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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    英 语
    第一节 听音辨图听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。(4小题,每小题1分,共4分)
    1.________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________
    第二节 情景反应听句子,选择恰"-3的答语。每个句子读两遍。(6小题,每小题1分,共6分)
    ( )5.A.You are right B.Good idea. C.That’s fight.
    ( )6.A.Yes.please. B.You’re welcome. C.I’m sorry to hear that.
    ( )7.A.He’s here. B.He’s in the office. C.Sorry,I don’t know.
    ( )8.A.Everything is OK. B.Let me see. C.Don’t worry about me.
    ( )9.A.Five years ago. B.Since five years ago: C.It’s six ten.
    ( )10.A.She’s shy. B.She’s twenty. C.She’s tall.
    第三节 对话理解听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。(5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    ( )11.A.Take fl walk. B.Do exercise C.Play football
    ( )12.A.London. B.New York. C.Paris.
    ( )13.A.The supermarket. B.The hospital. C.The post office.
    ( )14.A.Music. B.Study. C.Art.
    ( )15.A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By bus.
    第四节 语篇理解听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
    ( )16.What’s wrong with Li Ming?
    A.He’s ill. B.He has some problems with his English.
    C.He makes some mistakes in English exam.
    ( )17.What’s the good idea to improve the speed of reading?
    A-To read more. B.To speak more. C.To ask more
    ( )18.How to improve your listening and speaking according to this letter?
    A.Try to read the text loudly. B.Try to keep a diary in English.
    C.Try to speak English in or after class.
    ( )19.who can help you if you have some questions?
    A.Your teacher. B.Li Ming. C.Betty.
    ( )20.From whom is this letter?
    A.Li Ming. B.A teacher. C.Betty.
    ( )21.Try________ the meaning。f each word when you read English articles(文章).
    A.not understand B.understanding C.no understanding D.not to understand
    ( )22.In the last 20 years,they_________ on many great films in the poor areas..
    A.put B.has put C.have put D.are putting
    ( )23.Li Jie is__________ boy . He is very naughty
    A.a eight-years-old B.an eight-years-old
    C.a eight-year-old D.an eight-year-old
    ( )24.The students_____ English when the teacher came in.
    A.were reading B.are reading C.have read D.read
    ( )25.That man quite cool.Do you know him?
    A.100ks B.sounds C.tastes D.smeIIs
    ( )26._____people came to Beijing to watch China’s National Day Parade(中国国庆阅兵式).
    A.Million of B.Millions of C.Million D.Millions
    ( )27.I think it isn’t certainly very traditional,
    A.do I B.don’t I C.is it D.isn’t it
    ( )28.The factory has made the lake_______
    A.to become dirty B.is dirty C.to dirty D.dirty
    ( )29.I’m very thirsty.Please________ me a glass of water.
    A.take B.bring C.carry D.to bring
    ( )30.Must the children get to the square before 6:00am?
    A.mustn’t B.can’t C.don’t have to D.must
    ( )31.One of the greatest composers in the world________ Mozart
    A.are B.were C.is D.be
    ( )32.They didn’t do this for money,________ to help the church.
    A.but B.or C.and D.then
    ( )33.Excuse me,_________?
    Go straight ahead.It’s about 10 metres away.
    A.where the bookshop is B.how can I get to the bookshop
    C.what can I do for you D.I don’t know the way
    ( )34.I didn’t do well in the maths exam.I got angry________ myself
    A.to B.with C.in D.for
    ( )35.The film has_________ for about twenty minutes.
    A.started B.begun C.been D.been on
    ( )36.Our English teacher always speak English in class.
    A.for a time B.all the time C.sometime D.all time
    ( )37.Sally flies to America on business from time to time.
    A.some times B.sometime C.some time D.sometimes
    ( )38.Where is Miss Zhang?
    She may be in the office.
    A.maybe be B.probably is C.might is D.perhaps be
    ( )39.Amy is a bit shy in front of strangers.
    A.a kind of B.a few C.a little D.a bit of
    ( )40.1 want to go to Beijing with Tony.
    A.would like B.feel like C.enjoy D.like
    Mr.Lee is going to take his family on a trip to some other countries.His brother decides__41__
    with them.Mr.Lee’s father is old,SO he wants to__42__ and takes care of the house.They are
    planning to take a train to visit New York__43__ then go to Europe__44__ ship.They’d like to take buses or trains to visit some countries in Europe.Then they are going to fly home
    It takes __45__a long time to decide where to go,but Mr.Lee thinks they will have an__46__
    trip.They will go to England,France and Italy.Mrs.Lee is very interested in__47__because she’s a teacher of French.Mr.Lee’s brother can __48__ Italian well,SO he’s looking forward.to the trip in Italy.
    They also talk about __49__they are going to Europe.At first they want to fly there,because it is faster and can save more time.But Mr.Lee’s brother would like to take a boat trip and he thinks the children will enjoy it __50__.
    ( )41.A.going B.to go C.goes D.go
    ( )42.A.go to the park B.go shopping C.stay at home D.travel
    ( )43.A.yet B.already C.next D.first
    ( )44.A.by B.for C.on D.in
    ( )45.A.they B.we C.them D.us
    ( )46.A.interested B.bored C.boring D.interesting
    ( )47.A.England B.France C.Italy D.America
    ( )48.A.talk B.say C.tell D.speak
    ( )49.A.how B.what C.why D.where
    ( )50.A.also B.too C.as well D.either
    Animals are people’s friends,but many animals are in great danger because the environment that they are living in has changed a lot.For example,their living areas have become smaller and smaller because of the development of cities and the large population.They don’t have enough places to live in or enough food to eat.At the same time,men are trying to kill these animals to get more money or have their meat.People should realize how serious the situation is and must do something to protect the animals.We should stop the killing and build some nature reserves(自然保护区),SO that animals call
    live happily there.What’s more,we should do something to make our world cleaner.
    ( )5 1.Many animals are dangerous SO we should protect them.
    ( )52.Animals’living areas have become larger and larger now.
    ( )53.Many animals have enough food to eat now
    ( )54.It’s necessary for US to know how serious the situation is.
    ( )55.We should stop killing animals because they are our friends.
    ( )56.Jim’s father likes Beijing Opera.He call go to_________
    A.Grand Theater B.People’s Theater
    C.People’s Hall D.Chao rang District
    ( )57.The Jazz concert is on________
    A.Saturday afternoon B.Sunday afternoon
    C.Saturday evening D.Sunday evening
    ( )58.What can we do in Yuansu Teahouse?
    A.We Call enjoy Beijing Opera. B.We can enjoy traditional music
    C.We Call enjoy jazz D.We can enjoy the lecture.
    ( )59.If you want to know something about western classical music,where should you go?
    A.To the teahouse.
    C.To People’s Hall.
    B.T0 Grand Theater.
    D.To People’s Theater.
    ( )60.Which statement is Wrong according to the passage?
    A.You have to pay for the lecture
    B.You have to pay so Yuan for the jazz concert if you are a child.
    C.For the adults,the ticket to Beijing Opera is more expensive than the ticket to Jazz concert.
    D.You can drink tea in Yuansu Teahouse.