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初一英语知识点大全:Whats in the teachers room?

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Lesson 41
    football door locked many thing open get find must the teacher’s room, at the door of
    2.掌握What’s + 地点?的问法及There be句式的使用。
    3.集中复习介词in on under near at.
    1.What’s + 地点?的问法。
    2.There be句式的使用规律。
    通过利用教室的实物问What’s + 地点?及There be句式的大量操练,让学生自己归纳总结出There be句式的用法及规律。教师最后简要概括,随之进行大量的笔头及口语训练,进行巩固。
    Step I Revision
    1.Practice with the student, who is on duty, about the stations of his(hers), by using the prepositions taught in Unit 10.
    2.做“Can you see it?”游戏。
    让学生A把某一同学的某一物品藏起来,由其他学生猜,直到猜对找到为止,换人重复练习Can you see it? 及回答,巩固复习介词短语。
    A: Where’s xx’s bag? Can you see it?
    B: Yes, I can. It’s on/ in / under/ behind…
    No, I can’t. I think it’s n / in/ under/ behind…
    3.教师拿着找到的书包,问学生What’s in the bag? Let’s have a look. (给大家看)自己回答Oh. There is a pencil – box in it.(拿出再放回去)Today we’ll learn Unit 11. What’s in the teacher’s room? Lesson 41(板书后领读What’s in the teacher’s room? 汉语加以解释)。
    Step II Presentation
    1.教师接着拿刚才的书包问学生What’s in the bag? 自问自答:Ah. There’s a pencil-box in it.(拿出)There is an English book in it. There are some books in it. 问学生What’s in the pencil – box? Can you guess? 找学生试答There is pen in it.(打开并拿出钢笔,板书)Ah. You’re right. 问其他学生Can you guess? 引出There is/ are等一系列的答句,直到文具盒的东西全部拿出。
    2.After a warm-up about preposition, the teacher could lead the students into the dialogue:
    T: Where is your bag?
    S: It’s on my chair.
    T: What’s on your chair?
    S: It’s my bag.
    T(guide): There is a bag on your chair.
    And then make the students repeat loud about several times at once.
    让学生根据这些句子归纳出There be句型的结构,归纳总结is、are的使用规律。
    3.SB Page 51, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 41. Ask the Ss What’s in the picture? What can you see? Now, listen first. Play the tape once and then rewind and play it again. Divide the Ss in two and have the Ss repeat. One half can be A and the other half B. Get the Ss to translate the sentences into Chinese and compare the different word order in English and Chinese.
    4.教师总结:问某地有某物通常是What’s+地点?回答用There be句式。be包括 is, are.There be句式表示某地存在某物。There be表示“有”,后面接名词。There是引导词,本身没有词义,be是谓语动词,后面的名词是主语,主谓语的数必须保持一致,句子的结尾是介词短语作地点状语。(用已有的板书句子加以解释说明)
    例:There is a pen and two books on the desk.
    There are two books and a pen on the desk.
    Step III Practice
    1. Let the students practice in pairs upon the easy sentence structure: What’s in/on/under/near/behind…? There is a/an …in/on/under/near/behind…Pay attention that the students can make the sentences in the right order and hint them do not forget the key word “the”.
    2. Make the Ss to practise the dialogue in Lesson41, Part 1in pairs. Get some groups to present their dialogues for the class, after they have had enough chance to practise.
    3. 两人一组,利用教室里的实物,进行巩固练习,提醒学生注意There is或There are.并进行连锁式问答操练,以列为单位,Ask and answer one by one.
    Step IV Presentation
    1. Again the teacher lead the Ss come back the picture, and ask them Where are the two boys? What do they want? (They want the football.) Then let the Ss discuss about the picture.
    2. Play the tape about Part 2, make the Ss repeat and practise in pairs, then get several groups of the Ss to act before the class. Encourage the Ss who act well.
    Step V Practice
    创设the teacher’s room门外的情景,两人一组,进行表演练习。
    Step VI Listening
    SB Page 51, Part 3, let the Ss draw a simple picture on the note-book by listening the tape. Compare the drawings of them and praise the good ones.[ Note: The Ss can change the relative words (be) into right patterns naturally when necessary. There is a pencil-box on your desk. There are some books in your desk.]
    Step VII Consolidation
    Assign Ex.1 as homework. Do Exx. 2 and 3 in class. It is correct to say An eraser and a ruler are on your desk, but is also conventional to say There is an eraser and a ruler on your desk.
    1. What ____________ (be) in the picture?
    There ____________ (be) a boy in the picture.
    2. What ____________ (be) in the picture?
    There ____________ (be) two boys in the picture.
    3. There ____________ (be) some books, a pencil – box and a pen on the desk.
    4. There ____________ (be) a pencil – box, some books and a pen on the desk.
    5. We must ____________ (open) the door and ____________ (get) the ball.
    6. Can you ____________ (find) the teacher?
    7. What’s on the ____________ (teacher) desk?
    Step VIII Summary
    1.词汇方面:at the door of be locked the teacher’s room等。
    2.There be句式的用法规则。
    Step IX Homework