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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( )25. ______do you like sing? ----Because I like music.
    A. What B. Where C. Why D. When
    ( )26. I like these storybooks because they are very_________.
    A. scary B. interesting C. difficult D. quiet
    ( )27. ---This is Kevin. He ______ Australia.
    A .come from B.is from C. comes D. is
    ( )28.---Look! Some girls _______ photos in the park.
    A. is taking B. are taking C. takes D. take
    ( ) 29. -----___________ ? ----They are playing basketball.
    A. What are they doing   B. What do they do
    C. How are they  D. Where are they
    ( )30.----Would you like to go to the movies?
    ----_____ . I like watching movies. (请选择不恰当的一项)
    A. That sounds good B. Good idea
    C. I'd love to D. No, I don't
    An old woman has two pots (罐). She carries water(提水)_31_ the two pots every day. One of the pots is cracked (有裂纹的).After a long _32__ the woman can take back only a little water from the __33_ to her house.
    The cracked pot says to the woman,"I'm very__34_. Because I have a crack, a lot of water is __35_ on the way."
    The old woman says."Do you see that there __36 flowers (花) on the left,but not on the 37 ? I know you are cracked, _ 38__ I plant flowers on the left. They need your water every day. 39__.your crack,I can bring these flowers back to make (使) my house 40 . Your crack makes my house a nice place.
    ( ) 31. A. with B. of C. for D. on
    ( ) 32. A. walk B. swim C.sleep D. relax
    ( ) 33. A. park B. pool C. beach D. mall
    ( ) 34. A. excited B. surprised C. sorry D. busy
    ( ) 35. A. lost B. found C. clean D. dirty
    ( ) 36. A. has B. have C. is D. are
    ( ) 37. A. front B. back C. left D. right
    ( ) 38. A. so B. if C. when D. but
    ( ) 39. A. Thanks B. Thank for
    C. Because of D. Because
    ( ) 40. A. beautiful B. quiet C. warm D. sunny
    It's Sunday. Look at what these people are doing.
    City Activity
    New York Katherine is shopping with her mother .
    She wants to buy a skirt for her mother's birthday.
    Shanghai Lu Lu is talking with her friend on
    QQ. They want to go to the movies this afternoon.
    Jackie is visiting the zoo with his sister. He
    likes animals very much.Look, he is feeding
    the giraffes.
    Hawaii Tom is lying on the beach
    and relaxing. He works in New York
    and he is usually very busy. Now he
    just wants to have a good rest(休息).
    ( ) 41. Who is Kathrine shopping with?
    A. Her father B. Her mother C. Her friends D. Her sister
    ( ) 42. Which animal is Jackie feeding?
    A. Giraffes B. Pandas C. Tigers D. Lions
    ( ) 43. What's Jackie doing?
    A. He is shopping.
    B. He is looking for giraffes.
    C. He is talking with his friends.
    D. He is visiting the zoo in Moscow.
    ( ) 44、Where does Tom work?
    A. In Shanghai B. In Moscow C. In New York D. In Hawaii
    ( ) 45、Which of the following is true?
    A、Kathrine is a girl from China.
    B、Tom is very busy in Hawaii now.
    C、Lu Lu wants to go to the movies this afternoon.