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七年级英语知识点:Troubles 同步测试

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 3 Troubles
    (Reading A)
    一. 补全对话
    Sun Fei: My father _____ (help) two women to catch a theft yesterday.
    Liu Mei: Really? How _____ (do) it happen?
    Sun Fei: We ____ (wait) for the ferry. Two women and a man ____ (begin)
    Liu Mei: And then?
    Sun Fei: My father ____ (find) out the man _____ (be) theft, and he ____ (steal) the purse of one woman. So he _____ (dail) 110.
    Liu Mei: Your father _____ (be) brave.
    Sun Fei: Thank you. After that, the policemen_____ (come),and they caught the theft.
    二. 根据课文内容完成句子
    1.Sun Fei and his father for the ferry that day. But they took the next ferry because his father wanted to ______ ______ call the police..
    2.The women that the man her purse. He wanted to show he was not a thief, so he _____ ____a bag. The man and the two women began arguing , so everyone ______ ______ them.
    3.When the door was open the man ______ ______ because he wanted to
    4.run away.
    三. 根据中文意思写词语每空不限一词
    1. The woman found her purse missing. She ____________( 跟踪)the man .
    2. He ____________(冲进) the telephone booth and called the police.
    3. You must _______________(出示) your ticket before you go into the park.
    4.At last, the thief _____________(戴上手铐)。
    5.We often ________________( 看着天空)and count stars。
    四. 阅读理解
    Roy used to drive a taxi. A short while ago,he became a bus driver and he has not regretting(遗憾) it. He was finding his new work far more exciting. When he was driving along a street , he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run to a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money. Roy quickly drove the bus at the thieves. The one with the money was afraid and he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it. Then he telephoned the police. The thieves' car was badly damaged(损坏)and easy to recognize. Soon, the police stopped the car and both men were in handcuffs.
    1.Roy is ______
    A. a taxi driver B. a bus driver C. a truck diver D. a car driver
    2. The underlined phrase“used to” means ______
    A. 使用 B. 用于 C. 过去 D. 平时
    3. Roy ______
    A. likes driving a bus more than driving a taxi
    B. likes driving a taxi more than driving a bus
    C. is sorry he isn't a taxi driver
    D. is glad he didn't change his job
    4. The thieves were trying to get away in their car, the reason was_____
    A. the policemen come to get them
    B. Roy chased them by his bus, and they felt frighten
    C. Roy telephoned the policemen
    D. They wanted to protect the bag full of money
    5. From the story we know, ______
    A. the thieves were never caught
    B. the thieves ran away
    C. it was hard for the police to catch the thieves
    D. it was easy for the police to catch the thieves
    Unit 3
    (Reading B)
    一.读课文,根据下列相关信息完成短语搭配。如 1E stay up late
    1. stay 2.fall 3. put 4. be angry 5. think 6. walk round
    A. with B. on C.on her own D. over E. up late F. about
    2___________ 3___________4___________5___________6___________
    二. 写出下列动词的过去式
    hurt get hurry decide say
    take dial begin have do
    三. 选用所给单词或词组并用其适当形式填空。
    pretty, put on, think.......about , be angry with, stay up late
    walk round, on her own, feel guilty to, see… playing,
    1. It was hot outside today.
    2.This morning my father his suit and went to his office.
    3. My English teacher never her students.
    4. carefully the question before you answer it.
    5.Yesterday Kelly had nothing to do and in the garden.
    6.She can finish the task _________. .
    7.He be late when he got to school this morning.
    8. I _______ him _______ basketball on the playground at that time.
    Last night I stayed up late for my science project, but I did not _______ (complete ) it. This morning when I woke up I found that it (be) late for school. So I (put) on my clothes and (cycle) to school quickly. I (think) about carefully and decided to finish my project this morning.
    On my way to school I (see) Mrs Li (fall) over and hurt her leg. I felt guilty not (not help) her, but I (not have)time. Suddenly I (have) an idea. I (rush) to the telephone and (call) the ambulance. Five minutes later an ambulance (pick) Mrs Li up. Finally I (ride) to school happily.
    Unit 3
    一 . 互译下列短语
    1. 带手 9. 熬夜
    2. 生。。。的气 10. 穿上
    3. 思考 11. 四处走
    4. 单独,独自 12. 在。。。的一侧
    5. 有时间玩乐 13. 有选择
    6. without questions 14. compare… to/ with…
    7. change one’s mind 15.. find out
    8. tell a lie 16.just at that moment 

