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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-13 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    一. 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的词
    ( )1. A. tonight B. policeman C. potato D. told
    ( )2. A. great B. please C. clean D. easy
    ( )3. A. careful B. aren’t C. parent D. chair
    ( )4. A. popular B. sugar C. part D. similar
    ( )5. A. food B. cook C. foot D. took
    二. 用所给动词正确形式填空
    1. There is nothing ____________(worry)about .
    2. Would you like ___________(eat)some bread ?
    —No, thank you. I don’t feel like _______________(eat)anything .
    3. While she lived here, her front gate was always locked and no one ever saw her _________(leave)or saw anybody _____________(go)in.
    4. The football match is very exciting. Let’s stop__________(watch)it.
    5. I can’t decide where __________(go), what is your idea?
    6. Jim ___________(do)his homework at that moment. So I had to turn off the radio.
    7. After cleaning the windows, she went on __________(cook)the supper.
    8. She is sitting in her room_____________(quiet).
    9. They enjoy _____________(them)very much in the park last Sunday.
    10. He was too tired and fell___________(sleep)as soon as he went to bed.
    11. Though it was twelve at midnight, he was still ___________(wake).
    12. She did __________(badly)of all in her class in the exam last week.
    13. Someone __________(ring)you up when you were out.
    14. Another way of ___________ “ phone ” is “ telephone ”(say).
    15. Could you ask me _____________(call)you , please ?
    16. Lily and Lucy are going ___________(swim)with their class next Sunday.
    17. What _________ you __________(do)when the teacher came in ?
    三. 单项选择
    1. May I _________you to pass me the hook?
    A. let B. keep C. make D. trouble
    2. This pair of shoes __________ very nice.
    A. look B. looks C. seem D. like
    3 Let’s _______ lunch until they all come back.
    A. have B. not have C. not to have D. don’t have
    4. When you want to ask for help from others you say “__________” ?
    A. Excuse me B. I’m glad to help you.
    C. It’s very kind of you. D. I’m sorry to trouble you.
    5. The little boy _________ and he wanted to have a rest.
    A. felt very happy B. felt very tired
    C. felt very worried D. felt very sleep
    6. — Would you please ________ ?
    — I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.
    A. not drive so fast B. drive fast enough
    C. not to drive so fast D. to play basketball instead
    7. I heard a strange sound and it _______.
    A. wakes me up B. woke up me C. woke me up D. was waking me up
    8. Wu Dong runs faster than _________in this class.
    A. the other B. another student
    C. any other student D. other students
    9. My friend doesn't like travelling by train. He________ on a train.
    A. can’t go to bed B. can’t sleep well
    C. can close his eyes D. can get to sleep
    10. We was driving home__________.
    A. last week B. tomorrow C. an hour D. at that time
    11. The horse is _______ to catch up with that train.
    A. enough fast B. fast enough C. too fast D. fastest
    12. — I’m sorry that I’m late.
    — It doesn’t matter this time. But _________on time next time.
    A. try to come B. try not come C. don’t come D. don’t be
    13. I think ________ somebody in the room .
    A. there has B. there have C. there is D. there are
    14. There are about___________ in the open air.
    A. eight million people B. eight millions peoples
    C. eight millions people D. eight million peoples
    15. __________, they found the lost child.
    A. To the end B. In the end
    C. At the end D. By the end of
    16. _______ is not easy to run so fast in such bad weather.
    A. This B. That C. He D. It
    17. When Jim saw the watch, he stopped_________.
    A. picking up it B. to pick up it
    C. picking it up D. to pick it up
    18. He and his parents _________teachers in the same middle school.
    A. all are B. are all
    C. both are D. are both
    19. In front of my house _________two tall trees.
    A. was B. will be C. are D. is
    20. My uncle doesn’t live_________ here?
    A. away from B. far from
    C. far away D. far
    21. You didn’t do your homework, did you?
    A. Yes, 1 didn't B. No, I did
    C. Yes, I did D. No, I wasn't
    22. He_______ lots of time _______unusual things with it.
    A. spent ; to do B. took ; doing
    C. spent ; doing D. spent ; to doing
    23. _______the end, they worked out a software problem with the old machine.
    A. At B. By C. On D. In
    24. Bill sold it________ 4,200 dollars.
    A. for B. on C. in D. to
    25. Mr. Zhang is ________ engineer of a big computer company.
    A. a B. an C. the D. /
    26. — Who _______ the book?
    — It _________ by Bill Gates.
    A. writes, is written B. wrote, was written
    C. wrote, written D. writes, writing
    27. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,________ ?
    A. don’t they B. didn’t they
    C. did they D. do they
    28. — I don’t know if his uncle________.
    — I think he_______ if it doesn’t rain.
    A. will come, comes B. will come, will come
    C. conies, comes D. comes, will come
    29. — It’s too hot. Would you mind ________the door?
    — _________. Please do it now.
    A. to open, OK B. opening, Certainly not
    C. opening, Of course D. to open, Good idea
    30. — Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS!
    — Sorry, I________ it.
    A. don’t see B. didn’t see
    C. haven’t seen D. won’t see
    31. It ________that they had no change with them at the moment.
    A. seemed B. was seemed
    C. seems D. is seemed
    32. He has got a chair to sit_______, but nobody to talk_______.
    A. on , to B. / , with C. on , / D. / , to
    33. — Waiter!
    — _____________
    A. OK! B. All right C. Yes? D. Pardon.
    34. We usually play ________ football in _______ P.E. class.
    A. the , / B. the , the
    C. /, the D. /, a
    35. Wang was ______ with me because I didn’t finish my homework.
    A. angry B. sorry C. pleased D. happy
    四. 句型转换
    1. Their football team is much stronger than the other two.
    Their football team is ____ _____ of the ______.
