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初一英语复习资料:7A Unit 5复习题

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    7A Unit 5复习题
    1.——Are you __________now? ——No, I’m busy __________ (cook) lunch.
    2.This black skirt is too _________(昂贵的). The price of the gray one is much _______(便宜).
    3.On my birthday, my friends _______(收到) a lot of p________ such as toys and hair _____ (夹子).
    4.There is always _________ (足够) money in his _________ (钱包)
    5.The women over there is __________(已经) eighty years old.
    6. Boys in our class often buy football _______ (贴画) in that shop
    7.——How many m________ are there in an hour? ——There are 60.
    8. Sorry. I can't h you well. Can you say it a______?
    9.This skirt looks beautiful. It must m my suit very well.
    10. There are no d_________ on this year’s hair clips.
    11. This green skirt is _______ (相当)beautiful. It _______ (相配) your new suit well.
    12.If you want to buy some ________ (Walkman ), you can go to an e____________ shop.
    13. Mr. Li is __________ to the students. He always ________ students in need. (help)
    14. My cousin enjoys c___________ different kinds of stamps. He has stamps from different _______(国家)
    15. Rich people should ___________(捐款)some money to poor schools.
    16. The ______ (visit) are _______ (visit) the Palace museum right now..
    17I am going to write an ________(邀请) letter to Mr.Wu. I’d like ______ (邀请) him to my birthday party.
    18. Look! Whose ________ (笔记本) are these? Perhaps they are the twins’.
    19. The price of this teddy bear is too _________(贵). I'd like to buy a (便宜) one.
    20.I don’t have ________(some) money. Can you lend me _____(some) money.
    21. Do you understand the ________(mean) of the new words?
    22. Don't forget to turn off the lights before (leave)
    23 .Look! There is a dog (lie) in the middle of the road.
    24. Amy wants to buy some presents for ________ (they).
    25.Many people like to make ________ (祝愿) on their birthdays.
    26.They held a party ______(庆祝) New Year’s Day two weeks ago.
    27. The ________ (店主) is helpful. She sends a lot of ________ (文具) to poor children in poor _______ (地区)
    28. Simon ______ (call) 110 for help at the moment .There is a little girl ______ (cry) inside the shop next door.
    1. There is _____ “u” and _____ “h” in the word “much”.
    A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a
    2 ——_______the coat ______? —— $20.
    A. How much is; / B. How much is; cost C. How much does; cost D.A&C
    3. I ______ten yuan on the book and Lily’s book ______ fifteen yuan.
    A. spend; spends B. cost; costs C. cost; spends D. spend; costs
    4. Kitty is busy _____my wallet, but she can’t ______ it.
    A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. with; find D. seeing; look for
    5. 50 yuan ______ not enough for her daughter.
    A. are B. be C. is D. has
    6.There is a new shopping mall _______Times Shopping Mall near my home.
    A. calls B. calling C. called D. to call
    7. She has ______ money. She can buy ______things. 

