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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-16 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    1. A. B. C.
    2. A. B. C.
    3. A. B. C.
    4. A. B. C.
    5. A. B. C.
    6. A. I watched TV. B. I am in my bedroom. C. I was talking on the phone.
    7. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they weren’t. C. Yes, they did.
    8. A. In the classroom. B. To the zoo. C. From Beijing.
    9. A. Because he liked reading. B. Because he didn’t do his homework.
    C. Because I was sleeping.
    10. A. On the street. B. At 6:30 pm. C. For two hours.
    11. What was Tom doing when his mother came back last night?
    A. Watching TV. B. Playing computer games. C. Surfing on the Internet.
    12. Why wasn’t Tom’s mother angry with him?
    A. Tom always studies hard. B. She also has an interested in aliens.
    C. She was tired.
    13. Where did some people see the UFO?
    A. In Hangzhou. B. In Suzhou. C. In Guangzhou.
    14. When did they see it?
    A. On June 7th. B. On July 7th. C. On July 17th.
    15. What did the UFO look like?
    A. A plane. B. A bird. C. A dish.
    A car accident
    Time At ten o’clock last (16)__________
    What the man was doingHe was (17)_________ to his office.
    The carIt ran into a (18)__________.
    The policeThey arrived (19)__________minutes later. One policeman took the driver to the (20)_________.
    21.—Is ______ OK, Lucy?.
    —No, my maths is not as good as English.
    A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
    22.—This kind of wine smells good.
    —Yes, it's _____ grapes.
    A.made of B.made in C.made by D.made from
    23.I like watch CCTV news _______ it can help me learn more about the world.
    A.if B.because C.sot hat D.until
    24.—It's late._____ TV and go to bed, Tom.
    —OK, mum.
    A.Stop reading B.Stop to read C.Stop to watch D.Stop watching
    25._____ bad weather, they finished the job on time.
    A.Because of B.At the end of C.In spite of D.A list of
    26.—Our teacher will show us ______ the text with the machine.2
    —That's great.
    A.how to copy B.when to hold C.where to mend D.who to prove
    27.—Is your mother badly ill?
    —No, _______.She's just caught a cold.
    A.nothing serious B.serious nothing
    C.anything serious D.serious nothing
    28.—What did the teacher say just now?
    —He asked me ___ _____ this mor ning.
    A.where did Tom go B.when Tom finishes his work
    C.why was Tom late for class D.how Tom did the work
    29.Mr. Smith is always busy and he ______ has time to take a rest the ____ day.
    A.nearly; all B.hardly; whole
    C.hardly; all D.nearly ; whole
    30.—Do we need to come to school tomorrow? —No.Today is the ______ day before our summer holidays begin.
    A.last B.close C.fast D.first
    31.—Tomorrow I will be busy doing some housework.Can you ____ at home, Hellene?
    —OK, mum.
    A.help out B.help with C.come out D.turn on
    32.—Which is ______ river in China?
    —The Yellow River.
    A.the second long B.two longest C.the second longest D.two long
    33.—How can I get to the cinema?
    —You can ask the policeman over there.He will tell you which bus ____
    A.should you take B.you should take
    C.you took D.did you take
    34.—Did Mr. White tell you _________?
    —Yes.He said he went there in 2009.
    A.where he spent his holidays B.how he goes to Wuhan
    C.why did lie visit Dezhou D.when he travelled Dezhou
    35.—Why did you go to the teacher's office?
    —Mr. Black asked me to go, and he asked me ______I was good at playing the piano.
    A.that B.if C.what D.when
    The doctor in a small town was standing behind his desk, cleaning something.On the desk there are some books.A young man came in and asked quite excitedly: “ Doctor, have you anything to stop the hiccups (打嗝) ?” The doctor looked at him with a smile for a moment and suddenly slapped (给……一巴掌)him in the face with the cloth he held in his hand.“What do you mean by that?” The young man shouted angrily.“Why! I only asked you a question.”“That was the cure(治疗) for the hiccups,” the doctor explained.“Are they gone?” “No, it is my wife.My wife has the hiccups and she is out in the car.”
    36.What was the doctor doing when the young man came in?[
    A.He was reading B.He was talking with others.
    C.He was cleaning something.D.He was making a phone call.
    37.Why did the man go to see the doctor?
    A.Because was ill.
    B.Because he couldn't stop hiccupping.
