智能手机让我们跟网络的距离更近了,我们甚至可以每时每刻都在线,有那么多即时通讯方式,我们想要找谁,也总能找到。这样的状况看似很便捷,可回头想想,我们的生活是不是有点“过度连接”呢? Over-connectedness refers to the state or condition of having an over-abundance of existing or potential technologically mediated connections to other people and to online resources. 过度连接(over-connectedness)指生活中现有的或潜在可用的、跟别人或网络资源连接的技术设备过分充足的状态。 Over-connectedness is the social disease of the new millennium. It is the anxiety that is going to be produced when telecommunications combines with the "Evernet" — the technology that allows people to get online from their watches, their cars, their toasters or their pens — so that everyone will be able to be connected all the time, everywhere. 过度连接是新千年的社会病,是通讯方式与“永联网”结合后会导致的一种焦虑状态。新的技术让人们可以通过手表、汽车、面包机或者笔连接到网络,这样人们就可以随时随地联络到彼此。 (责任编辑:admin) |