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七下英语Unit 7 Abilities复习题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    一、 听力测试(满分20分)
    I. 听句子,选择相应的语句。句子读两遍。(5分)
    1. A. Jason is a worker.    B. Jason is a teacher.   C. Jason is a farmer.
    2. A. Only Mr Green is in Paris.
    B. The Greens are traveling now in Paris.
    C. The Greens are going to take holidays.
    3. A. It took me two hours to get to the office.
    B. There were usually traffic jams.
    C. It took me two more hours to get to my office.
    4. A. Mary bought six silk ties.
    B. The silk cost ten dollars.
    C. Mary paid six dollars for a ten-dollar silk tie.
    5. A. The dress is so beautiful!
    B. The dress is not so beautiful.
    C. This dress is more beautiful.
    II. 听对话,选择与其内容相近的选项。每段对话读两遍。(5分)
    6. A. Jill’s brother was born in June.
    B. Jill was born in June.
    C. Jill’s brother was born in July.
    7. A. Nick is going to the concert of a rock band.
    B. Nick heard the concert of a rock band.
    C. Dick is going to the concert of a rock band.
    8. A. The band is visiting three cities.
    B. The band has three singers.
    C. Three singers sing at the concert.
    9. A. Susan’s sister is good at languages.
    B. Susan’s sister is good at Chinese.
    C. Helen’s sister is good at Chinese.
    10. A. Roy got married last September.
    B. Roy’s teacher got married last November.
    C. Roy’s teacher got married last September.
    III. 听对话,选择正确的选项。对话读两遍。(5分)
    11. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Life.     B. Camping.     C. Plans.
    12. What will the woman do in the city?
    A. Work at a store.   B. Attend a school.    C. Have a picnic.
    13. Who will the woman stay with?
    A. The man.     B. Her family.     C. The man’s brother.
    14. What do they do in the morning when they camp?
    A. Go swimming.    B. Play basketball.    C. Tell stories.
    15. What can we learn from the conversation?
    A. The woman has worked for four summers.
    B. John is the man’s brother.
    C. Summer vacation is coming.
    IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)
    16. When did this happen?
    A. One afternoon.   B. One night.     C. One morning.
    17. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door?
    A. One person.    B. Two persons.    C. Three persons.
    18. What did the young man wear?
    A. A white shirt.    B. A pair of glasses.   C. Long trousers.
    19. Who was the young man?
    A. He was a friend of the writer’s.
    B. He was a friend of the writer’s brother’s.
    C. He was a strange man to them.
    20. What was probably the end of the story?
    A. The young man was taken away by the police.
    B. The young man became their friend.
    C. The young man ran away.
    21. When the buildings burn, the firemen will arrive there at once and      the fire.
    A. put on   B. put in   C. put out   D. put down
    22. He jumped into the water when he heard a boy      for help.
    A. call    B. called   C. calling   D. to call
    23. I buy the recorder because I had no money with me then.
    A. can    B. cannot   C. could    D. couldn’t
    24. The man has a       son.
    A. five year old      B. five-years-old
    C. five years old     D. five-year-old
    25.       is important      careful with fire.
    A. That; be   B. It; to   C. It; to be  D. That; to be
    2 6. They      in the past.
    A. can dance  B. could dance  C. can to dance  D. could to dance
    27. —May I have supper now?
    —      .
    A. Yes, you do     B. No,you may not
    C. No,you can     D. Yes,you are
    28. Man can’t live without water      air .
    A. and     B. or      C. but     D. then
    29.       milk it is!
    A. How nice       B. How a nice
    C. What nice       D. What a nice
    30. His sister didn’t know the time because she      her watch at home.
    A. leave   B. left   C. forget   D. forgot
    31.      !It’s dangerous over there.
    A. Look over  B. Look at  C. Look out  D. Look up
    32.Can you send the letter      my parents for me?
    A. to   B. with   C. from    D. by
    33. The room is      to hold 100 people.
    A. enough big  B. too big   C. big enough  D. big too
    34. There isn’t      in today’s newspaper.
    A. something interesting
    B. anything interesting
    C. interesting something
    D. interesting anything
    35. I have      to say for myself.
    A. else something  B. else nothing C. else anything D. nothing else
    Thousands of years ago,people did not know  36  to make a fire. When it was very  37  at night,t hey could not sleep well. Sometimes ligh tning hit(打,击) a  38  and started a fire. At first peo ple were both surprised and  39  to see the fire. They were afraid to go up. Later a few  40  men took some of this fire and made a fire near their homes. They used the fire to keep them warm and to cook food.
    When they had a fire,they did not let it  41  b urning. If it stopped,they could not start it again. Maybe they had to  42  for a long time,sometimes for  43  . Later they  44  how to make a fire with pieces of wood.
    Now we have matches. We can put them in our pockets and make a fire when we want to make it. But we have to be  45  with fire.
