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初二英语复习资料:Past and present同步测试题(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1.(2006贵州贵阳中考) You have never been to Beijing, _________you?
    A.do     B.have     C.don’t     D.haven’t
    答案:B 因为前面有否定词never,所以反意疑问句要用肯定形式,所以排除C和D两项,又因为是现在完成时,所以排除A项。
    2.(2006贵州贵阳中考) The old man_________for three years.
    A.died   B.has been deadC.has been death  D.has died
    答案:B 有for 所以排除A项,又因为die不可以和表示一段时间的for连用,所以不可以选择D项。C项是错误的表述。
    3.(2005河北中考) It _________ ten years since we last_________in Beijing.
    A.was;met        B.has been;met
    C.was;meet        D.is;meet 
    答案:B since后的从句应用一般过去时,主句中用现在完成时。主句表示时间时,也可以用it is的形式。
    4.(2005河南中考)—How long has the weather been like this?
    A.Until last night      B.Ever since last night
    C.Two days ago        D.Two days later
    答案:B 问句中用的现在完成时态,在答语中只有Ever since last night可以用于现在完成时态.
    5.—Where is Dad,Mum?
    —He_________to the factory.
    A.has beenB.wentC.goesD.has gone 
    答案:D 由问句可知Dad没在家,由此推出“他去了工厂”。
    6.—Shall we stop and have_________tea now?
    A.anyB.someC.littleD.a bit 
    答案:B some 用于疑问句中表示 “建议, 请求”等语气, 并期待肯定回答。
    7.The great scientist_________his wife for 14 years.
    A.marries        B.has married with
    C.has married        D.has been married to
    答案:D marry 是非延续性动词,不能与表示时间长度的状语连用。be married to sb.表示状态,可与表示时间长度的状语连用。
    8.Today is my fortunate day.It’s always not easy for a single person,because every day we have many things to deal with.(同义词替换)
    答案:D 句子的意思是“今天是我的幸运日。对一个人来说很不容易,因为每一天都有很多事情要处理”。
    9.My old grandpa is_________,but he doesn’t feel_________.
    A alone;lonely        B alone;alone
    C lonely;alone        D lonely;lonely
    答案:A alone 单独的,独自一人的;lonely孤独的,孤单的。句意是“我爷爷一个人生活,但他不感到孤独”。
    10.He hates traveling.He likes to stay in a place_________.
    答案:C stay 是实义动词,用副词修饰。
    The world is divided (划分) into two parts.One half of the world is rich and the other is poor.In the poor part,a lot of people have never got enough to eat.When they are ill, 1  the hospitals can receive them because they have  2 .In the rich part,a lot of people eat too much.For example,a dog  3  a cat in North America eats  4  than a child in the poorer countries.
    The poor countries have some difficult problems.Sometimes the land is very poor.People can’t  5  anything.People there have neither rich land nor enough water.The land  6  better,but a lot of things must be done.The people must be taught and water must be found.
    But rich countries have problems,too.There are not always good places to  7 .Sometimes the air is not clean and the rivers are  8  dirty to swim in or to drink.The roads and streets are full of people and buses.Cars and buses have to move  9 .Noise is too much.Some people don’t have houses.Something must be done about these problems.The air and the river must be cleaned and be kept clean.More houses have to be built. 10  these can’t be done easily.
    1.A.all ofB.none ofC.some ofD.any of 
    2.A.moneyB.no moneyC.too much moneyD.a lot of money 
    6.A.should makeB.can makeC.must be madeD.can be made
    7.A.playB.live inC.sleepD.know
    答案:1.B 根据上文及下文的意义“贫穷国家的人生病由于没钱而无法入院接受治疗”。
    2.B 该句的意思是“贫穷国家的人生病由于没钱而无法入院接受治疗”。
    3.C 由动词eats而确定主语为单数。选项A不合题意。故答案为C项。
    4.C 根据than而确定答案为C项。
    5.B 根据上文“Sometimes the land is very poor.”和下文“People there have neither rich land nor enough water.”而推断出答案为B项。
    6.D 根据动词与主语的关系,应用被动语态。
    7.B 根据句子意思可知答案为B项。
    8.C too ... to表示“太……而不能……”。
    9.A “由于道路拥挤,因而车辆不得不缓慢行驶”,故答案为A项。
    10.A 该句与上文形成了转折关系。故答案为A项。
    (2006浙江中考) 
    “If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace! Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t! So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!”
    Today,SMS—Short Message Service is popular,and China Mobile says that every second,there are 410 messages being sent.
    Look around you! People are watching their mobiles,smiling or laughing.Thumbs are moving quickly on mobiles,bringing happiness to their friends.Through SMS,we know the weather report,share jokes and news,express love and friendship.
    SMS is becoming more and more popular.It is reported that 67% of young people like to send short messages to greet each other.Internet SMS will be more helpful to people.I am thankful for the progress because SMS saves me much money.Just on the top end of a thumb,so much joy can be found! 
