我们明白高考作文要求是个性化写作才能得高分,可是,大家却为何总是不能将这种独一无二展现出来?因为缺少两样东西:一是真性情的抒写,二是对生活细节细微 的体察。而这两者又...

  • 遵从本心,做你自己


    There will never be anyone else like you in the future of the universe. Thats why being yourself is more important than anything else. 宇宙中再不会有一个人和你一样。这就是为什么做自己比什么都重要。 Thats how li...

  • 《人生七年》告诉我们的5条人生法则


    [摘要] 英国导演迈克尔·艾普特拍了一部很牛的BBC纪录片《人生七年》(《56UP》),导演选择了14个不同阶层的孩子进行跟踪拍摄,每七年记录一次、从7岁一直到56岁。很多文章认为它暴露...

  • 人生轻松前行:我们应该抛在脑后的10个想法


    A new way of thinking has become the necessary condition for responsible living and acting. If you want to move forward, you must change your way of thinking and leave these thoughts behind you: 负责任的生活和行为方式需要新的思...

  • 双语美文:金钱能买来幸福吗?


    Dont be too concerned about money, because all it will do is distracting you from achieving happiness. And the irony of ironies is that people think they will be happy when they have money. Money has nothing to do with happiness. If you are...

  • 《花千骨》大结局 英语中有情人终成眷属怎么说


    [摘要 ]《花千骨》正式收官大结局,画骨夫妇最终有情人终成眷属,那你知道口语怎么表达爱情最美好的结局——有情人终成眷属吗? 由霍建华、赵丽颖等超强阵容连袂出演的传奇仙侠...

  • 初中英语演讲稿:My Dream


    Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges Good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher. My father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. I worshiped him very much. On...

  • 心灵箴言鸡汤:别让抑郁束缚你


    Depression is like a plague that hits every one of us at some point in life. Everyone copes with it in their own way, but oftentimes its hard to understand what exactly you feel and why you feel like that. Feeling depressed for a few minutes...

  • 西方文化:英语中的动物暗含什么样的寓意?


    [摘要] 估计你已经对很多东方文化里的动物寓意有了很深的理解。那么,西方文化呢?你知道这些动物在西方人的眼中有什么独特的含义吗?赶紧读读这篇有关西方文化中动物寓意的文...

  • 名人演讲:罗纳德里根 A Time for Choosing


    1964年10月27日,里根代表戈德华特竞选班子做了一次电视演讲。这次演讲被称为“1896年以来最成功的全国性政治亮相”。里根也由此踏上了他伟大政治家的道路。 晚上好。主办单位找到...