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初二英语教学教案:Lesson 80(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1  SB Page 19, Part 3. Play the tape. Have the students listen for the rhythm and the reduced speech. For example: Whats his favourite sport? becomes whats is, Whats her becomes Whats er, etc.
    2  Play the tape again and have the students repeat, paying attention to the rhythm and intonation (Notice that the intonation for the questions is not rising but rising/falling because they are not yes/no questions.)
    3  Divide the class into two groups. Group A reads the question lines e.g. Whats…favourite sport? and Group B reads the sports lines, e.g. football, football, football! Switch groups and repeat.
    Step 5  Ask and answer
    SB Page 19, Part 4. In pairs, have the students ask each other questions concerning themselves. Each person should fill in the “ID card” in their book. Have several students volunteer to tell the class about their partner. Make sure they use the correct pronouns (his/her).
    Step 6  Listen and answer
    SB Page 19, Part 5, Listening Cassette Lesson 80. Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. Let the students read the questions before listening to the tape.
    Listening Text
    LUCY: Hi, Han Mei!
    HAN MEI: Hi, Lucy!
    LUCY: Thats a nice bike.
    HAN MEI: Yes, its new. Do you want a go?
    LUCY: No, I dont think I can ride it. I think its too high.
    HAN MEI: No, it isnt! Its easy! Here, have a go. Let me help you.
    LUCY: Like this?
    HAN MEI: Yes, thats right, good! Now, go!
    LUCY: Im going! Its great. Oh, look out!(CRASH)
    HAN MEI: Lucy, are you OK?
    LUCY: Dont worry—Im OK! But what about the bike? Is it broken?
    HAN MEI: No, dont worry, its fine. Its not broken.
    Explain the meaning of want a go, Im going, look out by gesture or in Chinese.
    The answers are: 1B; 2C; 3C.
    Step 7  Read
    1  SB Page 20, Part 6*. This part is optional. Say My favourite basketball player is…. Ask Who is your favourite basketball player? Have several students answer.
    2  Ask Who is Mikes favorite player? Write this question on the Bb. With books closed, play the tape. Check the answer. (Ronaldo.)
    3  Read the passage together as a class, pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.
    4  In pairs have each student read to their partner and the partner corrects any pronunciation errors. Switch. Be sure to walk around the class during this activity and give help where needed.
    5  Do Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 6*.
    Step 8  Song
    SB Page 20, Part 7*. Get the students to listen to the tape and then sing the song. If no tape is available, perhaps some of the students can make up a tune. Arrange a singing competition between different groups.
    Step 9  Checkpoint 20
    Go through Checkpoint 20 with the students. Encourage them to ask questions if there is anything they are not sure about.
    Step 10  Workbook
    SB Pages 92-94, Wb Lesson 80, Exx. 3 and 4. The two exercises can be done after class as homework. Exx. 6-10 are optional.
    Step 11  Test
    Dictate a few new words taught in this unit and the following dialogue.
    A: Can you fly a kite?
    B: No, I cant. Its too hard.
    A: No, its easy. Let me help you. Run with it like this.
    B: Yes, its high! Thanks very much.
    Finish off the Workbook exercises.
    Some extra practice and enrichment
    1  Writing practice. The students know enough English at this point that they are able to write simple paragraphs. Help them write a short paragraph about their favourite athlete. Have them tell why they like the athlete. If some of the students dont want to write about a favourite athlete, have them write about a famous person they admire. Have them tell why that person is their favourite famous person.
    2  Teach the following tongue twister to practice some of the vowel sounds found in Lesson 80, Page 19, Part 1.
    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    3  Many students love to watch and play sports. They often watch their favourite athletes. In western countries, students often collect “baseball cards” with the information about various athletes. However, these cards are for all sports such as basketball, football and even ice-skating. Have each student make their own“baseball card”with their favourite athlete. They should include the persons birthdate, age, and accomplishments. Then you can allow time for the students to “swap”their cards. Have them ask each other Can I see your card? Do you want to swap?