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http://www.newdu.com 2020-05-13 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    I. Listening(25’)
    A. Listen and choose the right picture according to what you hear .
    1. Which country is Ling Feng from ?
    2. What present did he boy get from his father ?
    3. Where does the woman’s daughter work ?
    4. What is the man talking about ?
    5. Where did Alice stay yesterday ?
    B. Choose the right answer , which is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear in each group .
    6. A. He isn’t strong enough to carry the heavy box .
    B. He is too strong to carry the heavy box .
    C. He is strong enough to carry the heavy box .
    7. A. I must stop him from talking .
    B. I must have a talk with him .
    C. Sorry I have to stop talking .
    8. A. I couldn’t ride a bike .
    B. I taught myself how to ride a bike .
    C. Someone taught me to ride a bike .
    9. A. Tim didn’t go to bed until eleven .
    B. Tim didn’t get up before eleven .
    C. Tim fell asleep at eleven .
    10. A. He finished the work at he end of last month .
    B. He worked very hard .
    C. The work was difficult and it was over at last .
    11. A. Bruce would like to be a doctor .
    B. Bruce wants his father to be a doctor .
    C. Bruce wants the teacher to teach his father .
    12. A. Mary has a problem in finishing the work in five hours .
    B. The work is difficult . Mary can’t finish it .
    C. Mary can finish the work in five hours if she works hard .
    13. A. If you don’t hurry up , you’ll miss the train .
    B. If you don’t hurry up , you won’t catch the bus .
    C. If you hurry up , you won’t catch the train .
    C. Choose one that can answer the question you hear .
    14. A. I’ll have one more . B. No , I don’t want any more .
    C. No , thanks . I’ve had enough .
    15. A. He’s very well . B. He went to Jiangsu . C. He’s from the U.S .
    16. A. I think it’s a birthday present for you . B. You really have a new dress .
    C. It looks very nice on you .
    17. A. That’s all right . B. That’s a good idea . C. Go down this street and turn left .
    18. A. Yes , I agree . B. I don’t understand . C. I’d love to .
    19. A. Sure , I’ll try . B. OK ,that’s a good idea . C. Certainly . I’m sorry about it .
    20. A. Father will go with me . B. Next month . C. By car .
    D. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answer .
    21. A. animals B. a film C. a picture
    22. A. Mary . B. Lucy . C. Lily .
    23. A. Tea . B. Milk . C. Water .
    24. A. He’s going to the zoo . B. He’s going to the fire station .
    C. He’s going to the railway station .
    25. A. Liz and Mary B. Mr. Smith C. Tom and Liz
    II. Choose the best answer(20’)
    26. —Must I finish the work at once ? —No, you . You do it at home .
    A. mustn’t ; may B. needn’t ; may C. mustn’t ; must D. may not ; may
    27. The boy looked and he was asleep .
    A. asleep ; too B. sleepy ; sound C. sleepy ; fast D. sleeping ; very
    28. Mr. John isn’t here , we ask Mr. Smith .
    A. have to ; instead of B. will have to ; instead of
    C. had to ; instead D. will have to ; instead
    29. Professor White has to do .
    A. much too work B. too much works C. too many jobs D. too many works
    30. Now I feel more tired this morning than I usually .
    A. very ; do B. even ; did C. even ; do D. much ; does
    31. I’m hungry , Mum . will the lunch be ready ?
    A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much
    32. The DVD is too dear , we can’t buy it .
    A. for ; afford B. so ; afford C. but ; afford to D. so ; afford to
    33. Will you please us a walk ?
    A. to join ; for B. join ; on C. to join ; at D. join ; in
    34. A car may hit you if you careful .
    A. don’t be B. be not C. aren’t D. won’t be
    35. Henry be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now .
    A. mustn’t B. isn’t able to C. may not D. can’t
    36. There are many new high-rises on side of Huaihai Road . What a magnificent view !(宏伟的景色)
    A. either B. neither C. both D. all
    37. The father wished the twins to be doctors , but of them liked to study medicine .
    A. both B. neither C. either D. none
    38. A group of children are standing line and the bus stop .
    A. in a ; waiting ; at B. in ; waiting ; at C. in ; wait ; for D. in a ; wait ; for
    39. —It is her turn to be on duty . — .
    A. So she is B. So is she C. So it is D. So is it
    40. I go to visit my grandmother .
    A. every few days B. every a few days C. few every days D. few days every
    41. , his family moved to America .
