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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Grammar (2)
    1、两杯茶 ________________ 2、一袋盐 ________________
    3、三瓶苹果汁 ________________ 4、四台钢琴 ________________
    5、两公斤肉 ________________ 6、八个土豆 ________________
    7、1.5公斤大米 ________________ 8、五篮苹果 ________________
    9、以……开始 ________________ 10、当然 ________________
    1.Daniel’s mother seldom _____________(exercise) in the morning.
    2.My favourite food _________ (be) noodles and dumplings.
    3.I will __________ (make) a bowl of rice for you.
    4.____________(how long/ how often / how many/ how much) does it take you to do homework every day?
    5._____________(how long/ how often / how many / how much) rice would you like? Ten kilos, please.
    6.______________(how long/ how often / how many / how much) do you go to see your parents? Twice a month.
    7.___________(be) there two cups of tea on the table over there.
    8.Mark Twain liked to tell others funny ____________(story).
    9.He likes fish very much, but my favourite is ______________(tomato).
    10.Daniel goes swimming __________(two) a week.
    1.The knifes over there are quite new. ____________
    2.What’s that? It look like a cat. ____________
    3. My sister never is late for school. ____________
    4. How many kilo of rice do you want? I want twenty kilos please.______
    5. There is a “m” in the word meal. ____________
    1、我们需要买点什么?(…need to do…)
    2、我们能从巧克力中获得很多能量。 ( …get energy from…)
    3、每天骑自行车上学要花费我十五分钟。 (It takes …. time to do….)
    4、我早饭通常要喝一杯牛奶和吃两片面包。 (…have…for breakfast…)
    5、我母亲很少吃鸡肉但经常吃水果。 (…seldom…., but… often…)
    Integrated skills
    ( ) 1. How long are you away from school?
    A. Never away from school. B. Less than a week.
    C. About two weeks. D. More than two weeks.
    ( ) 2. How often are you ill?
    A. Never. B. Sometimes. C. Often. D. Very often.
    ( ) 3. How often do you get to school early?
    A. Never. B. Always. C. Sometimes. D. Usually.
    ( ) 4. What time do you go to bed at night?
    A. Before 9:30. B. 9:30—10:00.
    C. 10:00—11:00. D. Later than eleven.
    ( ) 5. How many hours of sport do you do every week?
    A. Six hours or more. B. About five hours.
    C. Three to six hours. D. Less than 3 hours.
    ( ) 6. Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?
    A. Often. B. Usually. C. Sometimes. D. Never.
    1.Sandy often eats snacks between meals.
    2.Lucy watches two hours of TV every day.
    3.This is Meiling’s basketball.
    4.I carry all that food with a big bag.
    5.My cousin goes to the restaurant for dinner at weekends.
    6.Daniel loves eating Coke and hamburgers.
    One Sunday morning Mr. Green and his child, Bill are in a big shop. Mr. Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs. Green. Bill likes oranges, so his father buys two kilos of oranges for him. Bill wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils, too. There are many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there.
    ( ) 1. Mr. Green goes to the shop with ____________.
    A. Mrs. Green B. his son C. his daughter D. his father
    ( ) 2. Mr. Green wants to buy a new blouse for ____________.
    A. Bill’s mother B. Bill C. his friend D. other people
    ( ) 3. Bill likes _____________.
    A. all the things B. the new blouse C. oranges D. orange
    ( ) 4. Bill wants to buy ___________.
    A. some picture-books B. some colour pencils
    C. clothes in the shop D. A and B
    ( ) 5. The shop is ______________.
    A. empty B. close C. full of children D. full of people
    Main task
    1、一点也不健康 ________ 2、少看些电视 ________________
    3、祝贺你 ____________ 4、尽力变得更健康 ____________
    5、保持健康 __________ 6 、需要更多锻炼 ________________
    7、看一个多小时电视 ________8、祝你学习英语好运 __________
    9、感觉更健康 __________ 10、吸收800卡路里 ________________
    1.We must keep ____________ (health) first, then we can study well.
    2.Sichuan hotpot is a ____________(spice) dish.
    3.My brother and I swim ___________(two) a week in summer.
    4.The number of the students in our class _________(be) 800.
    5.Eating ___________(little) meat and __________(many) vegetables are good for your health.
    6.My friend seldom exercises. He doesn’t sleep ___________ (good).
    7.__________(good) wishes to you and your family.
    8.Good ___________(lucky) with your English study.
    1.The food can give us energy for ____________ (do) sports.
    2.The girl is trying ____________(draw) a beautiful pig on the blackboard.
    3.He is very fat now. I think he needs ______________(exercise) every day.
    4.We classmates should __________(help) and learn from each other.
    5.Tom seldom _____________(play) football, but now he ___________(play) it in the football field.
    6.“Kate, come and play.” “Sorry, I _____________(cook).”
    7.We never _____________(clean) our bedroom in weekdays.

