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英语7B Unit 5-6期末复习测试题2

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    一 词汇 15
    A)根据句意 和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式
    1. We have two ____________ (地理) lessons every week.
    2. She was very ____________ (感激的) for her help.
    3. How many ____________ (月份) are there in a year?
    4. The children like ____________ (打架). I don’t like them.
    5. I have two _____________ (刷子).You can use one of them.
    6. Don’t touch the tank. You will  f____________  the fantail goldfish.
    7. Yesterday Jim helped an old man out of  d____________.
    8. Different people have different  a_____________.
    9. It is not n___________ to clean the fish tank every day.
    10. Please put some stones at the b ____________ of the tank.
    1. The monkey is the ____________ (clever) animal of all.
    2. Tom is good at maths, but sometimes he is ____________ (care) and makes some mistakes.
    3. There are many ____________ (mouse) in the tall building.
    4. When Amy rode to school, she fell off her bike and hurt ___________ (her).
    5. The students are too ____________ (noise). I have to speak loudly.
    二 单项选择 20
    (    ) 1.An __________ girl is crying loudly next door.
    A. twelve-years-old              ]B. 8-months-old
    C. one-year-old                  D. 8-month-old
    (    ) 2.They__________ play badminton because they forgot__________ the rackets.
    A. can’t, to bring               B. couldn’t, to bring
    C. can’t, bringing              D. couldn’t, bringing
    (    ) 3.Mr Green’s son spends __________ playing the piano every day.
    A. sometime   B. sometimes   C. some time   D. some times
    (    ) 4._________ important news report!
    A. What       B.  What an     C. What a      D. How
    (    ) 5.He__________ be out because I saw him go into the house.
    A. may not    B. must        C. can’t      D. mustn’t
    (    ) 6.The man usually has__________ unhealthy food, so he is__________ unhealthy.
    A. too much, too much             B. much too, much too
    C. too much, much too             D. much too, too much
    (    ) 7.---__________ I come back before five o’clock?
    ---No, you __________. But you_________ be back later than seven o’clock.
    A. Need; must; mustn’t           B. May; mustn’t; can’t
    C. Can; can’t; can’t            D. Must; needn’t; can’t
    (    ) 8.The lightning started a fire, but the firemen_________ at last.
    A. put down it   B. put it down   C. put out it   D. put it out
    (    ) 9.Is there __________ in today’s newspaper?
    A. nothing exciting               B. exciting something
    C. anything exciting              D. exciting anything
    (    ) 10.It is going to rain. You can’t leave the windows________.
    A. open          B. opened          C. opening          D. closed
    (    ) 11.Don’t read _________ the sun or __________ bed. It’s bad for your eyes.
    A. in; on        B. in; in          C. under; on       D. below; in
    (    ) 12.I’m very grateful________ you________ giving me so much help.
    A. to; for       B. on; for         C. for; for       D. to; to
    (    ) 13.Is this the right way_________ after the pets?
    A. to look       B. looking       C. of taking care     D. to take care
    (    ) 14.Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin, _________?
    A. shall you     B. do you       C.  don’t you        D. will you
    (    ) 15.What__________ just now?
    A. did you happen                B. did happen to you
    C. you happened                 D. happened to you
    (    ) 16.You should help_________ and learn__________.
    A. each other; each other             B. each other; others’
    C. each other; from each other        D. each other; by each other
    (    ) 17.If you work harder, you’ll get__________ results__________ Chinese.
    A. good; in     B. better; in     C. good; at      D. better; at
    (    ) 18.I am not feeling__________ now and my mum will take me to hospital.
    A. well         B. good        C. nice        D. ill
    (    ) 19.Do you recommend Simon__________ the__________ Helpful Student Award?
    A. for; More    B. for; Most   C. as; More    D. as; Most
    (    ) 20.---Please don’t ma ke much noise here.
    A. Yes, please.                   B. Certainly.
    C. Sorry, I won’t do it again.        D. You are right.
    三. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯.(每词限用一次)。(10分)
    When the world was very young, people   1   only in hot places. They did not live in cold places because they could not   2   warm there.
    At first men did not know how    3   a fire. Sometimes trees were  4   by lightning. Then a fire was started. People took some of the fire near their homes. A fire was very  5   for three reasons. (原因)It kept them warm. Wild (野蛮的) animals were  6   when they saw it. And when food was cooked, it tasted much   7  .
    When they had a fire, they did not let it stop  8  . If it  9  , they could not start it again. They had to wait for lightning to start another fire. Sometimes they had to wait for years.
    Now fire is useful in our daily life , but we should be  10   with it .
    1.             2.             3.              4.              5.
    6.             7.              8.              9.              10.
    四 完成句子 10
    1. 昨天我收到我父母的来信了。
    I __________ __________ my parents yesterday.
