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初二英语复习资料:New technology习题精选(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1.(2006河北中考)It’s not always necessary to look up the words ________ the dictionary while reading.Sometimes we need to guess.
    答案:B look up a word in a dictionary为固定短语,意为“在字典中查单词”,其中的介词是固定的。
    2.He missed the train this morning ________ he got up late.
    答案:D 句意为“他今早错过了火车,因为他起床晚了”。
    3.(2006浙江温州中考)—The radio is too noisy.________,please.
    —All right.I’ll do it.
    A.Turn it offB.Turn it onC.Open itD.Close it
    答案:A turn off意为“关闭”,turn on意为“打开”。
    4.(2006北京海淀毕业)It’s a beautiful,sunny day! There ________ many people here on vacation.
    答案:D There be句型的真正主语是be 动词后面的名词,people是个集合名词,动词用复数形式。
    5.(2006北京海淀毕业)Tom is strong and he ________ to school every day.
    A.walkedB.walksC.will walkD.has walked
    答案:B 从后面的every day判断,本句应该用一般现在时。
    6.(2006北京海淀毕业)—Excuse me.________ is the park?
    —It’s on the Center Street.
    答案:D 从后面的答语看,本句问的是地点,所以用where。
    7.(2006安徽课改试题)—It’s hot today.How about going swimming after school?
    — ________! Let’s ask Daniel to go with us.
    A.That’s OKB.Best wishesC.Good luckD.Good idea
    答案:D Good idea是对别人建议的一种认可,That’s OK“没关系”,Best wishes“祝福你”,Good luck“祝你好运”。
    8.(2006安徽课改试题)Kate,could you ________ the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now.
    A.turn downB.turn offC.turn upD.turn on
    答案:A turn down意为“降低音量”;turn off意为“关闭……”,turn up意为“提高音量”,turn on意为“打开……”。
    9.(2006安徽课改试题)They all looked ________ at the teacher when he told them the good news.
    答案:B 因为是好消息,所以应该对应的是高兴的反应,所以选happily。
    10.(2006安徽课改试题)Stop talking!I have ________ to tell you.
    A.anything interestingB.interesting something
    C.something interestingD.interesting nothing
    答案:C 形容词修饰不定代词要后置,B和D为明显干扰选项,anything习惯上用于否定句和疑问句,所以排除A,故选C项。
    Big schoolbags have been a serious problem for students for a long time.Maybe your schoolbag is too  1  to carry,and it troubles you a lot  2  you want to find a book out to read,Now an e-textbook will  3  you.
    It is said that e-textbooks are going to be  4  in Chinese middle schools.An e-textbook,in fact,is a small  5  for students.It is much  6  than a usual schoolbag and easy to carry.Though it is as small as a book,it can  7   all the materials(材料)for study.The students can read the text page by page on the  8 ,take notes with the pointer(屏写笔).Or even “ 9 ” their homework to their teachers by sending e-mails.All they have to do is to press a button.
    Some people say e-textbooks are good,but some say they may be  10   for the students’ eyes.What do you think of it?
    9.A.find outB.hand inC.get backD.give back
    1.B too...to表示“太……以致不能……”,本句指书包太沉以至于拿不动。
    2.D 前后两件事情是同时发生的,所以用when,表示“当……时候”。
    3.C 因为前面提到书包重给人们带来的困难,所以电子书应该会给人们“帮助”。
    4.A 本句话想表达的含义是电子书将要被“使用”。
    5.D 从下文的功能来看,它应该是像一个“电脑”一样。
    6.B 因为本文所讲的就是书包的沉重,电子书和它比较起来更“轻巧”。
    7.A hold在句中意为“容纳”。
    8.C screen意为“屏幕”。
    9.B hand in含义是“上交”。
    10.D be bad for是固定搭配,意为“对……有害”。
    Modern technology helps us do many things we want to do.But technology can also cause problems.Take television for example.It serves as a window to the outside world.We can learn about what is happening at home and abroad.Besides we can enjoy ourselves,watching our favorite TV plays,sports games,and talk shows and so on.But if we spend too much time in front of TV it will do harm to our health,especially to the young persons.First,one way communication does harm to the development of children’s thinking and language ability.Second,watching TV for a long time every day will damage(破坏)one’s eyesight.Therefore we must learn to use technology in a wise way.
    1.Modern technology is always good for people.
    2.Watching too much TV will not damage our eyesight.
    3.Modern technology gave us great help.
    4.We should use technology in a wise way.
    1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T
    Sarah left school at eighteen,went to collage and then worked at a computer company.Four years later,she got a new job as a manager in British Airways(英国航空公司).This is what she told us about her job:
    “My office is at Heathrow Airport,but I spend 60% of my time in the air.I teach air-hostesses(空姐)and help them with any problems I also go to lots of meetings.
    My hours are usually from 8 a.m.to 4 p.m.but sometimes I work from 1 p.m.to 9 p.m.At work,the first thing I do is check plane times on my computer and then I speak with some of the air-hostesses.
    Sometimes I go on long flights(飞行)to check how the air-hostesses are doing.That’s my favourite part of the job,but I like office work,too.Travelling can be hard work.When I get back from a long trip,all I can do is eat something and then go to bed! I don’t make much money,but I’m happy with British Airways and want to stay there and continue to travel.”