    1.SMS can help people do the following except_________.
    A.knowing the weather report       B.sharing jokes and news
    C.expressing love and friendship     D.spending more time travelling
    答案:D 原文第三段的原文“Thumbs are moving quickly on mobiles, bringing happiness to their friends.Through SMS, we know the weather report, share jokes and news, express love and friendship.”可以知道,通过短信人们可以表达友情和爱,可以知道天气,可以分享笑话和新闻,没有提到D项。
    2.The writer thinks that_________.
    A.SMS helps people a lot      B.young people dislikes SMS
    C.he makes SMS more popular    D.he will buy a palace for his friend
    答案:A 从原文最后一段“SMS is becoming more and more popular.It is reported that 67% of young people like to send short messages to greet each other.Internet SMS will be more helpful to people.”可以知道手机短信在人们生活中普遍存在,对人们的帮助很大。
    3.The passage is mainly about_________.
    A.how to search Internet      B.the joy of SMS
    C.how to send short messages    D.ways of saving money
    答案:B 通读全文,作者都在说明手机短信给人们带来的欢乐。
    (2006黑龙江哈尔滨中考) 
    Morison and Philip were classmates.They lived in the same town.After they left school,Morison became the manager(经理)of a flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital.
    Philip made a girlfriend.He bought a red rose for her each day to show his love.The flowers made her very happy.Sometimes he took the rose to her himself.But when he was busy in the hospital,he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him.
    One afternoon,Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison.“I’ll go to another town to work today.I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girlfriend.Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses.”
    In the evening,when Morison was closing the door of the shop,Philip came.“Morison,how many roses did you give my girlfriend this morning?”asked Philip angrily.
    “I gave her thirty,”answered Morison.
    “Why did you do that?”asked Philip.
    “I thought you often bought roses for her in my shop.I want to give her six roses as the gifts (赠品).Six is a good number,you know,”said Morison.
    “How foolish you are!”He threw his letter on the table.“Read it!”
    Morison picked it up and began to read:
    Dear Mimi,
    I love you very much.Today is your birthday.Please accept my present-some roses.One rose is a year.And the roses are your age.
    “She returned them to me,”cried Philip,“you must go and explain it to her.”
    1.Philip and Morison had different jobs after school.
    2.Mimi never accepted Philip’s flowers.
    3.Philip couldn’t send flowers to Mimi himself on her birthday because he was ill.
    4.Mimi was happy to get six more roses from Philip.
    5.From the passage we know that Mimi was 24 years old at that time.
    答案:B.1.T 从原文的第一段的最后一句话“After they left school, Morison became the manager(经理)of a flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital”, 可以知道,毕业后他们一个成为医生,一个成为花店老板。
    2.F 从原文的第二段的第一句话“Philip made a girlfriend.He bought a red rose for her each day to show his love.The flowers made her very happy” 可以推断她接受了他的花。
    3.F 从原文第三段的“I’ll go to another town to work today.I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girfriend” 可以知道他不能亲自送花给他女朋友是因为他要到另一个地方去工作。
    4.F 从第四段Philip生气地说,可以判断,Mimi多接到六朵玫瑰,并不高兴。
    5.T 从Philip的信中的话“One rose is a year.And the roses are your age.”可知,这是正确的。
    Dear Mary,
    How time flies! A week has passed since you left China.We miss you very much.I know you’re caring for the football match between boys and girls which is to be held this weekend.Now I’m going to tell you something about it.Most of the students think the boys’ team will win because they often help the girls with their training(训练).And they have never lost to the girls before.But a few(一些人)think that girls will win the match(比赛)because the boys seem to become too confident and relaxed(好像变得太自信和放松).And they don’t think teamwork is important(重要的).While girls keep on training hard,they never give up(放弃).They play together very well,because they think teamwork is important.What’s your idea(看法)about it?
    Li Hua
    1.This passage(短文)is a_________.
    A.bookB.diaryC.letterD talk
    答案:C 根据全文的称呼、正文、结尾署名得出。
    2. _________wrote this passage.
    A.MaryB.Marry’s teamC.Li HuaD.Li Hua’s team
    答案:C 由最后的署名得出。
    3. _________will win the game.
    A.The girls’ teamB.The boys’ team
    C.Mary’s team        D.We don’t know which team
    答案:D 由短文知比赛还未开始。
    4.Do the girls think teamwork is important?
    A.Yes,they think so.
    B.No,they don’t think so.
    C.They think a good player is more important.
    D.They think coach(教练)is important.
    答案:A 由文中的 “because they think teamwork is important.”可知。
    Past and present
    I have lived in the city since I was born.I never went out of the city.It has changed a lot.It has built many new roads,and this made it develop rapidly.It also pays more attention to the surrounding,it becomes nice and clear.In my mind the most interesting change is modern service.I can feel it everywhere.For example,the IC cards are used in bus and taxi.It is too convenient.I like the changes.It brings good life to me.