    2. Lucy gave Jim the flower at once when she got it.
    Lucy gave Jim the flower _____ ______ _______ she got it.
    3. Hurry up, or we’ll miss the early train.
    ______ we______ _____, we’ll miss the early train.
    4. I saw that they were playing on the playground.
    I saw _____ ______ on the playground.
    5. He may be in the classroom now.
    _____ he _____ in the classroom now .
    6. The room is quite big. It can hold 50 people.
    The room is _____ _____ ____ hold 50 people.
    7. We was surprised to see that his new bike was lost.
    ______ _____ _______, his new bike was lost.
    8. He ran fastest of all the boys.
    He ran much _____ than any ____ _____.
    9. He was first past the finishing line.
    He was the first_____ ______ the finishing line.
    10. You can’t always be a winner.
    You can’t _____ ______ time.
    五. 阅读理解
    When I was walking down the street one day, I found a small bag on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside it except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my name and address. He thought the owner might want to thank me.
    That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her. During our talk, the young woman happened to say that she had lost her bag that afternoon. All at once I remembered where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, though she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I told her about the bag.
    After dinner we went to the police station and got back her bag. The policeman said to me, “ It’s a wonderful thing. You found not only the bag, but also the owner of the bag .”
    1. In the bag there was _____.
    A. nothing
    B. a new photo and some money
    C. an old picture and some money
    D. some dollars and a piece of paper
    2. The writer opened the bag because he wanted to _____.
    A. find some money B. find some letters
    C. find whose bag it was D. find the owner's photo
    3. He writer gave the bag to _____.
    A. a policeman B. his uncle
    C. his aunt D. his friend
    4. How many people had the dinner that evening?
    A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
    5. he writer knew the young woman because _____.
    A. he had met her somewhere
    B. she was the old woman in the photo
    C. she often had meals with the writer
    D. she looked like the girl in the picture
    A man and his wife were very poor.They wished to have new clothes and more food.The man enjoyed eating and liked cakes very much. One night an old woman came to their house and told them she would let them have three wishes.They could wish for anything they wanted.The man had just finished eating a little bread for his dinner, and he was still hungry.He said, “I wish I had a big cake.”
    Suddenly a big cake appeared on the plate.
    “You fool!” his wife cried, “You could have wished for a house full of wonderful food, but you wished for a cake.I wish that cake was on your nose!”
    Immediately the cake stuck to the end of his nose.
    Then the man and his wife started to blame(责备)each other.
    “It’s your fault,” the man cried.“No, it’s your fault!” she answered.
    What could they do?The cake was still stuck to the husband’s nose.
    “Oh!” the wife cried, “I wish none of this had every happened!”
    Immediately the cake was gone, and the man was saying, “I am still hungry.How I wish I had some cakes.”
    But of course, nothing happened.
    Choose the correct answer.
    1. The old woman came to their house _____.
    A. before they had their supper
    B. when they were having supper
    C. after they had their supper
    D. before they went to bed
    2. The man wished he had a big cake because _____.
    A. he likes cakes very much
    B. he was still hungry at that time
    C. he wanted to get the cake for his wife
    D. he wanted to get the cake for his son
    3. His wife was angry because _____.
    A. she was hungry, too
    B. she wanted to get some beautiful clothes
    C. she was very greedy(贪婪的)
    D. she didn’t like cakes
    4. The cake stuck to the end of the man's nose because _____.
    A. it was his wife's wish
    B. the man put it there
    C. his wife put it there
    D. the old woman did not want the man to eat the cake
    5. At last, the man said, “I am still hungry.”Because _____.
    A. he wanted more cakes
    B. his wife ate the cake
    C. he did not eat the cake
    D. he found it was a dream
    Bob telephoned his wife, “I’ve got two tickets for the film tonight.Meet me outside the office.We’ll have something to eat and then go on to the cinema.”
    Bob’s wife was very much interested in films.It was quite a while since they had been to the cinema, so she was pleased with it.She met her husband as they had planned.After they had supper in a restaurant, they went to the cinema.
    The ticket-collector at the door stopped them, “Your tickets, please.”
    Bob began to look for the tickets.But he couldn’t find them neither in the wallet nor in his pockets.“Sorry, dear,” he said to his wife at last, “I have left them in my office.”
    Choose the correct answer.
    1. Bob called his wife _____.
    A. on his way back home B. when he got the tickets
    C. after he had had dinner D. to get tickets for a film
    2. In the phone Bob told his wife that he would wait for her.
    A. near his office B. at a bus stop
    C. in his house D. at the door of the cinema
    3. Bob promised his wife _____.
    A. to take his ticket B. to enter the cinema
    C. a walk round the cinema D. a meal in a restaurant
    4. Bob and his wife went to see a film _____.
    A. once or twice a week B. when they had nothing to eat
    C. once in a while D. every Saturday evening
    5. That evening Bob's wife really felt _____.
    A. surprised B. satisfied
    C. worried D. disappointed
    1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
    1. to worry 2. to eat ; eating anything
    3. leave ; go 4. to watch
    5. to go 6. was doing
    7. to cook 8. quietly
    9. themselves 10. alseep
    11. awake 12. worst
    13. rang 14. saying
    15. to call 16. swimming
    17. were ; doing
    1—5 DBBDB 2—10 ACCBD
    11—15 BACAB 16—20 DDBCC
    21—25 CCDAB 26—30 BCABB
    31—35 AACCA
    1. the strongest ; three 2. as soon as
    3. If ;don’t hurry 4. them playing
    5. Maybe ; is 6. big enough to
    7. To our surprise 8. faster ; other boy
    9. to pass 10. win every
    1—5 CCACD
    1—5 CBCAC
    1—5 BADCD
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