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七年级英语知识点:Module 9 全模块测试

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Module 9 全模块测试
    一. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions (用适当的介词填空) : 20%
    1. I often watch TV Saturday evenings.
    2. In highrises people go up and down a lift.
    3. Most students go home school. But some stay_________ school.
    4.____________February there are only 28 or 29 days. It has the fewest days the twelve months
    5. It is a long way_____________ China and the U.S.
    6. Whales can stay______________ the water_____________ a long time. They come up only_____________ air and their noses are____________ the top of their heads.
    二. Rewrite the sentences, keeping the meaning unchanged (改写句子,保持原句意思): 20%
    1. The cinema is near the supermarket.
    The cinema is____________ ______________ the supermarket.
    2. The supermarket is behind the high-rise.
    The high-rise is__________ __________ ______________ the supermarket.
    3. Don't put the small box under the big one.
    Don't put the big box________________ the small one.
    4. You must throw the paper into the litter bin.
    You mustn't throw the paper_________ _____________ the litter bin.
    5. Please get up before six tomorrow.
    Please don't get up________________ six tomorrow.
    6. Li Hong sits on my left and Zhang Hua sits on my right.
    I sit____________ Li Hong and Zhang Hua.
    三 Complete the dialogue (完成对话,每格一词):20%
    A: Hi, Li Ming. Nice to meet you again.
    B: Hi, .Zhang Lin.__________ ___________ _____________ ___________, too. ___________school are you in now?
    A: I' m in No. 7 Middle School
    B: _______________ it big_______________ small?
    A: It's big. It's a new school________________ a new neighborhood.
    B. Can you tell me something about your school?
    A: Sure. ___________ ____________ a high classroom building in the middle of the school. In ________ of the building there is a garden. There are a ______ of trees and flowers in it. ______________ the building there is a playground. _____________it there are some trees.
    B: Have you_________________ a school library?
    A: Yes. It’s beside the classroom building. There is a big reading room_______________ the library.
    B: ______________ in the classroom building?
    A: There___________ a lot of classrooms and quite a few teachers' offices. There is a language lab and a computer room____________ the fourth floor. We sometimes have our______________ there. By the way, would you like to come and visit our school?
    B: Yes, I’d love to.
    四 Read and choose (阅读后选择):10%
    Heat(热量) comes from many things. Heat comes from the sun. Heat comes from gas(气体). Heat comes from oil( 油). When wood bums, it makes heat, too.
    We use heat in many ways. We use it to cook. We use it to keep warm. We use it to dry(使干) things.
    Your body (身体) makes heat. Put your hand on your head. Does it feel hot? Your body is like a stove(炉). It does not burn wood. It burns food. Food helps you keep warm.
    True or False?
    ( ) 1. Heat is important to us.
    ( ) 2. We can get heat from many things.
    ( ) 3. We bum wood to get heat.
    ( ) 4. We bum our bodies to make heat.
    ( ) 5. We use heat only to keep ourselves warm. 

