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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    In 1608 an Englishman named Thomas Coryate travelled in Italy.He liked the country,and
    wrote everything interesting.In his diary Thomas wrote,“_46_the Italians eat meat, the,use
    small forks.They do not eat with their hands_47_they think people do not always have _48_
    Before he went back to England,Thomas Coryate bought a few forks.
    At home Thomas had a dinner party to show the forks to his friends.When the steak
    _49_out,he took out a fork and wanted to cut the steak as the Italians did in Italy.His
    friends were_50_when they saw this.He told them what the fork was.They all said that
    _51_were very strange people because the fork was not easy to use_52_.Thomas Coryate
    tried to prove that his friends were_53_,so he began to show that it was easy to use the
    fork.But the first_54_of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor.His friends began to
    _55_ at him and he had to take the fork away
    People in England began to use forks only fifty years later.
    46.A.Why B.When C.Which D.Where
    47.A.since B.when C.because D.if
    48.A.clean B.big C.safe D.small
    49.A.brought B.is brought C.bring D.was brought
    50.A.Worried B.surprised C.bored D.tired
    5 1.A.Italians B.Englishmen C.Frenchmen D.Americans
    52.A.at all B.very much C.a little D.just now
    53.A.right B.wrong C.good D.bad
    54.A.kilo B.pound C.piece D.packet
    55.A.smile B.look C.shout D.laugh
    A Letter to Harry Potter
    Dear Harry Potter,
    Hi! I’m Kevin from India. I really feel lucky to write you a letter.
    Though I live far away from your world.I think we are a little alike.You are a great
    wizard(巫师).You have done lots of magical(魔法的)and amazing things.Although I don’t
    do magic do believe in it.Well,I’m also a “wizard” at sch001.You know why? I often get
    A grades on my subject,but I’m not a boring student.I like sports;I like reading.I like to
    play jokes,and some of the jokes really made the teacher angry. I also have many friends.
    They often get me into and out of trouble.No matter what has happened,we still are good
    0h,I almost forget to tell you that our school is almost like yours.Hogwarts.It’s a
    special one for excellent students.We have modern classes and a lot of lessons.And I often
    stay up late just to finish my homework.It really makes me tired and bored.
    Luckily.I can read your stories in my free time.I feel like I know you.You have a mind
    of your own,and you know how to take responsibility(负责)for your own decisions(决定).
    Also you think with a clear head even in danger.What a great boy you are! How I wish I could meet you soon!
    May you have a nice time!
    56.Which of the following DIDN’T Kevin tell Harry in his letter?
    A.His friends. B.His school life. C.His trouble. D.His family.
    57.In the 24 paragraph of the letter,the underlined word “it” refers to(指代)______
    A.wizards B.magic C.A grades D.friends
    58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A.Kevin is a Chinese boy who 1ikes magic things.
    B.Kevin doesn’t like his friends because they often get him into trouble.
    C.Kevin often stays up late to read Harry’s stories.
    D.Kevin likes to play jokes,and the teacher is not happy at them sometimes•
    59.Kevin and Harry are a little alike because_________
    A.they almost have the same experience
    B.their worlds are full of magic
    C.their schools are close to each other
    D.they both like the same subjects
    60.From the letter we know that Kevin_____
    A.doesn’t believe in magic B.has a lot of homework to do
    C.enjoys nothing but reading D.is a quiet student at school
    October 31 is Halloween.Let’s carve(雕刻)a pumpkin,put on our fearful costumes(服
    饰),and enjoy the Halloween parties!
    (1)What is Halloween?
    The Celtics believed that on October 3 1 the spirits(幽灵)of all dead people in the
    before would come back.So on the night of that day the villagers would dress up and
    around the neighbours’ houses to frighten away the spirits.
    But as time went by.Halloween is viewed mostly for fun.
    The Jack-o’-lantern。a carved pumpkin lit by a candle inside,is one of Halloween’s most
    famous symbols.Many families place the pumpkin on their home’s doorstep after dark.People
    want to frighten away evil(邪恶)spirits by doing this.
    (3)What is trickor treat?
    On Halloween, children dress up and ring each doorbell in their neighbourhood and shout
    “Trick 0r treat!”The house owner will then give them small candies or other treats.
    61.The Celtics put on fearful costumes and walked around because they wanted to_______
    A.visit the spirit B.talk to their neighbours
    C.carve pumpkins D.frighten away the spirits
    62.__________is one of Halloween’s most famous symbols.
    A.A candle B.A pumpkin C.A party D.A costume
    63.On Halloween,children dress up and go to their neighbours,shouting ”___________!”
    A.Happy Halloween B.Trick or treat
    C.Here comes the Ghost D.Welcome the Ghost
    64.Which of the following should be written on“(2) ________”above the third paragraph?
    A.Happy Halloween? B.Why do we need a pumpkin?
    C.The story of a pumpkin D.How to make ourselves halloweened?
    65.If you read this passage in a magazine,which part of the magazine does it belong to?
    A.Culture and History B.World News
    C.Foods and Health D.Sports and Entertainment
    In order to find out what people like to do on weekend evening, a reporter from 21st
    Century made a survey among altogether three hundred people.The interviewees were divided
    into three age groups,8 to 18,19 to 28 and 29 to 35,and each age group has the same
    number of people.Some of the data is in the following chart.
    66.People of 1 9-28 mostly enjoy_________
    A.taking a walk B.playing computer games
    C.watching TV D.going to the movies
    67.How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 19-28 group?
    A.Fifty-five. B.Forty-three. C.Eighty-three. D.Eighteen.
    68.Which activities do most people enjoy doing?
    A.Watching TV and playing computer games
    B.Playing computer games and taking a walk
    C.Going to the movies and watching TV
    D.Taking a walk and watching TV.
    69.In which age group do people seem to have the most choices of activities?
    A.8-18 B.19-28. C.29-35 D.Not known
    70.Which of the following statement is TRUE?
    A.People aged 29-35 like playing computer games best
    B.People aged 8-18 like going to the movies best
    C.People aged 19-28 enjoy playing computer games more than watching TV
    D.People aged 29-35enjoy going to the movies mo re than watching TV.
    第Ⅱ卷非选择题(共35 5Y)
    71.The little boy is_________ (interest)in model planes.
    72.Jim feels like_______ (play)basketball
    73.Many people lost their_________ (life)and homes in the earthquake.
    74.How_______ (happy) the children are singing and dancing!
    75.The________ (die)of the middle school teacher made all of US sad very much
    76.Cao Chong drove the elephant onto the boat to find out the w________ of the elephant
    77.When you are in a hurry,you probably make m________ easily.
    78.Mum,don’t forget our c______ tomorrow.I’ll take a lot of pictures
    79.He________ (承诺)to help me with my English,but he forgot
    80.________ to(按照)scientists,the world’s weather is becoming warmer and warmer
    I don’t think Jim is_________ _________ to carry the box by himself.
    Your coat looks_________ _________ _________his
    I’m afraid you will be late.Please leave here_________ soon_________ possible.
    The model’s skirt_________ _________ _________newspaper.
    1.珠江横贯(run through)广州市,全程2200公里,是广东省最长的江;
    2.过去人们常常往江里扔垃圾,工厂将污染的水(polluted water)倒人(pour,poured-