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初一英语复习资料:Story time综合检测题及答案(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    B Dear Lugs, Thank you for your interesting letter. I showed it to a few friends at school. Three other people in my class also have pen friends in South America. They sometimes get letters from their pen friends. One of them lives in Columbia, another lives in Argentina, and the other lives in Brazil. In this letter I am going to write something about my family. I have two brothers. One is a doctor in England and the other works in a machine company in New York. I’m going to sent some pictures of my brothers in my next letter. Would you write something about your family? Could you send me a few pictures? I have to stop here. Mum is calling me for supper. Please write soon. And best wishes for the coming Christmas.
    Fred 26. Who is Luis? A. Fred’s classmate B. Fred’s brother C. Fred’s pen friend D. Fred’s picture-taker 27. Fred wrote this letter to luis because__________. A. he got a letter from Luis B. Luis asked him to do so C. a friend from Brazil needed this letter D. Fred wanted to improve his English 28. Who may be an engineer? A. Luis B. Fred C. The Brazilian D. One of Fred’s brother 29. Where does Luis maybe live? A. In England. B. In USA. C. In a South American country. D. We don’t know. 30. Where did Fred write this letter? A. At home in USA B. In a school in USA C. In Columbia D. In England 答案:C A D C A C. 阅读短文填空 famous, England, so, like, also, President , born, then be, become As the first vice President and the second President of the US, Jon Adams is a 31 person in American history.
    In 1735, John Adams was 32 in Quincy. He studied at Harvard University and 33
    became a lawyer when he was young. But at that time, Quincy and many other parts of America were just colonies(殖民地) of 34 John Adams didn’t think it was right. 35 he worked with other people to change it. After the US was founded(成立) in 1789, he 36 vice President under George Washington. In the next 8 years, he was working as a vice President. And then from 1797 to 1801 he the 37 President. John Quincy Adams was 38 his father in many aspects(方面). He was born in Quincy, too. And his university was 39 Harvard University. He was a lawyer when he was young and then he became 40 of the US. 答案:31. famous 32. born 33. then 34. England 35. So 36. was 37. become 38. like 39. also 40. President
    四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(20分) 41. My parents__________(marry) fifteen years ago. Now they still love each other. 42. Please be__________ (quiet) in the library and read __________ (quiet). 43. The naught students__________(stop) talking when their teacher entered the room. 44.-When__________ Betty and Lucy__________ (do) their homework last night? -They__________ (do) it at half past seven. 45.-Who__________ (destroy) my bike? -Sorry I don’t know. 46. When we got home, we found that the door was __________(open). 47. It’s exciting__________(see) Chinese spacecrafts in space. 48. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese __________ (fly) to space. 答案:41. married 42. quiet, quietly 43. stopped 44. did, do, did 45. destroyed 46. open 47. to see 48. flying
    五、短语填空。(10分) in colour, ride a bike to, hurry out of, move to, at the age of twenty, be successful, decide to be , twenty years later, go through, in pieces 49. He__________ an actor when he was only ten. 50.__________ , he started writing novels about fairy tales. 51. They__________ another big city after they retired. 52. My family watched TV every night when I was young but it wasn’t__________. 53.-Did your aunt__________ work five years ago? -Yes, but now she drives to work. 54. It__________ for a boy like him to be a writer. 55. The students all__________ the classroom when they heard the bell. 56. The boy cried sadly because his toy plane 57. The train to Beijing__________ three tunnels near the mountains. 58. The naughty boy became a president__________. 答案:49. decided to be 50. At the age of twenty 51. moved to 52. in colour 53. ride a bike to 54. is successful 55. hurriedout of 56. in pieces 57. goes through 58. twenty years later 六、句型转换。(10分) 59. I had a nice time last Sunday. (变一般疑问句) __________ you__________ a nice time last Sunday? 60. He did some shopping yesterday. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________he__________ yesterday? 61. We stayed at that hotel for two months. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________ __________you__________ at that hotel? 62. They arrived here by taxi. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________they__________ here? 63. We went to London two years ago. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________you__________ to London? 64. His mother spent half an hour at Tianjin Railway Station last Saturday. (对画线部分提问) How long__________ his mother__________ at Tianjin Railway Station last Saturday? 答案:59. Did, have 60. What did, do 61. How long did, stay 62. How did, arrive 63. When did, go 64. did, spend 七、书面表达。(10分)假如你是Betty,给你的朋友发email告诉他你们上周去交游的情况。要求:80字左右;条理清楚;层次分明;用地道的英语表达你的文章。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:略