    A. When still a baby B. When a baby still
    C. When he was still a baby D. When being still a baby
    42. He wait until the rain .
    A. won’t ; will stop B. won’t ; stop C. will; stops D. will ; will stop
    43. Jack has to finish the work today , ?
    A. has he B. hasn’t he C. doesn’t he D. does he
    44. There is interesting in today’s newspaper , is there ?
    A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
    45. Can’t you find to do it ? I’m very busy now .
    A. someone else B. anyone else C. else somebody D. anybody
    III. Cloze text(10’)
    It is easier to go down a hill than to climb up a hill , so it is easier to fall into bad habits than to form good 46 . Bad habits do not come 47 They come little by little while people do not notice their danger . Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits in schools and in the streets . When they can’t finish their 48 , they copy from their classmates . If they see bigger boys
    49 , they 50 like to learn to smoke , too . When they 51 bigger , their habits become so strong that they can not 52 get rid of(除掉)them . From copying , they fall behind , then learn to steal , and smoking is 53 for their health . At last they become 54 . How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits at the 55 .
    46. A. one B. ones C. once D. these
    47. A. first B. last C. slowly D. suddenly
    48. A. homework B. book C. writing D. reading
    49. A. reading B. smoking C. playing D. copying
    50. A. would B. had C. is going to D. are
    51. A. grow B. find C. notice D. seem
    52. A. long B. longer C. any D. not
    53. A. good B. helpful C. bad D. hard
    54. A. bader and bader B. worst and worst C. worse and worse D. bader and worse
    55. A. begin B. end C. begining D. beginning
    IV. Reading(10’)
    A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers . When he got home , he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on . He found that they were about two inches too long .
    He went downstairs to the kitchen . His mother and two sisters were washing up the tea-things there . “ The new trousers are too long , ” he said . “ They need shortening by about two inches . Could one of you do it for me , please ? ” His mother and sister were busy and none of them said anything .
    But as soon as his mother had finished washing up , she went quietly upstairs to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches . She came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters .
    Later on , after supper , the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers . She was a kind-hearted girl , so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone , and shortened the trousers by two inches .
    The younger sister went to the cinema , but when she came home , she , too , remembered her brother’s trousers . So she ran upstairs and did as her mother and sister had done .
    You can imagine the look on the young man’s face when he put the trousers on the next morning .
    56. The young man’s trousers were for him at first .
    A. a bit too long B. very good C. not too long D. too short
    57. The young man’s mother and sisters didn’t answer because they were busy in the kitchen .
    A. cooking B. making tea
    C. washing clothes D. washing cups , glasses and so on
    58. His elder sister shortened the trousers .
    A. in the evening
    B. after lunch
    C. as soon as she had finished the washing
    D. after she came back from the cinema
    59. The next morning the young man found that the trousers were inches too short for him .
    A. two B. four C. six D. eight
    60. We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the next morning , he would feel .
    A. happy B. surprising C. surprised D. thankful
    (1)Always play in a safe place . A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks . But do not talk to anyone you do not know . Never go with a stranger into a motor car .
    (2)Before crossing the road , stop and look both ways . Look left , look right , look left
    again .
    (3)Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down . Something might fall on your head , or you might cut yourself on broken glass .
    (4)Medicines or pills can be dangerous . Never swallow(吞下)any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard .
    (5)Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat . Even if you are not in the open sea , and the water is not deep , you should have on your life jacket . It is easy to fall out of a boat .
    (6)Do not put your head out of a car , bus or train . Many children have been killed by doing this .
    61. We are safe from trucks or cars .
    A. if we play in the street B. if we play on the road
    C. if we play in he park D. if we play by the road
    62. It’s a to take any pills you find in the cupboard .
    A. safe B. safety C. dangerous D. danger
    63. Even if your friend asks you to play in a house that is being built , you .
    A. should go B. shouldn’t go C. did go D. didn’t go
    64. Which of he following is wrong ?
    A. Do not talk to anyone whom you don’t know .
    B. Look both ways before you cross the road .
    C. Wear a life jacket if you fish from a boat in a lake .
    D. Put your head out of a moving bus for a better view .
    65. Which is not mentioned(提及)In the passage ?
    A. a stranger B. buildings C. a plane D. medicine
    V. Complete the dialogue with complete sentences(5’)
    Mother:Kate ! It’s late . (66)? You must get up and get ready for school .
    (67) you’ll be late .
    Kate:Mum , I don’t feel very well .
    Mother:Oh dear ! (68) ?
    Kate:I don’t know , My head hurts .
    Mother:Really ? (69) , you’ll have to see the doctor .
    Kate:Can I have some breakfast first ?
    Mother:No , (70)until you see the doctor .
    Kate:Mum ! I feel a little better now .
    VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words(10’)
    71. Susan showed her classmate a few of her .(photo)
    72. Jack listened to music instead of (fix)his bike yesterday .
    73. Peter (fly)to Japan the day before yesterday .
    74. We hope your children grow happily and .(health)
    75. We love the country in spring because the flowers smell so .(well)
    76. His father’s (die)made us sad .
    77. When Liu Mei sees the (worry)woman , she stops .
    78. When I got there , I found him (lie)on the ground .
    79. Tom fell off his bike , and he (hurt).
    80. In the factory there was a big workshop and in it (be)fifty people .
    VII. Gap-filling(10’)
    Food is very important . Everyone n (81) to eat well if he or she wants to have a s (82) body .
    Our minds a (83) need a kind of food . That kind of food is knowledge(知识).
    When we are very young , we start g (84) knowledge . Young children like watching and listening . Colour pictures especially(尤其)interest them . When the children get o (85), they like reading . When s (86) interests them , they love asking questions .
    Our minds like our b (87) , always need the best food . Studying by o (88) can bring the most knowledge .
    I (89) someone is always telling us answers , we never learn well . When we study correctly and get knowledge on our own , we shall learn more and understand b (90) .
    VIII. Writing(10’)
    91. When TianFang came to school yesterday morning , there was nobody in the classroom , was there ?
    92. What was wrong with his chair ?
    93. What did he do with his chair ?
    94. What did the girl do when she saw the chair in her seat ?
    95. How did TianFang feel and what did he do when he saw what the girl was doing ?
    I. Listening(25’)
    1—5 CBCCB 6—10 CBBBC 11—15 AAACB 16—20 CBACC
    21—25 CBCBB
    II. Choose the best answer(20’)
    26—30 BCDCC 31—35 BDDCD 36—40 ABBCA 41—45 CCCDA
    III. Cloze text(10’)
    46—50 BDABA 51—55 ABCCD
    IV. Reading(10’)
    56—60 ADABC 61—65 CDBDC
    V. Complete the dialogue with complete sentences(5’)答案不唯一
    66. Why are you still in bed ?
    67. If you don’t go soon
    68. What’s wrong ?
    69. If you are ill
    70. you mustn’t eat anything
    VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words(10’)
    71. photos 72. fixing 73. flew 74. healthily 75. good
    76. death 77. worried 78. lying 79. was hurt 80. were
    VII. Gap-filling(10’)
    81. needs 82. strong 83. also 84. getting 85. older
    86. something 87. bodies 88. oneself 89. If 90. better
    VIII. Writing(only for reference)(10’)
    91. No , there wasn’t
    92. It was broken . / One of its legs was broken
    93. He changed it with the girl’s(who was sitting in front of him).
    94. She began to mend / repair / fix it . Or she repaired / mended it herself .
    95. TianFang thought he was wrong and helped the girl mend/ repair the chair .
    (He felt very sorry for what he had done and helped her mend the chair .)
    Listening typescript
    A. Listen and choose the right picture according to what you hear(5%)
    1. Ling Feng is Chinese , but he speaks good English .
    2. On my birthday , my mother bought me a beautiful shirt and my father sent me a book on computer .
    3. My husband works in a factory . I work in a school . So does my daughter .
    4. When I came into the classroom , my classmates were doing some cleaning .
    5. Alice was ill in bed . She took some medicine without seeing a doctor .
    6. He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box .
    B. Choose the right answer , which is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear
    7. I have to stop to talk to him .
    8. I learned to ride a bike by myself .
    9. I slept until eleven yesterday .
    10. He finished the hard work in the end .
    11. Bruce wants to be a doctor like his father .
    12. It’s hard for Mary to finish the work in five hours .
    13. Hurry up , or you will miss the train .
    C. Choose one that can answer the question you hear .
    14. Will you please have another cake ?
    15. How did Li Gang spend the summer holiday ?
    16. What do you think of my new dress ?
    17. How about going for a walk ?
    18. Do you agree with my idea ?
    19. Excuse me , could you stop making any noise ?
    20. How will you go to these beautiful places ?
    D. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answer .
    21. Look at the picture . What can you see in it ?
    Oh , I can see many people , some animals and some plants .
    Question : What are the man and the woman talking about ?
    22. May I speak to Lucy , please ?
    Sorry , she isn’t here at he moment . This is Lily . Can I help you ?
    Question : Who does the boy want to speak to ?
    23. What would you like to drink , tea or milk ?
    Neither . Just some water , please .
    Question : What is the woman going to drink ?
    24. Excuse me . Which is the way to the fire station ?
    Walk along the road and turn right at the first crossing .
    Question : Where is the man going ?
    25. Mr. Smith is leaving for Manchester this afternoon . Are you going to see him off , Liz?
    Yes . What about you , Tom ?
    Me too . But Mary isn’t free .
    Question : Who is going to Manchester ?
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