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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.
    I. 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词
    ( )1. A. city B. finish C. physical D. science
    ( ) 2.A. subject B. student C. education D. Tuesday
    ( ) 3.A. note B. soda C. cola D. not
    ( ) 4.A. classmate B. education C. example D. information
    ( ) 5.A. Monday B. may C. day D. Kay
    1.踢足球 2.体育 3.喜欢的学科
    4.课后 5.上体操 6.在星期三
    7.be sure 8.for two hours 9.be strict with sb.
    10.art teacher
    III. 从II栏中选出I栏各句的回答
    I II
    ( )1. Does she like English? A. Mr. Brown.
    ( )2. What time do you have history? B. Biology.
    ( )3. What’s your favorite subject? C. Because it’s interesting.
    ( )4. Who’s his art teacher? D. At 9:00.
    ( )5. Why do you like science? E. Yes, she does.
    IV. 根据汉语提示完成句子
    1. When do you ?( 上数学)
    I have math . (在星期三)
    2. he like ? (他为什么喜欢生物课?)
    it’s . (因为生物有趣。)
    3. is your teacher? (你的科学老师是谁?)
    4. her ?(她最喜欢的科目是什么?)
    It’s . (是体育)
    5. Watching TV is . (无聊)
    V. 单项选择
    ( )1. favorite subject is biology.
    A. His B. He’s C. He D. Him
    ( ) 2.I like biology and history.
    Why do you like ?
    A .they B. it C. their D. them
    ( )3.Ann ________ English at 9:00 o’clock.
    A. has B. have C . takes D. bring
    ( )4.She math it’s boring.
    A. doesn’t likes, because B. doesn’t like, and
    C. don’t like, and D. doesn’t like, because
    ( )5.After class I have gymnastics two hours.
    A. at B. for C. on D. in
    ( )6.Our teacher is very strict us.
    A. at B. for C. with D. in
    ( )7. your favorite subject?
    A.What’s B. What are C. Who’s D. Science
    ( )8. We usually play sports _______three hours every day.
    A. for B. in C. of D. at
    ( )9.Our English teacher is her work.
    A. strict with B. strict in C. is strict in D. strict at
    ( )10.In the gymnastics class, our teacher is always very strict and he me very .
    A. make, tiring B. makes, tired
    C. is make, tired D. make, tired
    VI. 用动词的适当形式填空
    1.He wants _____¬¬¬___ (swim) in the pool.
    2.He likes _________(run ) in the morning.
    3.They often go _______( see ) an action movie.
    4.School usually _______(start) at 8:30 am and ________(finish) at 4:30 pm.
    5.Please _______( fill ) in the blanks.
    VII. 选用方框里所给单词的正确形式填空
    watch, play, have, eat, like, have, go
    John is always busy on Monday. At 8 o’clock he 1 math. He doesn’t 2 Chinese. At 9:00 he has English .He 3 English because it’s interesting. At 11:00 he has music. That’s his favorite subject! He 4 lunch at 12:00.In the afternoon he 5 sports. He 6 home at 4:00.He usually 7 TV after dinner.
    VIII. 完成短文
    It ______Tuesday. At 8:00 he _________( not have ) math. He _______(have) Chinese. Then at 9:00 he has science. It’s difficult, ______ interesting. Next at 10:00 he has history. It’s boring. But at 11:00 he has P.E. That’s ______ favorite subject. He _______ lunch at 12:00. After lunch, He has music, it’s relaxing. He _____ his music teacher, Mr. Morgan. He’s fun. All his classes _______ at 2:00. After class he has gymnastics _________ two hours. His teacher is very _______, and he _______ him very tired. But after that, he has Chinese history club. It’s ______ interesting. 