    C.Because his wife was ill in bed.
    D.Because he wanted to help his wife stop hiccupping.
    38.Why did the doctor slap the young man?
    A.Because the young man was not polite to him.
    B.Because the doctor was busy cleaning and didn't want to listen to him.
    C.Because the doctor thought it would be great fun to slap the young man.
    D.Because he thought the young man had hiccups.
    39.How was the young man after the doctor slapped him?
    A.He was happy because he stopped hiccupping.
    B.He was angry and shouted to the doctor.
    C.He went out without saying say a word.
    D.He slapped the doctor.
    40.What do you think the doctor would do after he heard what the young man said?
    A.He would feel funny.
    B.He would ask the young man slap him, too.
    C.He would say sorry to the young man.
    D.He would go and slap the young man's wife in the face.
    Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer! We're a non-profit(赢利的) organization.We have volunteer jobs of all ages.Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can become a volunteer.
    You can help people in many ways.Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working.Hospital needs volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor.Animal lovers help take care of those dogs and cats without homes.There is something for everyone.
    “As a volunteer, I don't want to get anything.Seeing the children's happy faces, I am happy, too.” Said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games in my spare time before.Now I help older people learn how to use computers.” said another volunteer at the age of 18.
    If everyone helps out a bit, we'll have a better world to live in.Interested? Call us 800-555-5756 or visit our website: www.activol.com.
    41.When do the volunteers help others?
    A.In their spare time. B.At weekends.
    C.On weekdays. D.In the evenings.
    42.______ can be a volunteer.
    A.Children B.Old women
    C.Anyone aged 12-70 D.Young people
    43.Volunteers want to get ____ when they help others.
    A.money B.computers C.everything D.nothing
    44.Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with __________
    A.animals B.children C.computers D.older people
    45.We can read such a passage __________
    A.in a newspaper B.in a storybook
    C.in a picture book D.in a text book
    Tao Lihua, 14, is a middle school student in Shenzhen.She plays Erhu on the street after school to help her family.Many years ago, her father lost his arms in an accident, and her stepmother (继母) is now ill in hospital.
    The father makes money by selling radios and drawing pictures by mouth with a brush.But they have no money for the mother's illness.
    Every week, Tao plays Erhu in Lianhua Hill Park in Futian District in her school uniform.Early in 2006, CCTV reported the girl's story and more and more people began to know her.But the father refused the help from many people, and the daughter still went out to play Erhu on the street.
    “I like Erhu and my dream is to be a musician.I'm going to study hard at a university for that.My father always tells mc to make a living through hard work and not to rely on (依靠) other people, “Tao said.
    46.How does Tao Lihua help her family?
    A.By doing chores. B.By selling radios.
    C.By drawing pictures. D.By playing Erhu.
    47.Why does the father draw pictures by his mouth?
    A.Because he is good at doing that.
    B.Because he has no hands.
    C.Because people like watching him do so.
    D.Because there is something wrong with his arms.
    48.What does the underlined phrase “make a living” mean in Chinese?
    A.保持纪录 B.创建处所 C.谋生 D.创造生机
    49.When did Tao Lihua become well-known?
    A.After CCTV reported her story.
    B.After she first played Erhu in a park.
    C.After she became a musician.
    D.After her father refused people's help.
    50.Which is NOT true according to the passage?
    A.Tao's family couldn't afford(承担得起)her stepmother's illness.
    B.Many people wanted to help Tao Lihua and her family.
    C.Tao Lihua doesn't go to school now becaus e she has to make money.
    D.Tao Lihua wants to take Erhu lessons at a university in the future.
    Friendship Restaurant
    We have different kinds of Japanese food here.The menu is written in Japanese and Chinese.All the waiters can speak both Chinese and Japanese.Time:11:30am…10:00pm
    Volunteer Project
    Maybe you want to help others but don't know how to do it.Volunteer Project will help you.Call 822--5566 to join it.
    Dream Corner
    Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English with native(本地的)speakers? Join the Dream Comer! Come here every Friday afternoon.
    Red Bird Club
    Do you like dancing? Do you want to show your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true.
    Call 822-333l for more information.
    The Underwater World
    You can see different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks here.You will feel you are in the sea.It's open from 9:30am to 5:30pm every day.
    51.In Friendship Restaurant, the menu is written in both _______
    A.Chinese and English B.Japanese and Chinese