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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Hello, my name’s Lily, and this is my best friend, Linda. I’m in Grade Seven now. It’s the________ (1) year at my new school., Jamestown School. I was at a ____________(2) school last year. It was Wood Green Primary School. Some students in our class were very ____________(3). That’s why our teacher, Mrs Lane , was very ___________(4). But this year our teacher is Miss Hill. She is very ____________(5). She isn’t strict at all. , because the students aren’t naughty. We like Miss Hill very much.
    Betty Rixon was born in Quincy . Quincy is a town on the east (1) c__________ of America. It’s very famous because two presidents (2)w_________ born there. Their names were John Adams (3)a______ John Quincy Adams. We can visit their (4)o ____ family houses.
    Betty’s house was big with six rooms. On the walls of her bedroom there were posters of her favourite movie (5)s_________. Beside the house, there was a big garden (6)w lots of trees and there was a pond with fish in it too. It was great (7)t play in the garden.
    Betty was looking forward to (8)c to China . The last time she was in Quincy was in 2003. And now she (9) i______ in China. One day she’ll (10)g________ back.
    六、阅读理解: (10分,每小题2分)
    Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He was born in October, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He was a very clever (聪明) boy. His favourite subjects at school were science and maths. When(当 …… 的时候) someone asked him what he wanted to be, he always answered: “A scientist”. When he was 13 years old , Bill Gates began to play computers. At that time , computers were very large. Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual(不平常的) things with it. At last, they worked out(设计) software ( 软件) program (程序) with the old machine. Bill sold(卖) it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17 years old..
    In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University (哈佛大学). In 1975, he had his company , he and his good friend Paul Allen began developing software for personal computer.(开始开发个人计算机软件)。
    Bill and his wife Melinda French have two children: a daughter and a son . Bill enjoys machines very much. He also likes sports.
    ( )1. How old is Bill Gates now?
    A.In October , 1955. B. He is 50 years old.
    B.He is about fifty-six years old D. He is very old.
    ( ) 2. What was Bill like?
    A.He was a naughty boy B. He was nice
    C. He was a clever boy. D. He was unhappy
    ( ) 3. Were Bill’s favorite subjects science and maths?
    A.No, they weren’t B. No, he wasn’t.
    C. Yes, they were D. Yes, he was
    ( )4. What did Bill want to be when he was young?
    A.He wanted to be a teacher B. He wanted to be a scientist
    C. He wanted to a cook D. He wanted to be a doctor
    ( )5. From the passage, we know _____________.
    A.He has no children. B .He studied in Harvard University (哈佛大学)
    C. He doesn’t like sports. D. He isn’t interested in machines.
    _______________________many books here yesterday.
    2. 在桌子上, 有很多食物可以吃.
    On the table, there is much food _________________________.
    3. 环游世界很有趣.
    It _______ very interesting ________travel around the world.
    The teachers in Dadun Middle School are _________________________ us.