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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 4 He said I was hardworking!
    一 根据句意及首字母提示写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。
    1. She said she was having a s_________ party for Lana.
    2. Sally borrowed my jacket, but she didn’t r________ it to me.
    3. I think I’ll do b________ than last year.
    4. Don’t c______ others’ homework. You should do it yourself.
    5. Please give your r_______ card to your parents.
    二 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空:
    be mad at be supposed to in good health pass... message do well in
    have a favor get over surprise party
    1. She said she was having a _____ _______ for Mary on Saturday evening.
    2. The old man _____ ______ ______ his son.
    3. By the way, ______ this _____ to others.
    4. We _____ ______ _____ finish the work this morning.
    5. I _____ ______ _______ maths than English.
    6. Grandpa was ill. We hope he is ____ _____ ______.
    7. I’m sure she would _____ _______ any difficulty.
    8. I _____ _______ ______ to ask you. Can I borrow your pen?
    三 单项选择。
    ( )1. I ________ he ________ go there by himself.
    A. think; won’t B. don’t think; will
    C. don’t think; is D. think; isn’t going to
    ( )2. Lana said that she wasn't mad _________ Marcia anymore.
    A. to B. at C. for D. on
    ( )3. Do you think _________ an English film tomorrow night?
    A. is there B. there is going to be
    C. there is going to have D. will there be
    ( )4. You are _________ to return the book to the library in two weeks.
    A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought
    ( )5. I am always _________ to speak in the front of the classroom.
    A. disappointing B. scared C. surprised D. nervous
    ( )6. Do you think it is difficult _________?
    A. study English wellB. studies English well
    C. studying English wellD. to study English well
    ( )7. She told us things there were ________ better than before.
    A. more B. much C. veryD. nice
    ( )8. I don't think it's good to copy other's homework. You should _________ it.
    A. get over B. get on C. get up D. get off
    ( )9. Could you ________ me how to ________ it in Chinese?
    A. say; speak B. speak; say C. tell; sayD. say; tell
    ( )10. What happened ________ “Young Lives” last night?
    A. on B. in C. toD. of
    ( )11. I finished my ________ exam last week.
    A. end of year B. end of year’s
    C. end-of year’sD. end-of-year
    ( )12. I’m at Mary’s house ________ a homework project.
    A. work on B. working onC. workD. working
    ( )13. TV and computers can _________ our eyes to the outside world.
    A. start with B. open up C. turn up D. take up
    ( )14. She will go to Marcia's house _________ Friday night.
    A. at B. in C. for D. on
    ( )15. I hope you are ______ good health.
    A. in B. on C. with D. for
    四 同义句转换:
    1. I’m good at speaking Japanese.
    I can ______ ______ ______ speaking Japanese.
    2. He is very well.
    He is ______ ______ _______.
    3. Don’t be angry with your son. I think he can do better next time.
    Don’t ______ ______ ______ your son. I think he can do better next time.
    4. Lana said to us, “ I’m happy to see you again.”
    Lana ______ us _______ _______ happy to see _______ again.
    5. “You are like elder brothers or sisters to us.” they said to us.
    They said to us ______ ______ like elder brothers or sisters to _______.
    6. “Can I copy your homework?” he asked me.
    He asked me ______ ______ ______ copy ______ homework.
    7. Mary asked Ann, “ Why are you so excited?”
    Mary asked Ann ______ ______ ______ so excited.
    8. My sister said to me “I’m going to help you. ”(同义句)
    My sister _____ me that _______ _____ going to help ________.
    9. He said I was hard-working. (划线提问)
    What _____ _____ ______?