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八年级英语教学教案:Lesson 90

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Lesson 90 教学设计方案
    Teaching Objectives: Students should be able to read the text and answer questions correctly, and also grasp the new words and useful expressions.
    Language focus:
    1. Background of Bill Gates.
    2.New words and useful expressions: learn from sb. be born, grow up, name. . .after. . . , in the future, start to do sth., at that time, lots of/a lot of,
    3. Object clause.
    Properties: Tape-recorder, Some pictures of Bill Gates
    Teaching procedures:
    Step 1 Revision
    1. Dictate the words learnt.
    2. Translate some sentences: (Chinese→English)
    Keys: l) He’s one of the cleverest students in the grade.
    2) Those clothes are washed once a week.
    3) It seems to be going to rain.
    4) She was interested in story books.
    Step 2 Leading-in
    Showing the pictures of Bill Gates to the students.
    T: We’ve known something about Bill Gates. Who can give us a brief introduction of him?
    Help students to give the correct information.
    Divide the class into six groups to discuss the questions in Pre-read.
    Step 3 Reading
    Ask the students to read the article themselves and ask: What is the main idea of this text? (Bill Gates’ life)
    Then play the tape for the students to read the text. Or play the video: Bill Gates
    Answer the questions:
    1. When was he born? On October 28th, 1955.
    2. What nationality is he? American.
    3. What was his ambition when young? A scientist.
    4. When did he work out the software programme with the old machine? When he was 17.
    5. How much did he earn from it? He earned $ 4200.
    6. When did he go to the university? In 1973.
    7. Did he finish his university education? What did he do then? No. He worked for Microsoft.
    8. When did he begin his own company? In 1975.
    9. What business did he do in his company?
    They developed software for personal computers and improved it to make it easier for people to use computers.
    10. Say something about his personal life.
    He was married on January 1st, 1994, has a daughter and a son. He enjoys reading and playing golf and bridge.
    Explanations of some language points
    1.grow up
    When I grow up, I’ll be a tour guide.
    2. name. . .after. . .
    He named his son after his uncle.
    spend 在表示“花费”时,可以表示花费时间、金钱等。它可用于两个不同的句式中:
    (1)spend…on… 在……上花费
    The boy spent two hours on his homework.
    Bill spent £3,000 on a new car. 比尔花了三千英镑买了一辆新车。
    (2)spend…in doing sth… 花费……做某事,其中的介词in 可以省略。
    She didn’t spend all her time (in ) doing the work. 她没有把全部时间用在工作上。
    I spent five days writing the essay.
    4. work out
    Work out的意思 是“制订出、编制出、想出”。如:
    The boy worked out the maths problems himself.
    Ask the students to give the main idea for each paragraph.
    The teacher showed the main words and phrases on the flashcard, and ask the students to retell the story according to the key words and phrases.
    Step 4 Discussion in groups
    Students talk more about Bill Gates and express their own ideas.
    Here are some questions for discussion:
    1. What can we learn from Bill Gates?
    2. What do you think of him?
    3. Do you want to be a person like Bill Gates? Why or why not?
    4. If you were Bill Gates, what will you do?
    Step 5 Exercises in class
    1. Fill the blanket with the correct forms of the verbs.
    1. In 2000, Miss Gao ________(write) a English book. It’s very popular.
    2. In the book he _______(tell) people how _______(solve) business problems in new ways. It was one of the best-sellers.
    3. She ________ (be) interested in Science. She often asks some strange questions.