    36. A. what   B. how   C. when   D. where
    37. A. cold     B. hot     C. warm   D. cool
    38. A. person   B. mountain  C. field   D. forest
    39. A. glad   B. afraid   C. ready   D. tired
    40. A. very   B. brave   C. sad   D. happy
    41. A. stop   B. make   C. be   D. start
    42. A. work   B. play   C. wait   D. live
    43. A. minutes   B. hours   C. d ays   D. years
    44. A. forgot   B. decided  C. learned  D. told
    45. A. angry   B. pleased  C. careful   D. busy
    四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)
    You speak,write a letter,and make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your h and in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head,and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?
    People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books,magazines,TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with each other. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.
    Notes: communicate 交流;sign 招牌,标志
    46. Can we communicate with each other without words?
    A. Yes,sometimes we can.
    B. No,we  can’t.
    C. No,it’s impossible.
    D. Yes,we always do so.
    47. When we see somebody smile,then,he must be feeling      .
    A. angry    B. joyful   C. surprised   D. sad
    48. We can learn news from      .
    A. newspapers  B. radios   C. TVs    D.A,B and C
    49. A sign at the bus stop tells you      .
    A. how many buses there are
    B. what kind of bus it is
    C. where the bus comes and goes
    D. how much money you’ll pay for the ticket
    50. What do you think is the quickest way to communicate with your friend in another cit y?
    A. Writing a letter.
    B. Making a telephone.
    C. Drawing a picture.
    D. Asking someone else to take a message.
    Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information,your life will be much safer.
    ●Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. 51 If anything dangerous happens,you can find them quickly.
    ●Don’t use earphones(耳机) when running in the school yard or on the street.  52
    ●School bags should be carried towards the front of your body instead of pulling them on your back.  53
    ●If you are followed by a stranger(陌生人),cross the street and go in the other direction(方向),let the stranger know that you know he or she is there. Next,go and get help from others if it is necessary.  54  You are safer on the street than you are in your home or in a lift.
    ●If you have to take a bus to a plac e far away,try to get to the bus stop a few minutes before the buses leave.  55  On buses,don’t sit alone,sit behind the driver or with friends. Don’t sleep.
    根据短文内容. 从A~E选项中选出短文所需要的句子。
    A. Don’t go home directly.
    B. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can be dangerous.
    C. Make sure where the public phones are.
    D. This stops a stranger from following you.
    E. When buses are crowded,it is easy enough for thieves to steal the things in  your bags on your back.
    5 6. Did you hear the n      about Lin Tao?
    57. Do not put anything hot in the rubbish b      .
    58.I l      my camera at home this morning.
    59. The boy is c        and often makes mistakes in his homework.
    60. Please answer these questions a        to the text.
    61.I would like to r      Daniel for this year’s Young Star Award.
    62. The boy l      his way and was crying in the street.
    63. We look forward to h      from you soon.
    64. He is a brave boy.(改为感叹句)
    he is!
    65. —Could I smoke here?(完成否定回答)
    —Sorry,                           .
    66. I got a letter from my parents yesterday. (改为同义句)
    I              my parents yesterday.
    67. We should do our best to learn English well.(改为同义句)
    We should                     to learn English well.
    68. Put something hot into the rubbish bin.(改为否定句)
    into the rubbish bin.
    假设你是Lily,请根据表格中的要点向校长写一封推荐Zhang Hua的信,并希望早日收到回信。80词左右。
    奖项 本年度最勇敢(bravest)学生奖
    能力 聪明,学东西快,很会使用电脑,成绩好
    个性 乐于助人,总是先考虑别人,周末在老年公寓照顾老人
    事迹 上周在回家的路上从湖里救了一个五岁的男孩
    Dear principal,
    I would like to
    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours faithfully,
    Unit 7检测题听力原文及参考答案
    I. 听句子,选择相应的语句。句子读两遍。
    1.Jason makes his living by farming.
    2.The Greens are on holiday in Paris.
    3.It took me two hours longer than usual to get to my office because of the traffic jam.
    4.Mary bought a ten-dollar silk tie for six dollars.
    5.Oh, what a beautiful dress!
    II. 听对话,选择与其内容相近的选项。每段对话读两遍。
    6. M:When was your brother born,Jill?
    W:In June.
    7. W:Where are you going,Dick?
    M:To the concert of a rock band.
    8. M:How many singers are there in the band?
    W:Only three.
    9. W:Whose sister is good at languages?
    M:Susan’s sister is.
    10. W:Is your teacher married,Roy?
    M:Yes. She got married last September.
    III. 听对话,选择正确的选项。对话读两遍。
    M:What are you going to do after you return from Washington?
    W:I’m going to stay in the city.
    M:What will you do all day?
    W:I’m going to work with my father at the store. In the evening, I’ll read books. On the weekends, I’ll go to the beach with my family.
    M:Have you ever worked?
    W:No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer?
    M:I’m going to camp. I’ve gone to camp for four summers.
    W:I’ve never done that. What do you do there?
    M:We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming. In the afternoon, we play basketball or tennis. We sit around a fire at night. We sing or tell stories.
    W:That sounds wonderful.
