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初一英语复习资料:牛津7B unit 4 Amazing things 练习题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    7B 练习
    09/05 姓名____________
    动词适当形式填空: 1. The tallest man _____________(weigh) 222. 71 kilograms when he was 21 years old.
    2. ___________(be) you happy after you visited the museum last week? 3. He’ll watch TV when he ___________(finish) his homework. 4. Something unusual _______________(happen) to you if you __________(not be) careful. 5. Later that day, the children _________(leave) the park, because there _________(be) something strange in it. 6. I hope you ___________ (not stop) _________(study) English, because it is important _________ (learn) it well. 7. It began to rain. They ___________(stop) ___________(go) home. 8. She is learning ____________(drive) a car. 9. She kept on ____________(think) about it, but she _________(have) no idea. 10. They were really afraid and ___________(run) away quickly. 11. My family ____________(not have) dinner at home yesterday evening. 12. I am sure he ____________(not play) computer games any more. 13. His friend ______________(not listen) to music at the moment. 14. I am frightened of ___________(travel) by plane. 15. Thank you for _____________(write) to me. 16. It is interesting _____________(look) after the baby. 17. It ___________ (take) us three hours ___________(finish) the work yesterday. 18. I will go to the library ___________(learn) more about some amazing animals. 19. He always practices _____________(speak) English in or out of class. 20. The following Saturday, we ___________(visit) the great museum. 21. Look! How fast the train _______________(run)! 22. Our teacher ___________(take) us to the Great Wall tomorrow morning. 23. Dinosaurs ____________ (appear) a long time ago, so we can’t find them today.
    用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. What a __________(love) present you have! 2. Very ___________(quiet), he opened the door for the dog. 3. I think my room is cleaner than _________(she). 4. “What shall I do?” he said to ___________(he). 5. We are __________ in the ___________ books now.(interest) 6. Air is so important for us. We can’t live ____________(with) it. 7. She often makes a lot of mistakes. She is not __________ (care) at all. 8. A monkey can use __________(it) tail to hang down from the tree. 9. Millie was ___________(surprise) to hear the _________(amaze) news. 10. My father told me a _________(fun) story and laughed a lot. 11. She was busy _________(chat) with her friend. 12. Beijing is one of the ____________(big) __________(city) in China. 13. We were all __________ to hear the _________ news. (excite) 14. His father _________ last year. His __________ made his family very sad.(die) 15. The poor dog is ________(die) soon. Look! There’s a __________(die) dog _________(lie) on the ground. 16. The students are listening to the ___________(report) ___________(quiet). 17. Everyone knows the ____________(invent) names and their ____________(invent). 18. -Is he ___________(interest) in ___________(write)?- Yes, he often writes some ____________ (interest) books for children. 19. Your friends are old enough to look after ___________(they), so you needn’t worry about them. 20. Look the sun is shining ___________ (bright). It is __________(sun). 21. One of my ___________(good) subjects is maths. 22. My favourite food is sandwiches. What about ___________(you)? 23. Please read the ___________(follow) story. It is a ________(really) one. 24. Before going into the museum, you should read some _____________(introduce) ____________(care).
    翻译句子 1. -那次参观之后你感到累吗?-有一点累。/ 一点也不累。 2. 请不要害怕那部恐怖电影。据说(It is said) 那个故事不是真的。 3. 恐龙很久以前生活在陆地上,但是后来消失(disappear)了。 4. 没人知道她昨天发生了什么事。 5. 他是我们班最高的男生之一,他重达80公斤。 6. 很少有人能活到一百岁,但是相当多的人可以活到70岁。 7. 昨天地理课上,老师停下来叫我不要向窗外看。 8. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。它流经(run through)江苏和许多其他地区。 9. 在他5岁的时候,他就开始学游泳了。 10. 他的父母亲以那个体育明星给他命名。他是我们班上最努力的学生之一。 11. 大多数的人喜欢吃三明治,但是很少有人知道它们的历史。 12. 她认为学好所有的功课(lessons)是很重要的。 13. 那个勇敢的年轻人用一条毯子扑灭了火。他告诉人们要当心火。 14. 开车如此之快是很危险的。你应该保证你自己的安全。 15. 在他冲进大火之前,他在夹克衫上倒了水。他多聪明啊!