    5.Sarah’s first job was________.
    A.at a collegeB.at a computer company
    C.in British AirwaysD.at Heathrow Airport
    6.Sarah does most of her work________.
    A.in meetingsB.in the computer room
    C.in the officeD.in airplanes
    7.Most days,Sarah starts work at________.
    A.8 a.m.B.1 p.m.C.4 p.m.D.9 p.m.
    8.The first thing Sarah does after a long trip is________.
    A.go to bedB.have a meal
    C.go to a meetingD.go to the office
    9.Sarah would like to________.
    A.make more moneyB.stop traveling
    C.go to college againD.stay in the same job
    5.B 从文中第一句话可以看出,她毕业后在一家电脑公司工作。
    6.D 从第二段第一句话可知她60%的时间都在空中度过。
    7.A 从第三段的第一句话可知sarah通常的工作时间是早八点至晚四点。
    8.B 从“...all I can do is eat something and then go to bed”可以看出来,sarah先吃饭,后睡觉。
    9.D 前三项明显与文章内容不符。
    This is Radio Station in Los Angeles.At nine o’clock on Friday,it’s time for the morning weather report.
    This morning it will be cloudy,but no rain today.By noon the sun will be shining.
    The temperature is now seventy-two,with a high of about eighty for this afternoon—a good day for swimming.
    Tomorrow it will be sunny.The low temperature will be sixty,with a high of eighty-six.There may be a little rain in the afternoon.Winds will be soft.This weather report has been brought to you by Mary Smith .
    10.The weather is reported by Mary Smith.
    11.Today’s temperature will be eighty.
    12.This is a TV weather reporter.
    13.Today there will be a little rain.
    14.It is noon now.
    10.T 根据文中最后一句话可以判断。
    11.T 第三段给出现在是72度,下午要达到最高80度的气温。
    12.F 文中第一句话指出,这是洛杉矶的广播电台。
    13.F 今天晴,明天有雨。
    14.F 从第一段“...it’s time for the morning weather report”可以判断,现在是早晨。
    How good projects grow
    Are you interested in projects(课题,项目)and want to have a good one? Well,that doesn’t come easily.You need to do the following tasks(任务):
    TALK:You and your classmates discuss in detail(详细的)all that you would like to do to realize(实现)your project.
    WRITE:One of your classmates acts as(担任)secretary(秘书).He or she keeps full notes as your group discusses.Later he or she will sort(整理)your ideas to make them better.
    PLAN:With the secretary’s notes,your group makes a list of everything you’ll need and who will get,do or research what.
    DO:Each group member gets,does and researches something on the list.Your group puts together all you have found and tries to make the project more well-organized.You prepare(准备)to present(展示)it in class.
    SHOW:You and your classmates show(给……看)the world the result of your hard work.
    Knowing all the above(上面),you may want to try a project.Why not start with this:you can find out more about the history of your city.What did it look like? Which famous people lived there?
    To grow good projects
    Discuss everything 1 .The secretary should  2 while you are discussing. 3 of your needs and make everyone’s task clear.Do the research work and make the project 4 .Show 5 to the world.
    A.1.in detail/carefully/(that)you’d like to do/(that)you’ll realize your project
    2.keep full notes
    3.Make a list
    5.the result/the result of your work/your hard work
    Some old people were talking the young and the old.They all1.________
    agreed with old people were cleverer than the young.Then one2.________
    of the old man said,“But young man are stronger than the old.”3.________
    All of them agreed that this was true,and James didn’t think4.________
    so.“No,I’m as strong as I am in my young days,” he said.5.________
    “What do you mean?” asked his friends.“How can that is true?”6.________
    “Well,” said James.“In one corner of my field has7.________
    a big stone(石头).When I was a young man,I tried to move it,8.________
    but I can’t.I was very strong at that time.Now I’m an9.________
    old man,I still can’t move it.”10.________
    1.talking→talking about 本句含义是“他们正谈论老人和年轻人”,talk 是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语。
    2.with→that agree后面是宾语从句,要用that 来引导。
    3.man→men one of 后面要加可数名词的复数形式,所以用men。
    4.and→but 前面是肯定后面是否定要用表示转折关系的连词but。
    5.am→was 因为他想表达的是像他年轻时候一样壮,应该是描述以前的情况。
    6.is→be 情态动词后面要加动词原形,所以要用be而不是is。
    7.has→there is 本句应该是个there be 句型,只不过把介词短语提前了。
    8.to move→moving try to do 含义是“尽力去做某事”,try doing 表示“试着去做某事”。
    9.can’t→couldn’t 前后一致的原则,要用过去式的形式。
    10.I→but I 前后两个简单句不能直接用逗号相连,应用连词。
    Hi,Xiao Ming,look at my new digital camera.This button is the switch.If you press it,it will work.And from the screen you can see the pictures that you want to take.You didn’t need a film to take photos.And if you want to see the pictures,you should press this button.The pictures will be showed on the screen.You can delete some bad ones.You can also connect the camera to the computer and save some good pictures.