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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Go For It---Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
    Period 4---Section B (3a---4)
    一、教材:新目标英语Go for it!(七年级下)
    Unit 11
    四、教学目标: 根据本课功能项目,设想学生情况,我确定以下的三维目标。
    1、认知目标: a. 掌握表达自己个人对事物或人看法的动词和词组。 b. 谈论自己的喜好与憎恶。 c. 询问及回答对事物或人的看法。 如:What do you think of XX? I love it /them. I do,too. What do you think of XX? I can’t stand it/them. I don’t ,either
    . 2、能力目标: 本单元的话题是谈论所喜爱的文化,通过学习让学生们发表对电视节目中的游戏以及不同方面的观点,以此培养学生实际运用目标语言的能力。
    3、情感目标: 通过学习谈论对某些事物的喜欢与不喜欢,以此来培养学生学会自我评价,成为一个有个性的人。
    五、教学重点: 1、掌握陈述自己观点的动词及动词短语(the key vocabulary) love, like, don’t/doesn’t mind, don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand 2、学会表达喜憎,以及怎样赞成别人的观点。
    六、教学难点: (1) can’t stand 不能忍受/ don’t mind 不介意 (2) like 喜欢 / love 热爱 (3) What do you think of …?=How about …你认为…...怎么样? 五、教学步骤: Step1: Organization Step2: Assign the task Step3: Warm-up Step4: Leading in Step5: Pre-task Step6: While-task Step7: Practice Step8:Summary Step9: homework
    Organization Greeting with the Ss. Step2 Assign the task Boys and girls.in this period,we are going to learn to express our opinions and make a survey report.Before we start the task.Let’s do some warm-up training. Step3 Warm-up 1) One-minute dialogue:
    2) Word competition: Step4 Leading in Write some words or phrases on the Bb. Such as love , like , don’t/doesn’t mind , don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand .Use the faces to help Ss understand the meaning of the words and the phrases.Ask some Ss to come to the Blackboard and draw the faces next to the words or phrases like this: Love JJ Like J Don’t mind Don’t like L Can’t stand LL Next ask the Ss how to ask sb’s opinions.
    They can answer “What do you think of …?”And then use the question to make conversations with the Ss. first make conversations with the Ss,then ask them to work in pairs and make conversations with their partners.They can begin like this: S1:Hello,XX,what do you think of XX? S2:I love it /them./I don’t like it/them. S1:I do,too./I don’t ,either.(Attention to the plural forms of the countable nouns.) Step5 Pre-task Ask Ss to open their books and look at 3a on page 69
    .First give them some time to read the passage.Then let them fill in the chart on the Bb and make a survey report with them .If they finish the chart ,ask some of them to read the results of the survey.And then ask them to come to the Bb and fill in the chart.(Use the cards with the persons’ names to stick on the chart)Then teach the Ss how to make a survey report. Task 1:(reading) Addition:Everyone loves the belt.(Below is the chart)
    stand 1、hair clip
    Ann Rice
    Gina Taylor
    Ann Rice
    3、key ring
    Jodie Smith
    Jerry Green
    Jordin 6、wallet
    William Jones
    Everyone Questions: 1、What does Jodie Smith think of the key ring? (likes) 2、What does Jordan think of the scarf?(can’t stand) 3、What does William Jones think of the wallet?(loves) 4、What does Gina Taylor think of the watch?(loves) 5、What does Ann Rice think of the hair clip and the watch?(likes,doesn’t mind) 6、What does Jerry Green think of the sunglasses?(likes) 7、Which thing does everyone love?( the belt) Step6 While-task Task 2: Assign the task. And then ask the Ss to survey themselves.To show their opinions about these things below. For example,I am Mr Lin.I don’t mind the hair clip ,so I can fill in my name below doesn’t mind.
    stand 1、hair clip