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中考英语高频考点复习:九年级英语上册课时课时5Unit 5(含练习及答案一)

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    今天资深英语就给大家分享中考英语高频考点复习,九年级英语上册课时5Unit 5(含练习及答案),家长要为孩子收藏起来,对孩子学习英语会有很大的帮助哦!
    课时 5Unit 5
    考点1 musical adj. 音乐的(教材P65 Welcome)
    [知识精讲]  musical talent音乐天赋。musical是形容词,它的名词形式为music,意为“音乐”。“音乐家”是musician。如:
    A drum is one of the oldest musical instruments.
    Some students like listening to music in their free time.
    I do not think much of her as a musician.
    1. (2019?淮安涟水模拟)Though he doesn't have ________(music) talent, he is very interested in music.
    2. Some jazz __________(music) are great because they can make up music while playing.
    3. A black young ________ named Sheku KannehMason is confident enough to show that people of colour can take on any challenge of classical ________.
    A. musician;music        B. music; musician
    C. musician; musician    D. music; music
    考点2 winner n. 获胜者(教材P66 Reading)
    [知识精讲]  winner的动词形式为win,意为“赢得,获得;获胜”,其过去式为won。如:
    The winners of the competition will be announced next month.
    He won the Nobel Prize for Physics.
    4. (2019?无锡江阴澄要片模拟改编)During the World Athletics Championships, the ___________(win) final time was 58 seconds.
    5. A comedy drama performed by our class, ________(win) first prize at the school art festival.
    考点3 breath n. 呼吸(教材P72 Grammar)
    [知识精讲]  breath的动词形式为breathe。be out of breath = breathe heavily,意为“上气不接下气”。如:
    He ran so fast that he was out of breath.
    hold one's breath 屏住呼吸   breathe in 吸入   
    take a deep breath 深呼吸    breathe deeply 深呼吸
    6. — Shall we go outside and ________(呼吸) some fresh air?  — Good idea.
    7. Lights are out. The concert is to begin, and the fans hold their ________(breathe) for Jay Chou's appearance.
    8. Tired and ________, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped to admire the beautiful scenery.
    A. out of breath  B. held the breath  
    C. breathe heavily  D. caught the breath
    考点4 last vi. 持续(教材P72 Grammar)
    [知识精讲]  1. last作不及物动词时意为“持续,维持”。如:
    Our summer holiday usually lasts for two months.
    2. lasting是形容词,意为“持久的”。如:
    Nothing can break the lasting friendship between us.
    9. (2019·南京玄武二模)The ________(持久的) peace and the common prosperity are two common wishes.
    10. I like classical music very much because it sounds beautiful and has a ________(last) value.
    11. I can't stand the hot weather, but it will ________ until September.
    A. lastB.  finish       C. endD.  begin
    考点1 go on doing, go on to do和go on with(教材P66 Reading)
    [知识精讲]  1. go on doing sth.指做某一件事因故暂停,尚未做完,再“继续”做下去。它还可以表示“一直做某事”。如:
    Although it was very late, she went on working.
    2. go on to do sth.表示某一件事已做完,再“接着”去做另一件事。如:
    He went on to talk about the world situation.
    3. go on with后面通常接名词或代词作宾语。如:
    — May I go on with my work now?
    — Of course you can.
    1. The man was so tired but he still went on ________.
    A. working hard     B. work hard
    C. to work hard D. worked hard
    2. After graduating from high school, he ________ to study in a foreign country.
    A. went with   B. went on  C. came on  D. carried on
    3. It hasn't been decided whether he will ________ his study at the university.
    A. Take on  B. agree with  C. go on with  D. talk with
    4. That's all for the text. Now let's go on ________ the grammar.
    A. to learn     B. learning
    C. learned D. with learning
    考点2 be known for, be known as与be known to(教材P66 Reading)
    [知识精讲]  1. be known for意为“因……而著名”,后接表示闻名的原因的词,与be famous for 同义。如:
    Dainan is known for its steel products.
    2. be known as 意为“作为……而闻名”,后接表示职位、身份、名称的词,与be famous as同义。如:
    Zhang Jie is known as a singer.
    3. be known to意为“被……所熟知”,后接某些人群,与be famous to同义。如:
    Jack Ma is known to many people around the world.
    5. Nowadays China ________ its new “four great inventions”—shared bicycles, electronic payment, highspeed railways and online shopping.
    A. is known toB. is known as
    C. is knowingD. is known for
    6. (2019·盐城东台模拟)The boy is interested in FAST, also ________ “China's Eye of Heaven”. He wonders how much money the government has spent on it.
    A. known for B. known as
    C. known toD. known of
    7. (2019·宿迁改编)山东潍坊现在因制作风筝而出名。
    考点1 When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. 当谭盾很小的时候,他就对音乐表现出兴趣。(教材P66 Reading)
    [知识精讲]  show an interest in 对……表现出兴趣(相当于be interested in)。如:
    When did you first show an interest in tennis?
    show no interest in 对……不感兴趣
    interest sb. 使某人感兴趣,引起某人注意
    create an interest in 对……产生兴趣
    1. Not all children who watch this video will become a scientist, but some may ________ science.
    A. play a role in          B. take pride in
    C. become interested inD. believe in
    2. (2019·苏州高新区二模)When I was a kid ________ your age, I showed ________ art.
    A. at; an interest inB. for; interested in
    C. of; an interest onD. of; an interest in
    考点2 After a while, we saw Amy running towards us. 过了一会儿,我们看见埃米向我们跑来。(教材P72 Grammar)
    [知识精讲]  1. after a while过了一会儿;不久。如:
    After a while, driving will become your second nature.
    2. see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,强调看见某一动作正在发生;而see sb. do sth. 强调看见全过程或经常看见某人做某事。如:
    The suspect was seen entering the building at 3 p.m.
    John saw her drive off about an hour later.
    3. At first, the boy felt very sick, but ________, he felt much better and began to play with his friends in the yard.
    A. for a whileB. after a while
    C. in a while D. for a moment
    4. When I saw my father ________ for me on a cold winter night, I couldn't keep back my tears.
    A. waitB. waited
    C. to waitD. waiting
    5. Every morning, Tim often sees groups of middleaged women ________ in the square.
    A. danceB. to dance
    C. dancesD. danced
    6. Roy Wang(王源) was seen ________ when he was in the restaurant. He is regretting doing that.
    A. smokeB. smoking
    C. to smokeD. to smoking
    考点3 She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures. 她鼓励我继续尝试并创作更多漂亮的图画。(教材P77 Task)
    [知识精讲]  encourage的名词形式为encouragement,意为“鼓励”。 
    encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
    7. (2019·广西北部湾经济区四市)Every time I want to give up, my parents always ________(鼓励) me to keep trying.
    8. (2019?重庆B)Miss Chen, my dear English teacher, often encourages me ________ the challenges in my study.
    A. faceB. facesC. facingD. to face
    声明: (责任编辑:admin)