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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    ( ) 1. A. anB. aC. theD. /
    ( ) 2. A. yearB. yearsC. years’D. year’s
    ( ) 3. A. oldB. badC. smallD. nice
    ( ) 4. A. areB. isC. aren’tD. isn’t
    ( ) 5. A. JapaneseB. EnglishC. ChineseD. French(法语)
    ( ) 6. A. eitherB. alsoC. allD. too
    ( ) 7. A. onB. atC. inD. of
    ( ) 8. A. niceB. newC. goodD. old
    ( ) 9. A. andB. orC. butD. because
    ( ) 10. A. inB. atC. withD. on
    Ⅷ. 阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)、误(F)。
    This is my school. There are about twenty classes. There are six hundred students in it. It has three small gardens. There are three teaching buildings too. Building A is for Grade 7. Building B is for Grade 8 and Building C is for 9. There is another (另一个)building behind(在……之后) the teaching buildings. There are two libraries and some reading rooms in it. My school is very beautiful. I like it.
    1. There are about four hundred students in my school.
    2. Building B is for Grade 7.
    3. Building C is in front of(在……之前) the libraries.
    4. There are only two reading rooms in the building.
    5. My school has three gardens.
    Ⅸ. 书面表达。
    要求:以My school 为题,描绘一下你的学校,词数40左右。
    提示:Which school?
    What class/grade?
    What about class room/classmates/teachers?
    How do you like your school?
    Ⅰ.A) 1. any 2. garden 3. hundred 4. playground 5. offices B) 6. first; is 72. policemen; are 8. aren’t; libraries 9. aren’t; any 10. photos; families C) 11. art room 12. study 13. go swimming 14. look at 15. on the playground
    Ⅱ. 1—5 A A C C B 6—10 B B C C A
    Ⅲ. 1. Are; any; aren’t 2. How many pictures are 3. These are offices 4. I am an English teacher 5. aren’t any desks 6. There are some 7. What is on 8. There are many books in my bag
    Ⅳ. 1. computer room; course 2. How many; is 3. Don’t; tennis; basket court 4. toilets on 5. Are there any libraries
    Ⅴ. 1. A is 2. C months 3. A on 4. C them 5. B any
    Ⅵ. A) 1—5 E C B D I 6—10 G J A F H B) 11—15 C A B E F
    Ⅶ. 1—5 A B D A B 6—10 D C B C A
    Ⅷ. 1—5 F F T F T
    Ⅸ. 略
    1. This is a bus.
    2. This is a banana tree.
    3. -Is that your cup? - No, it isn’t.
    4. -What’s this? -It’s a boat.
    5. I am in Grade One.
    6. She is a woman teacher.
    Key: 1. These are buses. 2. These are banana trees.3. -Are those your cups? -No, they aren’t.
    4. -What’s these? -They are boats. 5. We are in Grade One. 6. They are women teachers.
    1. There are ______ boats in the river.
    2. -Are there ______ old men over there? -Yes, there are ______.
    3. There is ______ meat(肉)on the table.
    4. -How many girls are there in the picture? -There aren’t ______.
    5. -Can I have ______ apples? -Sure. Here you are.
    6. There are ______ American boys, but there aren’t ______ English boys.
    Key: 1. some2. any, some3. some4. any5. some6. some, any