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初一英语复习资料:Nice to meet you 同步测试(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

           VII. 阅读理解。(10分) 阅读下面的对话,然后完成后面的练习。 Alice: Good morning, Susan. Susan: Good morning, Alice. Alice" Can I come in? Susan: Sure(当然), please. Alice: Oh, is this your room? Susan: No, it’s my brother’s room. Alice: Is this a television(电视) on the table? Susan: No, it isn’t. It’s a computer. Alice: I see. What’s this in English? Susan: It’s a map. Alice: How do you spell it? Susan: M-A-P, map. Alice: Is this a watch? Susan: Yes, it is. it’s my watch, Alice: It’s very nice. Susan: Thanks. 1. It is___________ room. A. Susan’s brothers’ B. Alice’s brother’s C. Susan’s sister’s 2. The_________ is on the table. A. computer B. television C. watch 3. _________ can spell “map” A. Susan B. Alice C. Alice’s brother 4. A___________ is not in the room. A. watch B. desk C. table 5. Alice thinks(认为) the watch is__________. A. nice B. not good C. not OK VII. 书面表达。(10分) 下午,David正在教室里看书,这时,Henry走了进来,非要与练习英语口语。于是,他们俩就以教室里的物品为对象进行地话。请你根据所说的情景,用学过的句型设计一段他们之间的对白。要求:不少于7句话。 I.请根据下列答句,写出相应的问句。(10分) 1. —____________________________________________? —It’s a school bag. 2. —____________________________________________?
    —I’m in Class 4. 3. —___________________________________________? —P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil. 4. —___________________________________________? —It’s 6856034. 5. —___________________________________________? —No. It’s my pen. II.阅读下面的对话,然后根据对话内容补全句子。(10分) Peter: Can I come in, Alice? Alice: Yes, please. Peter: Is this your pen? Alice: Yes, it is. What’s that(那个) on the desk? Peter: It’s a book Alice: Is it your book? Peter: No, it’s Zhang Hai’s. Alice: Who(谁) is Zhang Hai? Peter: He is my classmate. Alice: I see. How about your book? Peter: It’s in my bag. What’s this in English? Alice: It’s a ruler. Peter: Thank you. Goodbye. Alice: Goodbye. 1. The p____________ is Alice’s. 2. Zhang Hai’s book is on the______________. 3. Zhang Hai is Peter’s________________. 4._____________ book is in his bag. 5.划线部分句子的意思是: ___________________________________________ 参考答案基础卷 I. A. 1. eraser 2. blackboard 3. table 4. ruler 5. map B. 1. her 2. his 3. notebooks 4. write 5. isn’t II. 1-5 BBACC 6-10 BCCAB III. AECFHIGDBJ IV. 1. What’s, in English 2. his eraser, it isn’t 3. Can, write, on, blackboard 4. Take your seat 5. What’s this, pencil case V. 1. Is this your eraser? 2. Yes, I can. / Yes, 3. What’s this (in English)? 4. This is not / isn’t my table. 5. Take your seat, please. VI. (答案不惟一) 1. A: What’s this in English? B: It’s an English map. 2. A: Is this a book? B: No. It’s a notebook. 3. A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a computer. 4. A: Is this your watch? B: No. It’s her watch. 5. A: How do you spell "blackboard"? B: B-L-A-C-K-B-O-A-R-D, blackboard. VII. 1-5 AAABA VIII. One possible version: What’s this in English? -- It’s a pencil.- What’s this? -- It’s a ruler. -- Is this a table? -- No, it isn’t. It’s a desk. -- How do you spell it? -- D-E-S-K, desk. 提高卷 I. 1. What’s this (in English)? 2. What class are you in? 3. How do you spell "pencil”? 4. What’s your telephone number? 5. Is this his / her pen? II. 1. pen 2. desk 3. classmate 4. Peter’s 5.你的书呢?