    2. 我的狗对人有礼貌。从不叫也不咬人。
    My dog is polite to people. It never __________ __________ __________.
    3. 英国的名字与中国的名字大不一样。
    English names __________ quite __________ __________ Chinese names.
    4. 请安静,别在教室里大声喧哗。
    __________ ___________. Don’t __________ so __________ ___________ in the classroom.
    5. 小心火柴是重要的。
    It’s important ___________ __________ __________ __________ matches.
    五 完型填空10
    One day Mark Twain was invited to _1_ a talk in a small town, He met a young man, one of his friends. The young man said that he had an uncle, his uncle __2__ laughed or smiled. “You bring your uncle to my talk tonight,” said Mark Twain. “I’m sure I can make him laugh.” That evening the young man and his uncle sat __3__ the front. Mark Twain told a few funny stories. __4__ made everyone in the room laugh. But the old man never __5__ smiled. Mark Twain told __6__ funny stories, but the old man still kept __7__. Finally, he stopped. He felt very tired and gave up. __8_ later, Mark Twain told a friend of his about __9__ happened, “Oh”, said his friend, “I know that old man. He has been __10__ for years.”
    (    ) 1. A. give       B. send          C. make         D. work
    (    ) 2. A. often      B. sometimes     C. never         D. always
    (    ) 3. A. in         B. with           C. on           D. at
    (    ) 4. A. Those      B. This          C.These        D. That
    (    ) 5. A. even       B. ever          C. still          D. yet
    (    ) 6. A. most       B. more         C. much         D. the most
    (    ) 7. A. quietly      B. quite         C. quiet         D. laughing
    (    ) 8. A. These days   B. Some days    C. Other days     D.Those days
    (    ) 9. A. which       B. how         C. what          D. that
    (    ) 10. A. foolish     B. deaf(聋)      C. blind          D. dead
    六 阅读理解 25
    Once there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfather’s farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks. The ducks were white with orange feet. They lived in a little wooden house near the road. The little girl liked these ducks very much.
    Every day they walked down the road to the pond(池塘). The ducks went into the water. The little girl sat on the bank(岸) and saw them swimming in the pond. The little girl talked to the ducks and they quacked(嘎嘎叫) back.
    Then one day the ducks were gone. No one would say anything about them. The little girl was afraid to ask where they were. One night everyone sat down for dinner. The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didn’t want to eat. Can you guess why?
    (   )1. The story is mainly ab out _______.
    A. eating chicken                 B. sitting by the pond
    C. living on a farm                D. ducks and a little girl
    (   )2. The ducks were _____________.
    A. yellow and orange              B. yellow and white
    C. white and orange feet            D. white and black
    (   )3. First the little girl _________.
    A. didn’t eat                     B. sat on the bank
    C. walked to the pond              D. talked to the ducks
    (   )4. At the end of the story,maybe the ducks were ______
    A. under the water                B. on the plate
    C. in the wooden house            D. swimming in the pond
    (   )5. The little girl didn’t eat because ______
    A. she wanted nice cakes           B. the food was ducks
    C. the food was too hot            D. the plate was empty
    Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.
    People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are n ot ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of  the name their parents gave them when they were born.
    Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.
    In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married(结婚). But today, many women are keeping their own family name and not using their husband’s. Sometimes, women use their own name in some situations(情况) and their husband’s in other situations. And some use both their own name and their husband’s.
    (  ) 1. Hanna changes her name to Anne because “Anne” is __________ for
    people to remember.
    A. louder B. easier   C. prettier    D. harder
    (  ) 2. Famous people want their new names to ________________.
    A. have special sound     B. be ordinary
    C. have no meaning     D. be unknown
    (  ) 3. Mr Li uses his new name when he___________________.
    A. stays with his family    B. is at his  job
    C. is among Chinese friends       D. comes back to China
    (  ) 4. What is the best title(标题) of this passage?
    A. Family Names      B. Women’s Names
    C. Changing Names     D. Special Names
    (  )5. Which of the following is NOT true ?
    A. Some women don’t change their own family name after they get married today.
    B. Some women use their husband’s family name after they get married.
    C. Some women don’t have family name after they get married.
    D. Some women use both their own name and their husband’s
    A: Mum, I'm back. Is supper ready?
    B: No. It t______ half an hour to c_______.
    A: But I'm h________. Can I have some snacks?
    B: No, you can't. E_______ snacks is b_______ for your health.
    A: What are you m________?
    B: I am making some d________.
    A: Great. I like them.
    B: I know you like them, so I make some for you.
    A: T hank you, mum. What do you need for them?
    B: Look! I n________ some v_________ and some meat.
    A: I think t_______ must(一定) be very delicious.
    七 书面表达 10
    假如你的朋友喜欢宠物,他想养一条狗,请你以 “How to keep a dog?”为题写一篇70词左右的短文,告诉他一些养狗方面的知识。