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初二英语复习:Lao She’s Teahouse习题精选

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Module 10 Lao She’s Teahouse
    一鼓作气 
    ●Exercises for new words
    Ⅰ.Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.
    1.My f    book is The Snow White.
    2.We all a    to go to the farm next week.
    3.A lot of customers like watching a   at the teahouse.
    4.In the end,the captain f   in love with Maria and married her.
    5.He read three novels d   his stay in Beijing.
    6.The old woman is a    seventy years old,but she can look after herself.
    7.Which do you like better,pop or f    music?
    答案:Ⅰ.1.favorite 2.agree 3.acrobatics 4.fell5.during 6.almost 7.folk
    ●Exercises for phrases
    Ⅱ.Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meanings.
    1.A:Do you know the writer of Teahouse?
    B:Yeah,it’s Laoshe.
    He is one of (最伟大的中国作家) in the twentieth century.
    2.The film shows the people’s lives in a small village 1900 2000.(在……和……之间).
    3.A:Have you seen the film (《音乐之声》)? 
    B:Yes, (最精彩部分)of the film is the singing.
    4.A:Where you go?(想要)
    B:We decided (去京剧院).
    5.The teahouse is the (……的中心) the small town.People like to go there.
    答案:Ⅱ.1.the greatest Chinese writers 2.between... and 3.the Sound of Music,the best part4.would,like to,to go to the opera 5.center of
    ●Exercises for function items
    Ⅲ.Number the sentence to make a conversation.
    a.No problem.May I have your name?
    b.Thank you very much.
    c.Hello!Is that Sunshine Teahouse?
    d.John Brown.
    e.Yes.What can I do for you,sir?
    f.Of course.They are wonderful.I’m sure you’ll have a good time.
    g.OK,Mr.Brown.We offer you a warm welcome.Anything else?
    h.Well,I want to book a table for three tonight.Is that OK?
    i.Not at all.
    j.Yeah,can we watch some performances?
    答案:Ⅲ.c e h a d g j f b i
    ●Exercises for grammar
    Ⅳ.Unscramble the question sentence then answer it.
    1.agree Sunday to do where go you on
    Q:            ?A:                         .
    2.cook be a to he is hope good
    Q:            ?A:            .
    3.come to you who do you with
    Q:            ?A:            .
    4.house they buy to can agree a new 
    Q:            ?A:            .
    5.try again don’t it you why to do 
    Q:            ?A:            .
    答案:Ⅳ.1.Q:Where do you agree to go on Sunday?(答语略)
    2.Q:Is his hope to be a good cook?(答语略)
    3.Q:Who do you want to come with?(答语略)
    4.Q:Can they agree to buy a new house?(答语略)
    5.Q:Why don’t you try to do it again?(答语略)
    ●Sentence structure training
    Ⅴ.Rewrite the following sentence according to the request in the parentheses.
    1.I’d like to see Beijing Opera one day.(改为一般疑问句)
    you   to see Beijing Opera one day?
    2.We went to the theatre last night.(改为否定句)
    We to the theatre last night.
    3.It takes place in a house in old Beijing.(就画线部分提问)
    it take please?
    4.Laoshe wrote Teahouse in 1957.(就画线部分提问)
    Laoshe write Teahouse?
    5.I think this film is very interesting. (就画线部分提问)
    do you of the film?
    答案:Ⅴ.1.Would;like 2.didn’t go 3.Where does 4.When did 5.What;think