    M:It is wonderful. What’s John going to do this summer?
    W:I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents.
    M:Well, so long, Mary. Have fun.
    W:You too, Peter. Give my regards to John. I’ll see you in September.
    IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。
    It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper alone in my room when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. He said that he was a friend of my brother’s and wanted to have a talk with him. I didn’t know if my brother had such a friend, but I had to let him in.
    As we talked, I found that he knew nothing about my brother. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my brother rushed in and the young man was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do for a moment. We caught the man and called the police at the same time.
    1~5 CBCCA    6~10ACBAC
    11~15 CABAC    16~20BABCA
    21.C  由句意“当楼房着火的时候,消防队员将立刻赶到那里扑灭大火”可知,此处用表示“扑灭”的put out。
    22.C  此处考查hear sb.doing sth.,意为“听到某人在做某事”。句意:当他听到一个男孩在喊救命时,他跳进了水里。
    23.D  由句意“我没有买那台录音机,因为我那时身上没带钱”可知用否定形式;由because后的过去时态推知上句也用过去时态,故选D。
    24.D  本题考查合成形容词的结构,中间用连字符,名词用单数形式。句意:那个男人有一个五岁的儿子。
    25.C  这里考查动词不定式作主语,用it作形式主语,真正主语动词不定式放在后面。句意:当心火灾是重要的。
    26.B  情态动词后用动词原形;由in the past可知用过去时。句意:他们过去会跳舞。
    27.B  由may开头的一般疑问句,否定回答为No,you may not。
    28.B  and用于肯定句,or用于疑问句或否定句。句意:没有水和空气人们就不能生活。
    29.C  本题考查感叹句。milk是不可数名词,故用what引起感叹句。句意:牛奶多好啊!
    30.B  本题考查leave sth.at home结构。句意:他妹妹不知道时间了,因为她把手表忘在家里了。
    31.C  由句意“当心!那儿危险。”可知,此处用表示“当心”的look out。
    32.A  send...to...意为“把……寄给……”。句意:你能替我把信寄给我父母吗?
    33.C  enough修饰形容词时,enough要放在形容词的后面。由句意“那房间足够大,可以容纳100人”可知选C。
    34.B  形容词修饰something,anything,nothing等不定代词时,形容词要后置。句意:今天的报纸上没有什么有意思的事情。
    35.D  else修饰something,anything,nothing等不定代词时,要后置。句意:我没有什么可为自己说的了。
    36.B  由句意“数千年前,人们不知道怎样生火”可知用how。
    37.A  由上下文可知,没有火夜里非常冷。
    38.D  由上下文可知闪电击中森林并开始着火,故选D。
    39.B  由句意“开始人们既感到吃惊又不敢看那火”可知用afraid。
    40.B  由句意可知是几个勇敢的人带上一些火并在家的附近生上了火,故此处填brave,表示“勇敢的”。
    41.A  由句意“当他们有了火,就不再让它停止燃烧”,表示“停止”用stop。
    42.C  wait for是固定词组,意为“等候”。
    43.D  由上下文可知是有时候要等好几年,故用years。
    44.C  由句意“后来他们学会了怎样用木材生火”可知用表示“学会”的learned。
    45.C  由上下文可知,“我们必须当心火”,“当心……”用be careful with。
    46.A  由第一段中的A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No”.等句可知,我们不用语言也可以互相交流。
    47.B  由第一段中的A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.可知选B。
    48.D  由文章第二段可知我们从报纸、电台和电视上都可以获得新闻、消息。
    49.C  由...a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take.可知应选C。
    50.B  综合短文内容以及生活实际情况可知选B。
    51.C  由常识可知,你应当留意公用电话的位置,如果有危险的事情发生,你就会很快地找到它们,故选C。
    52.B  由第二则建议可知,如果在校园或街上跑的时候戴着耳机,外面的事情你就听不到,这样可能是危险的,故选B。
    53.E  由第三则建议可知,如果你把包背在背上,挤公共汽车的时候就很容易被小偷从包里偷东西,故选E。
    54.A  由第四则建议可知,如果有陌生人跟着你,你不要直接回家,这样你会比较安全,故选A。
    55.D  由最后一则建议可知,如果你必须坐公共汽车去很远的地方,尽量在公共汽车离开前几分钟到达公交车站,这样可以阻止陌生人跟着你,故选D。
    56.news  57.bin    58.left    59.careless    60.according
    61.recommend   62.lost    63.hearing
    64.What a brave boy
    65.I’m afraid you can’t
    66. heard from
    67. try our best
    68. Don’t put anything hot
    One possible version:
    Dear principal,
    I would like to recommend Zhang Hua for this year’s Bravest Student Award.
    He is a clever boy. He can learn things quickly. He can also use the computer well. He has good grades at school.
    He is helpful.He always thinks of others first. He often looks after the old men at a home for the elderly.
    Last week, on his way home he saved a five-year-old boy from the lake. He is really kind.
    We all think he should get an award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Yours faithfully,