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初一英语复习资料:牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 4测试题及答案(2)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    四.单项选择是你的拿手好戏, 试试吧!(每题1分,共15分)
    ( )1. ----Look! What's that in the sky ?
    ----Oh, it's_____________UFO_.
    A. an. B. the. C.a. D. /.
    ( )2. He has only _________ friends , so he often plays by himself.
    A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
    ( )3.It__________Jimmyand his classmates about half an hour _________
    the classroom..
    A. spends….to clean. B. takes….to clean
    C. costs….to clean D. spends….cleaning
    ( )4. Jay Chow's __________is so beautiful that most young people like
    his songs.
    . A. sound B. whisper C. noise D. voice
    ( )5. When you sleep ,you always keep your eyes ___________.
    A. open B. close C. closed D. opened
    ( )6. ‘Oh, how interesting the book is!’ Andy _________to himself.
    A. said B. talked C. told D. spoke
    ( )7. “I won't make the same mistake (错误)__________.” said John.
    A. some more B. no more C. any more D. much more
    ( )8.When you leave the reading room ,you should _________newspapers
    _________the librarian.
    A. return….to B. turn….to C. borrow….from D. lend….to
    ( )9. My mother bought me a nice sweater yesterday, now the sweater _______me.
    A. is belonged t o B. belongs to C. is belonging to D. belonged to
    ( )10. A kangaroo cannot jump if its tail is ________the ground.
    A. on B . in C. of D. off
    ( )11.A tortoise can __________1500 years old.
    A. live up to B. live on C. live up with D. live into
    ( )12. People rushed into the room, but found __________.
    A. something unusual B. nothing unusual
    C. anything serious D. something serious
    ( )13. ----What do you think of this film, Mum ?
    ----I think this one is ________than that one.
    A. interesting. B. more interesting C. most interesting D. more interested
    ( )14. ----What happened __________ you, Mary ? You looked so sad.
    ----I couldn't find my MP3. It's a present from my mother.
    A. with B. on C. for D. to
    ( )15. ----__________ fine weather today ! Let's go to play football on the playground.
    ----That's a good idea.
    A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
    A (!)__________ fine it is today ! Let's go to Sunshine Zoo .
    B: (2)¬¬__________ ! Let's go.
    A: Wow, There are so many (3)____________ .
    A: What's your (4)_____________ animals ?
    B: I like pandas best. They are lovely. (5) _______ you ?
    A:I like elephants very much.. Do you know elephants (6) _________,so they can walk in the mud easily.
    B: Oh, that sounds interesting . Look, what animal is that? It's running fast. .
    A: It is a kangaroo. It cannot jump if (7)___________ tail is (8)____________.
    B: How can you know about that? .
    A: I have a book about some (9)___________ things . If you read it, you will know a lot .
    A: Can I borrow it from you?
    B: (10)_______________.
    六.粗心的Li Ping一边写一边擦竟擦出10个破洞,你能在ABCD中帮她将擦掉的单词找出来吗?(每空1分,共10分)
    Can flowers sing ? You must be 1 to find the answer is ‘YES’. And the plants can sing , 2 .
    Flowers are beautiful and they 3 nice. Most people 4 to plant them. If they can sing for us , it's really wonderful. In fact ,the flowers or plants in vases really can sing . 5 can they sing? That's because there is a speaker system (音响系统) inside the vases . The speaker system uses the flowers or plants to make 6 . If you like the music or song very much, you can 7 the music or the song 8 the plants in your garden . Music and plants are 9 for you .Do you like to 10 your plants and flowers? Now not only you can talk to them but also for you . 

