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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?
    项目1. Describes one kind of food manufacture process 描述一种食物的制作过程
    2. Follow instruction 用法说明介绍( First…Then…Next…Finally)
    词汇1.fruit and vegetable瓜果蔬菜 (watermelon, onion, lettuce, tomatoes) 2.recipe食谱 3.food食品( sandwich, butter, bread, pancake, turkey, relish, sauce ) 4. peel剥、削 5. boil蒸煮 6.blender果汁机 7.teaspoon茶匙 8.yogurt酸奶 9.super特级的 10. finally最终
    短语1.turn on/off/up/down 开/关/调高/调低 2. pour…into…把…到入 3. cut up/off 4.mix up搅拌 5. add…to…把…加入
    句型1. How do you make a banana smoothie?
    2. How many/ much…?
    3. Let’s make fruit salad.
    要点1. Countable noun and Uncountable noun 可数名词与不可数名词
    2. How much/How many引导的特殊疑问句
    例1 --Would you like some _______?
    --Thanks. I’m not thirsty at all.
    A. bananas B. bread C. hamburgers D. juice
    例2 --Inside a box there are six smaller boxes, and inside each small box are six much smaller boxes. How many boxes altogether?
    A. Thirty-six B. Thirty-seven
    C. Forty-three D. Forty-two
    【解题思路】选C。此题是考查how many用法的集知识性与趣味性于一体的综合型题目。由题可知,最小的盒子是36个,小盒子是6个加一个大盒子共是43个。
    例3 We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.
    A. set off B. put off
    C. come up with D. catch up with
    例4 One-______ of the students in our class _____ schoolgirls.
    A. third, is B. quarter, are
    C. fifths, are D. sixth, is
    一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。( 5分)
    1.Please p__________ the apple for the babies before they eat them.
    2. It’s wasteful to p________ the clean water into the river.
    3. I don’t like to drink pure milk, but I like y_______ .
    4. First put the oranges into the b____________. After a while you can drink orange juice.
    5. Put some relish on two s______________ of turkey.
    二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 ( 5分)
    6. We forgot _____________ (tell) him the news, so he didn’t know at all.
    7. We hope ________________ (see) you soon.
    8. Put ___________ (they) on the sandwich ,please.
    9. I think I’m_______________ (outgoing) than Sam .
    10. The students enjoy ________________ (have) birthday parties .
    三、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。 ( 10分)
    11. All the ingredients are in the bowl. Please mix .
    A. it up B. up it C. up them D. them up
    12. Turn on the blender about two minutes.
    A. of B. in C. for D. with
    13. Please cut _____ the banana _____ small pieces.
    A. up, to B. up, into C. off, to D. off, into
    14. Please turn___ the light when you leave the room.
    A. off B. on C. up D. down
    15. ________ cups of coffee do we need?
    A. How B. How much
    C. How many D. How many of
    16. —______ bread would you like?
    —Three pieces of ________.
    A. How many, breads B. How many, bread
    C. How much, breads D. How much, bread
    17. Will you add ________ to the salad?
    A. many honeys B. much honeys
    C. more honey D. many more honey
    18. Put some ____ and chicken ____ on the sandwich.
    A. lettuce, slice B. lettuces, slices
    C. lettuce, slices D. lettuces, slice
    19. ________ mix these things together.
    A. Not B. No C. Don’t D. You aren’t
    20.There ________ two slices of turkey on the table and there ________ some relish on the slices.
    A. are, are B. are, is C. is, is D. is, are
    四、英汉互译 根据汉语提示完成各句。 ( 15分)
    Milk ______good health. We should ______ more milk.
    Can you tell us______ ______make______?
    you your last school trip?
    The students a movie in the future.
    You _______ _______ have a good rest.
    五、选词填空 从方框中选择合适的单词填入下列句子中。 ( 5分)
    turn,cut, peel, mix, drink, roll, eat,
    pour, have, boil, add, take , put, make
    26. How long does it __________ to get to school?
    27. I can’t come. I ____________ a really busy day .
    28. The Greens like to _____ sandwiches with lettuce.
    29. Let’s ______________ some banana smoothie .
    30. _________ some more salt to the popcorn, please.
    31. You have to ________ the banana before eating it.
    32. Can you help me __________ up these tomatoes?
    33. Don’t ______________ waste water into the river.
    34. Next you need to _____________ all these things into the blender.
    35. Finally, _____________ on the blender and you’ll get some fruit salad.
    六、完成对话。根据对话内容选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( 10分)
    B: Well, first put some mayonnaise on a slice of bread.
    A: How much mayonnaise ?
    B: Oh, about a teaspoon.
    A: OK. What else?
    B: Next cut up some tomatoes.
    B: Well, one is probably enough. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Then cut up an onion, too.
    A: Sounds good. 38_________________
    B: Next, put some turkey slices on the sandwich.
    B: About three.
    A: OK. Is that all?
    B: Not quite. Put some relish on the turkey.
    A: How much?
    B: Two teaspoons should do it. And don’t forget the lettuce.
    A: 40___________________
    B: Finally, put another slice of bread on top.
    A: Great!
    a: What about the turkey?
    b: Do you like it very much?
    c: How do you make a turkey sandwich?
    d: How many turkey slices?
    e: Do you have any questions?
    f: Sounds delicious.
    g: Can you do it by yourself?
    h: How many tomatoes?
    七、动词应用 用所给动词的适当形式填空。( 10分)
    In many countries, 41__________(smoke) is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers42_________ (start) in their teens (years of a person's age from 13 to 19 ) or even earlier.
    A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May 43___________(show) us that smoking was a problem for many Chinese kids. More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils(小学生) said they had smoked.
    "If young people start44___________ (smoke) early, they will probably get addicted to nicotine (对尼古丁瘾).And it 45________ (be) very hard to give up弃) later on," said a professor.
    Every year, about 4 million(百万) people die (死亡) of smoking. And if people keep 46________(smoke), that number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO, 世界卫生组织) says. So we have to 47___________(know) and tell others about the dangers(危险) of smoking. Everyone of us should 48__________(do) something useful to stop kids from 49_____________ (smoke), or one day we 50___________ (see) what we won't see.