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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1.I want to sleep. Please don't play your CD too l______.
    2. We go to school _________ (除了) Saturday and Sunday.
    3. The plane ___________ (起飞) last night.
    4. To my _________ (惊奇),she got good grades last term, because she didn't work hard.
    5. Ben, Lisa and Li Wei enjoyed t__________ in the park yesterday.
    6. March is the _______ (three) month of the year.
    7. He likes playing sports, so he is very h________.
    8. _______ (run) is good for our health.
    9. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are our national h_________.
    10. Let's do something at the party. What about ____________ (sing).
    二.单选题. (30分)
    ( )1.If you're more careful, you'll make________mistakes.
    A.less B.little C.few D.fewer
    ( )2.I didn't go to Jinan yesterday. She didn't,_______.
    A.too B.either C.also D.so
    ( )3.--Your spoken English is much better now.
    --Thank you. Our English teacher often asks me _____English as____as possible.
    A.to speak, many B.not to speak, many C.to speak, much D.not to speak, much
    ( )4.--What's wrong with you?
    --I ate______eggs, and drank______orange for much.Now I feel sick.
    A.too much, too much B.too many, too many
    C.too many, too much D.too much, too many
    ( )5.He was drawing something on the desk_____I was reading a story at ten yesterday.
    A.after B.while C.before D.when
    ( )6.What_____if he_____this afternoon?
    A.happens,won't come B.happens,doesn't come
    C.will happen, won't come D.will happen, doesn't come
    ( )7.The news is_______.We're all_______at it.
    A.surprising, surprising B.surprised, surprised
    C.surprised,surprising D.surprising, surprised
    ( )8.--what did the teacher say just now?
    --He said that the earth____round the sun.
    A.goes B.go C.going D.will go
    ( )9.I'm _____at Japanese.But I want to do______in it.
    A.good,well B.better, well C.good, better D.better,better
    ( )10.We are not supposed______football on Sundays.
    A.to play B.playing C.with playing D.to playing
    ( )11.--Will there be fewer trees?
    A.Yes, there won't B.No, there will C.Yes,there will D.Yes,there be
    ( )12.After you get to Beijing, please______.
    A.call up me B.call me up C.call up I D. Call I up
    ( )13All the fruit is free. You can eat_____.
    A.as few as possible B.as much as possible
    C.as much as you can D.Both Band C
    ( )14.There is something wrong with my computer._____should I do?
    A.What B.How C.Where D.When
    ( )15.I need_____some money to pay for summer holiday
    A.to get B.getting C.geting D.gets
    ( )16.The little boy was staying______but he didn't feel_____.
    A.alone, alone B.alone. Lonely C.lonely, lonely D.lonely, alone
    ( )17.You are_____to return the book to the library in two weeks.
    A.supposed B.wanted C.shouted D.thought
    ( )18.It's so nosiy. What _____over there?
    A.is happening B.did happen C.does happen D.happened
    ( )19.TV and computers can_____our eyes to the outside world.
    A.start with B.open up C.turn up B.take up
    ( )20.If Betty_____to the party, he will go to the cinema this evening.
    A.won't go B.isn't go C.didn't go D.doesn't go
    ( )21--I'm sorry. I_____your notebook at home.
    --That's all right, but remember to______it here tomorrow.
    A.forgot, bring B.left,bring C.kept, take D.lost, show
    ( )22.I will catch up with_____.
    A.other B.the other C.others
    ( )23.______is difficult to see the stars in the day.
    A.This B.That C.It D.He
    ( )24.The boy is _____to carry the box.
    A.strong enough B.enough strong C.too strong D.very strong
    ( )25.About four_____years ago, the same was popular in America.
    A.hundreds B.hundred C.hundreds of D.hundred of
    ( )26.They told me____play football on the road.
    A.not to B.didn't C.no D.not
    ( )27.There____a sports meeting in our school next week.
    A.will be hold B.is going to hold C.is going to be D.will have
    ( )28.It's time for supper now. Let's_____it.
    A.stop to have B.stop having C.to stop to have D.stopping to have
    ( )29.China is famous_____china.
    A.for B.of C.to D.from
    ( )30.She spent lots of time____books.
    A.read B.to read C.reading D.having read
    Li Ping and Wang Lin were students . They studied __1___ in a school . Wang Lin was a clever a boy . He __2__ questions quickly in class . He was ___3__ at thinking . It seemed that everything was ___4_ to him . He __5___ seemed to work much . He spent much of his time __6__ football and other games .
    In the last examination everyone thought Wang Lin would be __7__ in the class . ___8_ they were wrong . He came out third . ___9__ was the slow but hard-working Li Ping who got the first position (第一名) .
    Wang Lin was __10__ , but he didn't work hard , so he couldn't get the first position . Li Ping was different . He was slow but hard-working. So he came out first at last .
    ( )1. A. in a common class B. in different class C. in a good class D. In the same class
    ( )2. A. could answer B. can answer C. could ask D. could find
    ( )3. A. interested B. poor C. quick D. slow
    ( )4. A. difficult B. easy C. important D. interesting
    ( )5. A. ever B. never C. often D. always
    ( )6. A. in B. for C. to play D. playing
    ( )7. A. the first B. the second C. the last D. the third
    ( )8. A. so B. and then C. but D. or
    ( )9.A. he B. it C. this D. that
    ( )10. A. quick and clever B. slow but clever C. hard-working D. Famous