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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    试卷 Ⅰ.根据首字母及句意完成句子。(5分) 1. After school, the teachers often gives us some h_________ to do. 2. In summer, many s_______ swim in that lake. 3. We can get books from the school l__________. 4. Sandy doesn’t go to school today b_______ she is ill. 5. My mother always s_______ two hours watching. Ⅱ.根据英语解释,写出下列单词。(5分) 1. have many things to do _______________ 2. the second day of the week ____________ 3. talk with your friends ______________ 4. hate, not like something _____________ 5. high temperature(温度) _____________ Ⅲ.选用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) get up, twice a week, more than, would like, each other 1. I play table tennis _____________________ with my classmates. 2. Wendy is my best friend. We always study together and help ______________. 3. _______________100 people are going to visit our school tomorrow. 4. Tom is often late for school, because he often ________ late in the morning. 5. ________ you ________ a cup of tea or a cup of coffee(咖啡)? Ⅳ.选择填空。(10分) ( )1.There are ________things to do at my school. A. many B. lot of C. a lot D. much ( )2. We often ______ snacks _______the tuck shop after school. A. borrow, for B. buy, from C. buy, to D. lend, from ( )3.Thank you ______________ me. A. for help B. for helping C. to helping D. helping ( )4. Do you know the answer ______the question? A. to B. of C. at D. in ( )5. I can’t _______ my sweater. Can you help me? A. find B. look for C. look D. look like ( )6. I like seeing all ______ students in the Assembly Hall. A. the other B. the others C. other D. another ( )7. After school, I often ____________ Simon to go home together. A. meet up B. meet up with C. see with D. meet on with ( )8. _____I open the window, Mum? No, you_______. It’s cold outside. A. Can, may not B. Can, mustn’t C. May, may not D. May, mustn’t ( )9. The Class 5 students will __________ tomorrow. A. go swim B. go to swimming C. go swimming D. going swimming ( )10. –Where is your homework? --I’m sorry. I forgot _______ it here. A. to bring B. bringing C. to take D. taking Ⅴ.根据要求变换句型。(10分) 1. My brother does his homework at school.(改为否定句) My brother ______ ______ his homework at school. 2. Mr Green teaches English in No.2 Secondary School.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ______ Mr Green ______English in No.2 Secondary School? Yes, he_______. 3. I have a new friend. His name is John.(改为同义句) I have a new friend _______ John. 4. We don’t know how to have a time.(改为同义句) We don’t know how to ______ ______. 5. It takes Millie ten minutes to read the story.(改为同义句) Millie _____ ten minutes _______ the story. Ⅵ.改错。下列句子均有一处错误,找出并改正。(10分) 1. I and Simon are from Shanghai. _____________________ 2. Does your parents go to school every day? ___________________ 3. Is she get up late on Sunday morning? ____________________ 4. Mike, wake up! It’s time to school. ________________ 5. He lives in Nanjing. It is called the “Stone City(石头城)”. _________________ Ⅶ.完成下列句子。(10分) 1. 整个城市有两百多家学校。 _____________________ 200 schools in the whole city. 2. 我妹妹每天晚上总是要花一个小时看《学英语》报。 My sister always ______________________《Learn English》every evening. 3. Daniel是我们班上游泳最棒的人。 Daniel is ____________________ in our class. 4. 我们盼望着国庆节的到来。 We ______________________National Day. 5. 老师,我可以开灯吗? 当然可以。 ___________________the light? Sure. Ⅷ. 阅读短文,填写表格。(10分) I’m Jessica. I’m 13. I’m a middle school student. Every day I have a lot to do. On Monday I have school assembly in the Assembly Hall. On Tuesday I play tennis with my best friend, Mary. On Wednesday I organize all the boys to play football together in the afternoon. On Thursday I watch cartoons(卡通片) on TV in the evening. On Friday, I go to the museum after school. I’m very busy, but I love my school and friends. Day Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Ⅸ. 写作。(10分) 根据下列信息写一封电子邮件给你的朋友告诉他们你一天的生活。 6:30 a.m. Get up 3:30 p.m. Play sports 6:45 a.m. Have breakfast 4:45 p.m. Go home 7:00 a.m. Go to school 6:30 p.m. Have supper 7:45 a.m. Have assembly 7:30 Do homework 8:00 a.m. Have lessons 9:30 Go to bed Dear e-friends, Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life. ___________ _____________________________________________________________________
    _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Please e-mail me soon! _________