古代文学体裁 论 。论是一种论文文体,按《韵术》:“论者,议也”。《昭明文选》所载:“论有两体,一曰史论,乃忠臣于传末作议论,以断其人之善恶。如《史记》后的太史公曰...
文学作品介绍 《列子》:相传为战国时郑国人列御寇所作。书中还保存了一些先秦时代优秀的寓言故事和神话传说,如《愚公移山》、《歧路亡羊》等,想象丰富,清新活泼。 《史记...
If youre old enough to read these words, there’s a 99.9% chance you’ve said something to piss off a woman. And while we’re sure you probably didn’t mean to elicit that strong of a reaction, you can probably recall a few cringe-worth...
据国外媒体报道,最新研究发现,向细菌提供纳米级银粒子,可令其具有阻止病毒传播的能力。目前,科学家正利用这一研究成功,研制用以预防普通感冒和其他疾病的“银弹”。 这项...
据法国媒体报道,法国生态、可持续发展和能源部部长罗雅尔表示,未来5年,法国将建造总长1000公里的“太阳能公路”,利用太阳能为城市提供电力。 “太阳能公路”是一种新型公路...
You know all about the dangers of burnout. You even know that working too many hours, like multi-tasking, clobbers your productivity. And yet. Theres always that one more task that needs finishing, one more email to write, or one more impat...
1.天支指甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。 2.地支是指子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。 3.十二地支和十二生肖相配为:子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、...
Here are some facts about sweet potatoes you probably dont know: 这里有一些关于红薯你可能还不知道的事实: Sweet Potatoes Originated in the Americas 红薯起源于美洲 Theyre in the family of plants that includes morni...