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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    新目标 七年级下册复习
    Unit 1
    1、 笔友________ 2、 来自_________=_________3、speak English___________
    4、写信给_________5、like and dislike ________6、去看电影____________
    7、 做运动______________8、favorite subject _____________
    9、在周末_________ ____________ 10、enjoy doing sth_____________
    11、住在________________12、a little French____________
    13、get to =_________=____________14、at thebeginning of __________
    15、talk about ______ 16、speak to /with sb_____________
    1 Canada---________---- ________ / _______ 2 France------________-----________
    3 Japan------_________----________ 4 Australia----_________----- ________
    5 the United States-----_________---- _________
    6 the United Kingdom---_________----- ________
    Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪里?
    = where_____your pen pal ______ _______?
    Where_____he _______?
    He live in Beijing .
    ______ __________ does he /she _____?
    He/she speak English and French.
    (二)构成:(1)当谓语动词为be时,________am , he/she/it _______, we/you/they ______________.一般疑问句把_____放在句首,否定句在____后加______.
    (2)当谓语动词为have时,he/she/it _________, 其余人称用_______。
    (3)当谓语动词为行为动词时,主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。基本变化规则: (请自己总结)
    (4)表示将来时间。用于表示将要发生的动作或事件,或事先安排好的动作。这样的动词有go,come, leave,start, begin等。如:
    The meeting________ at 2:00 in the afternoon every Friday.
    I will tell him the news as soon as he __________(come) back.
    1、Is John from the United Kindom?= Does John______ ______the United Kingdom?
    2、They have lunch at home(一般疑问句)。
    3、Mike does his homework evry night。(否定句)
    A little和Little:
    A few 和few
    Unit 2 Where’s the post office
    1、邮局 ________ 2、__________ 投币式公用电话 3、在右边/在左边 ________
    在某人的右边/左边 __________ 4、turn right/left________5、________ 散步
    6、 玩得开心 ___________7、the way to …_______8、打的/乘出租车 _________
    9、go down(along)__________10、_____________穿过...
    11、 旅途愉快 ________________12. down /along … 沿着……(街道)down/along Center Street 沿着中央街
    13. in the neighborhood = near here 在附近14.____________ 欢迎来到……
    15. take /have a walk 散步12. the beginning of … ……的开始,前端
    at the beginning of … 在……的开始,前端 in the beginning 起初,一开始
    13. have fun = _________ = __________玩得开心,过得愉快
    I had fun yesterday. 我昨天玩得很开心。
    =I had a good time yesterday.
    =I enjoyed myself yesterday.
    14. have a good trip 旅途愉快
    16. 到达:get to + 地方   get here/ there/ home 到这/那/家
    arrive in + 大地方 I arrive in Beijing. arrive at + 小地方 I arrive at the bank
    reach + 地方
    注意:get 后什么时候要去to.__________________________________
    17.go across 从物体表面横过 go across the street 横过马路
    go through 从空间穿过 go through the forest 穿过树林
    18.on + 街道的名称。 Eg: on Center Street
    at + 具体门牌号 + 街道的名称 Eg: at 6 Center Street
    1\在……前面_________2,在……;后面 __________3,在…和…..之间_________
    4在……对面_________ 5紧挨着________6在。。。。上_______7 在。。。。里_______
    8在…附近 ___________/____________9在…..里面的前面_________
    三、日常交际用语 (问路)
    (1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:
    -Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.
    -Yes, there is. No.there isn’t
    (2)、Where is …?句型Eg:
    -Where is the park,please?
    -It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)
    -I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)
    (3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:
    - Which is the way to the library.
    (4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如:
    -How can I get to the restaurant?
    (5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例
    - Can you tell me the way to the post office?
    (6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.
    1、there be 句型
    A: Look at this map. What’s in my neighborhood?
    B: Let me see. There a school, a , a post office, a bank and a park in your neighborhood.
    A: That’s right. Where’s the bank?
    B: It’s ¬__ the school and the post office, and it’s the library.
    A: Yes. You’re standing at(站在)A. Go the Avenue and turn left. _______ down Center Street. What can you see the right?
    B: Er… I can see the . There is a post office next to it. And there is a __________ across from the post office.
    A: You’re quite right.
    Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
    [重点短语](Language Points)
    1、eat grass__________ 2、吃叶子________3、非常含羞__________
    4、有几分____________5、南非__________5、play with her friends _____________
    6、喜欢去做某事________7、其他动物___________ 8、在晚上_________
    14、 与老虎保持距离______________15、a five-year-old girl____________
    可爱的; 聪明的________聪明的,漂亮的__________丑陋的, 难看的_______
    1.Let’s see the koalas.
    --Why do you like koalas?
    --Because they’re very cute.
    2.Why does he like elephants?
    --Because they’re kind of interesting.
    3.Where’re lions from?
    -- They’re from South Africa.
    4.What (other) animals do you like.
    --I like dolphins.
    [语法知识] 特殊疑问句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。特殊疑问句的基本构成有两种情况:
    1. 疑问句+一般疑问句结构。这是最常见的情况。例如: What’s your grandfather’s telephone number?
    Where does he live?  How are you?  How old are you?
    2. 疑问句+陈述句结构。这时疑问词作主语或修饰主语。例如: Which man is your teacher?
    我们学过的What/How about+名词/代词+其他?也是特殊疑问句,它是一种省略结构。
    例如: I like English. What/How about you? What about playing basketball?
    请以“My favorite animal”为题写一篇短文,字数40~60。
    内容:1. What is your favorite animal?2. Why is it your favorite animal?
    Unit 4 I want to be an actor
    1.I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。
    “Want to be + 职业”表示“想成为一名……”
    如: I __________a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。
    总结:1、学过的有关want的用法还有:1)want sth
    2)want to do sth 3) want sb to do sth.
    请问:为什么一位演员要用an而不用? _______________________________________
    2.What does he do? 他是做什么的?