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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard.   ( )66.Is there only one room in Kate’s house?   A.Yes, there is. B.There is a bed.   C.There is a computer. D.I don’t know.   ( )67.What’s in the room?   A.Only a bed. B.Only a table.   C.Only some chairs. D.A bed, a table, a computer and some chairs.   ( )68.Is there anything on the table?   A.Yes, there is. B.No, there isn’t.   C.Some books. D.A glass.   ( )69.Who is at home?   A.Kate’s father. B.Kate’s mother.   C.Kate s brother. D.Kate.   ( )70.Kate’s father and mother are ________.   A.teachers B.students C.friends D.at home B   Mrs King: Oh, Bill, where are my gloves(手套)? They aren’t here.   Mr King: Maybe they’re in the dining-room.   Mrs King: No, they aren’t in our dining-room. Are they there?   Mr King: No, they aren’t here.   Mrs King: Are they on the table?   Mr King: No. Oh, here’s a glove under the chair. It’s black.   Mrs King: No, that isn’t my glove. My gloves are white. Oh, Bill, are they here, in the car? Are they on you seat? Or under your seat?   Mr King: No, they aren’t there. But are they in your bag?   Mrs King: No, they aren’t.   Mr King: Are you sure?   Mrs King: Yes... oh, Bill, they are here. Yes, these are my gloves. They are in my bag. Bill, I’m very sorry.   ( )71.Mrs King is looking for her ________.   A.dining-room B.car C.gloves D.seat   ( )72.The glove under the chair is ________.   A.white B.black C.Mrs King’s D.Bill’s   ( )73.________ first name is Bill.   A.Mr King B.Mr King’s C.Her D.Mrs King’s   ( )74.Mrs King’s gloves are in her ________.   A.bag B.car C.house D.dining-room Ⅸ.看图并联想  75.观察A、B、C三幅图,用英语表达出Mimi的位置。  76.根据前三幅图联想,画出第四幅图中Mimi的位置,并用英语表达。 Where is Mimi?   In Pictuer A: _____________________________________________________________   In Picture B: _____________________________________________________________   In Picture C: _____________________________________________________________   In Picture D: _____________________________________________________________ 参考答案  Ⅰ.1.last 2.Bring 3.aunt 4.answer 5.daughter   Ⅱ.6.under the desk   7.on the sofa   8.in the backpack   9.in the drawer   10.behind the chair   11.next to the telephone   12.in the picture   13.on the wall   14.between the dresser and the bed   15.on the floor   Ⅲ.16.C(表示肯定回答,it指代your photo)  17.B(表示询问位置)  18.C(应用一般疑问句)  19.D(只有D项符合逻辑)  20.D(a computer是单数)  21.A(主语water是不可数名词,谓动词用单数)  22.D(There be句型表示某地存在某物)  23.D(前句表示“他拥有……”,应用has;后句表示“存在某物”,应用there be句型)  24.A(句意表示人拥有某物,并且句子主语是复数,应用have)  25.C(There be句型表示列举时,be随最前面主语的人称或数确定)  Ⅳ.26.Where, are 27.I, can’t 28.don’t, draw 29.There, are 30.There, are, books   Ⅴ.31.Where’s→Where are 32.It’s→They’re 33.on dresser→on the dresser 34.on the wall→in the wall 35.on the tree→in the tree 36.take→bring 37.or→and 38.aren’t→don’t 39.in the bed→on the bed 40.is→are   Ⅵ.41.A 42.D 43.C 44.E 45.B   Ⅶ.46.A(a picture of my bedroom我的卧室的图片)  47.B(只有room符合上文中的bedroom)  48.B(here表示位置)  49.D(behind it表示“在门后面”)  50.C(my desk我的桌子)  51.D(只有D项最符合实际)  52.B(can see表示“能够看见”)  53.B(on表示“在……上面”)  54.A(put动词,“放,放置”的意思)  55.B(文中再次提到chair,用定冠词the)  56.picture   57.of 58.What 59.in 60.black 61.on 62.boxes 63.in 64.are 65.behind   Ⅷ.66.D(文中没有具体说明Kate’s house中有几个房间)  67.D(由文中第二句话可知)  68.A(由There’s a glass and some books on the table. 可知)  69.D(由Kate is in the room可知)  70.A(由Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard. 可判断)  71.C 72.B 73.B 74.A   Ⅸ.In Picture A: Mimi is in the tub.   In Picture B: Mimi is on the tub.   In Picture C: Mimi is under the tub.   In Picture D: Maybe(或许)Mimi is behind the tub.