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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-13 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    B) 按要求转换下列句子,每空一词。
    66. Mary is going to work hard at Chinese this term. (对划线部分提问)
    _______ Mary _______ _______ _______ this term?
    67. He's going to live in the city. (用in his hometown把句子改写成选择疑问句)
    _______ he going to live in the city _______ in his hometown?
    68. Jim usually has lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句)
    _______ Jim usually _______ lunch at school?
    69. We can meet at the gate of the zoo at 10:00. (改为祈使句)
    _______ _______ at the gate of the zoo at 10:00.
    70. There's little water in the bottle. (完成反意疑问句)
    There's little water in the bottle, _______ _______?
    V. 动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs): (共10小题,计10分)
    Peter (71)_______(go) retire(退休) next week. He is thanked for his good work all these years and is given a small cheque(支票) as a present. Peter is (72)_______(please), of course, but he said to his boss,"I don't need the money. I am always careful with money and (73)_______(save) a lot. May I have instead, something to make me (74)_______(think) of the happy days I have spent here in Dover?" His boss was very (75)_______(surprise). "I can help you," he said, "then what can I give you as a present, Peter?" "Well, sir, could you let me (76)_______ (have) an old railway car? It (77)_______(do not) matter how old or (78)_______(break) it is. I can mend it and (79)_______(clean) it myself as I have enough time. I want to put it in my back garden, and every day I can go and sit in it, and that (80)_______(make) me think of my happy days here in Dover."
    VI. 翻译(Translation): (共10小题,计10分)
    81. 水池剩下的水不多了。(there be)
    82. 这里的农民不再用牲畜干农活。(any more)
    83. 孩子们明天晚上将给王奶奶担水。(be going to)
    84. 我想工作必须是首位的。(think)
    85. 他们直到晚上10点才停止工作。(until)
    B) 把短文中的划线部分翻译成汉语。
    (86) In Pakistan most people travel by bus to get from one town to another. In the less populated parts of the country many journeys take a day and there is a bus only once or twice a week. (87) It is a dangerous means of transport(交通工具) and the buses sometimes break down. The roads are often in a bad condition and the journeys are very slow and uncomfortable. (88) It is a good idea to take food and drink because there are not always restaurants or shops on the route(路). The buses are usually very crowded with whole families travelling together. (89) Many people sit on the roof(顶) where it is very hot in the summer and cold in winter. (90) The only advantage(优点) of this means of transport is the cost. It is very cheap. You only pay for what you get!
    VII. 智力测试(IQ): (共5小题,计5分)
    91. What's the man's job? You'll know with the help of the lettered pieces. ______________
    92. The little boy ran until he was blue in the face. What does the Chinese for "blue in the face" here mean? ___________________
    93. What letter should replace the question mark? ____________________
    94. Once an old lady went to the market(市场) to sell eggs. She carried a basket of eggs. She sold her eggs to five people. The first bought half of the eggs and another half of an egg. The second, half of the rest and another half of the half left...The fifth took half of the eggs that the fourth person bought and another half of the half left. Then the old lady went back home with an empty basket. Do you know how many eggs the lady sold out and how many each of the five people bought? ___________________
    95. What comes next in the below sequence(次序)?
    A B C D
    VIII. 写作(Writing): (共2小题,计25分)
    假定你叫欧阳强,从报纸上看到北京招聘2008奥运会志愿者(a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics)的广告。写一封简短的应聘信,介绍自己的情况(见下表),表示愿意为奥运会做一些工作,请组委会考虑并尽早予以答复。
    Dear Sir,
    I read your ad in the newspaper yesterday.__________
    Best wishes!
    Truly yours,
    Ouyang Qiang
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