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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    2. 我喜欢做20 世纪30年代的发型。
    4.这条领带是用什么做的? 是用丝绸做的。
    It’s nine o’clock. Miss Yang is not at home . Wang Xiaogang looks after her baby for her. Her baby is only three months old. The baby can’t eat food . It can only drink some milk. Miss Yang gives Wang Xiaogang two bottles of milk. At first,all is OK.But at ten o’clock, the baby begins to cry. Xiaogang puts the baby on the bed and puts some things on the bed,too----a doll(洋娃娃),two balls ,some cups and a small plane. He plays some games and makes the baby look at him. At 11 o’clock, Miss Yoang comes home.
    ( )1.What can the baby do?
    A.Cry and eat B.Drink and eat C.Cry and see D.Drink ,see and cry
    ( )2. Wang Xiaogang can give some_______to the baby ,too.
    A.tea B.water C.cakes D.apples
    ( )3. The baby begins to cry. It wants to _________.
    A.drink something B.look at WangXiaogang C.play games D.see its mother
    ( )4. Wang Xiaogang looks after her baby for about ________hours.
    A.one B.two C.three D.four
    ( )5. It’s not ________ thing to look after babies.
    A.a right B.a light C.an easy D.a small
    一. 根据上下文的意义和首字母的提示,完成下列句子:
    1.I like t ________ because they are more comfortable.
    2. You’d better put on s_________ clothes when you do exercise.
    3. Don’t wear a pair of long b_________to school , you are only a student!
    4. Girls are always lucky. Look at that b________, how nice it is!
    5. J_________ were blue at first, but nowadays, you can find that they are in different colours
    6. Most people like to wear s_______ shirts in summer because they are cool.
    7. ---- What is your sweater made of ? ---It is made of w______.
    8. I’d like to wear clothes made of c________ ., they are warm and comfortable..
    二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
    1.I don’t think the pair trainers fit your_________ ( foot).
    2. Do you like the colour of the ________(boot).
    3. How ________ (comfort) it is to swim in the sea in such a hot day!.
    4. Who has ________(many) fashion clothes than Mary?
    5. Some animals enjoy the __________( colour) things.
    6. He looks __________(fun) wearing the strange costumes.
    7. My mother wants me to be ________(health) than before.
    8. Of all my hobbies, I like drawing _________ ( good).
    三. 选择填空:
    ( )1. Who will ______ a fashion show next week?
    A. do B. make C. give D. get
    ( ) 2. Did you raise any money _________ Project Hope ?
    A. to B.for C.in D. of
    ( ) 3. The students from different________ have different thoughts.
    A.time B. times C. year D. years
    ( ) 4. The year 1998 is in the ________ century.
    A. 18th B. 19th C. 20th D.21st
    ( ) 5. I was born in ___________.
    A. the 1990s B.1990s C. the 1990 D. yearof 1990
    ( ) 6. Jim is in a new dress today. He ______ smart and modern.
    A. seems B. becomes C. looks D. gets
    ( ) 7. What is his article_______?
    A. on B. to C. up D. over
    ( ) 8. Peopole in the 1930s never wore ________.
    A.jeans B. suits C. blouses D. boots
    ( ) 9. Kitty _______ a lovely blouse yesterday.
    A. put on B. dressed C. in D. wore
    ( ) 10. I don’t know_________ a wooden gun.
    A. how to make B. what to make C. which to make D. who to make
    四. 中译英;
    1.昨天晚上, 我一直呆在我爸爸的办公室。
    4.三天前, 我陪外教逛了一家超级购物中心。
    5. 她在上周通过了英语考试。
    1.Let’s ask the old woman ________ the 1960s dress.
    2.She doesn’t spend much time _________ her lesson.
    3.Look! Sandy is doing some work_________ the coming fashion show.
    4.Most peopole don’t go to work__________ Sunday morning.
    5.How much money do you pay________ the coat?
    6.She likes to wear her hair________ a 1990s style.
    7.They are talking ___________ raising money________ the poor students.
    8.I usually have dinner__________ my family________ the evening.
    9.We all wear clothes __________ the 1980s. We look really colourful.
    10.10.There isn’t enough light in the room. Please turn________ the light.
    二.按时间的先后顺序写出Stephen 的一天:
    I have lesson I play basketball I go to school
    I do my homework I have dinner with my family

