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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9测试题及答案(含听力)

http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-14 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    Unit 9单元测试
    班级 姓名 学号 得分
    1. What did the boys do last Sunday?
    2、How was the weather yesterday?
    3. What’s the time?
    4. What’s the weather like today?
    5、What is Mary's mother doing?
    ( )6、What did Susan think of her weekend?
    A.Not bad. B.Pretty good .C.Terrible.
    ( )7、Which club do the twins want to join?
    A. The swimming clubB. The piano club C. The dancing club
    ( )8、What did Tom do before breakfast?
    A. Put on clothesB. Did morning exercises C. Read some books
    ( )9.What does the man think of the backpack?
    A.Very nice. B.Expensive. C.Very cheap
    ( )10、 Is Bruce watching TV now?
    A.Yes, he is. B.No, he wasn’t . C. No, he isn’t.
    ( )11.Where is Tony from ?
    A.Canada. B. Australia.C.America.
    ( ) 12.Where are they studying now
    A.No.16 Middle school. B.No.60 Middle school.C.No.6 Middle school.
    ( )13、What does the man want?
    A. Socks B. Shorts C. Shoes
    ( )14、What color does he w ant?
    A. Blue B. White C. Black
    ( )15、Where do you think they are talking?
    A. In the s hop B. At home C. At school
    二、单项选择 (15分)
    ( )16. What time ______ you _____ home last Friday?
    A. did; get to B. did; get C. do; reached D. are; getting
    ( )17. “Who cooked supper today?” “I ___________”
    A. did B. does C. was D. is
    ( )18. Do you think everyone enjoys __________ soccer?
    A. play B. do C. playing D.plays
    ( )19. “Did Tom help his parents at home?” “ ___________.”
    A. Yes, he does B. No, he wasn’t C. Yes, he was D. No, he didn’t
    ( )20. Did you ________ a movie yesterday evening?
    A. watched B. see C. saw D. looked
    ( )21. Tom _____ watch TV after supper _______ last night?
    A. wasn’t; on B. didn’t; on C. doesn’t; in D. didn’t; /
    ( )22. China _________ the WTO in 2001.
    A. join B. joins C. joined D. joining
    ( )23. “_____________?” “ He went to the library.”
    A. Where did he go B. Where did he live
    C. How was he D. Did he go to the library
    ( )24. John didn’t go to school __________ he was ill(病).
    A. because B. so C. but D. why
    ( )25. I had __________ to do last night.
    A. a lot of works B. some works C. many works D. a lot of work
    ( )26. Carol went shopping ________Friday afternoon.
    A. in B. at C. on D. to
    ( )27. The old man _____ on the sofa and read a book.
    A. sit B. sat C. sits D. sitting
    ( )28. We have two new students. ______ names are Tom and Mike.
    A. They B . Them C. Their D. Theirs
    ( )29. Mary _______ her summer vacation(假期) in Shenzhen.
    A. took B. spent C. did D. went
    ( )30. “ I like playing tennis. _____________?” “I like it, too.”
    A. What do you want B. What about you
    C. How do you like it D. Do you like swimming
    Yesterday was Saturday. Mr King __31__ his family to the People’s Park in the __32__. They got up early and had __33__ quickly. After that they went to the park __34__ car. It was nine o’clock when they got there. There were many _35__ in the park. Lily __36__ the hill in the middle of the park. Lucy flew a kite __37__ some other children. Mr King and his wife were tired after five days’ __38__. They sat under a tree and had a __39__. The King family had a __40__ time there.
    ( ) 31. A. told B. took C. called D. brought
    ( )32. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night
    ( ) 33. A. meal B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast
    ( ) 34. A. on B. by C. with D. in
    ( )35. A. people B. cars C. buses D. kites
    ( )36. A. saw B. climbed C. left D. found
    ( ) 37. A. behind B. after C. with D. before
    ( )38. A. time B. home C. work D. game
    ( )39. A. rest B. look C. work D. swim
    ( ) 40. A. hard B. good C. long D. short