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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Class: _________ Name: ______________ No. ________ I. 听力、语音和词汇: A) 听力。(20分)
    (1)听句子,选出与其相符的图画。 每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ___________ 5. __________ (2)听句子,完成下面改写后的句子,每空一词,使其与听到的句子意思相同。每个句子读两遍,每小题你有3秒钟答题时间。(5分) 6. Now Nancy is writing _________ _________ to her pen pal. 7. Thanks a _________ for _________ me. 8. They usually go _________ on __________. 9. ___________ __________ the toy is! 10. ___________ do you ____________? (3)听对话,回答下面问题。对话读两遍,你有20秒钟答题时间。(5分) 11. What's Rose doing? __________________________________ 12. What does Rose think of the TV show (节目)? __________________________________ 13. Does Rose like thrillers or action movies? __________________________________ 14. When do Rose and Mike want to go to the cinema? __________________________________ 15. Where do they meet? __________________________________ (4)听短文,填写文中所漏掉的词语,每空一词。短文读两遍,你有20秒钟答题时间。(5分) It's a fine day. Now it's _________(16) o'clock in the morning. There's a sports _________(17) in the forest(森林). Look! There's a _________(18), a cat and a dog. They're running. Near the river, there are two tigers. They're jumping. In the tree, there are three _________(19). They're climbing. Look at those birds! They're flying and _________(20). How happy the animals are! B)语音和词汇。(15分) 1)从每组单词中找出一个划线部分读音不同于其他三个的词。(5分) ( )21. A. clean B. meat C. head D. leaf ( )22. A. talk B. walk C. always D. tall ( )23. A. pool B. cook C. too D. food ( )24. A. camera B. station C. late D. take ( )25. A. show B. how C. yellow D. window 2)词汇。(10分) 26. I want to buy a new ___________(照相机) for my brother. 27. Here are two ___________(相片) for my family. 28. I like swimming in the ___________(水池) in the afternoon. 29. This is a ___________(鸟). Do you like it? 30. She wants to buy some ____________(玩具) for her son. II. 同步语法: A) 按要求改写下列句子。(10分) 31. Tom often draws pictures in the evening. (用now改写句子) Tom __________ __________ pictures now. 32. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda__________ __________a letter to her pen pal. 33. She is watching TV now. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ she ___________ TV now? 34. They're playing basketball. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ they doing? 35. Is she making a cake? (作否定回答) ___________, she ___________. B)看图完成句子,每空一词。(10分)
    36. ---Where are the boys and girls? ---They are __________ the __________. 37. ---How many students are sitting? ---__________ __________ are sitting. 38. ---How many students are there in the classroom? ---There are __________ ___________. 39. ---What is the boy doing between two girls in the second row? ---He is __________ a __________. 40. ---What are the two children doing beside the wall? ---They are __________ the __________. III. 综合考查: A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。(共10分) ( )41. Look! They ______ games over there. A. play B. is play C. is playing D. are playing ( )42. We are doing _______. A. our homework B. my homework C. one’s homework D. homeworks ( )43. Jim and his teacher ______ over there. A. is talk B. are talk C. is talking D. are talking ( )44. How many ______ are there in the picture? A. policemans B. policemen C. policemens D. policeman ( )45. ______ are the children doing now? A. What B. Where C. When D. How ( )46. ---What ______ your family doing next to the lake? ---They're planting trees. A. is B. does C. are D. can ( )47. Do you want to play ______ basketball after class? A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )48. Emma, come here. Here ______ some new pens for you. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )49. ---Is the boy opening the door? ---No, he ______. A. can’t B. is C. doesn’t D. isn’t ( )50. ---What is the boy doing? ---He’s ______ a book. A. seeing B. reading C. looking at D. watching B) 完形填空。(10分) It s a fine Sunday morning. There ______(51) many children in the park. They are ______(52) happily. Some are playing ______(53) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and ______(54). Some boys ______(55) running up the hill. Li Lei's ______(56) by the lake. He's reading a story. ______(57) is Wang Lin? He's standing over there. ______(58)is he doing? He's looking ______(59) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He ______(60) to catch it. ( )51. A. is B. are C. am ( )52. A. playing B. sing C. dance ( )53. A. the tennis B. the football C. games ( )54. A. danceing B. to dance C. dancing ( )55. A. are B. is C. am ( )56. A. sitting B. sit C. sits ( )57. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )58. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )59. A. down B. after C. for ( )60. A. want B. is wanting C. wants B) 

